[Games] wolf-lover's KUY congrats- Sign-ups Round 1
The time is back in the 80s. You can't have any twins in this round and you can only have one. The gender and the name are your choice.Sighn-up form:LN:DH:
Occupation:D?:Location:(You can add up to 2 pets. Give it's name, gender, and type.)
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LN:AndersonDH:Henry James
Occupation: teacher DW: Mary Alice
Age: 25
Occupation: runs a day careDS:Joshua Matthew Location:Jacksonville Florida
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LN: MacIntyreDH: Stephen Andrew
Age: 24
Occupation: PlumberDW: Michelle Elizabeth
Age: 23
Occupation: SecretaryDD: Jennifer KirstenLocation: Edinburgh, Scotland
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LN: MatthewsDH: Kevin Edward
Age: 24
Occupation: Car mechanicDW: Dora Elizabeth "Tremaine" (Tremaine was her maiden name)
Age: 26
Occupation: Youth consellor and worker at an outdoor activity centreLocation: East London, EnglandDCat: Mangey Jane
Gender: Female
Type: Alley CatDCat: Kat
Gender: Male
Type: Tabby
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LN: McLeanDH: Thomas Scott McLean
Age: 26
Occupation: lawyerDW: Mary Kimberly Black-McLean
Age: 25
Occupation: teacherDS: Daniel David McLeanLocation: Glasgow, Scotland

This message was edited 2/28/2009, 1:14 AM

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LN: FlintDH: Deacon Norbert
Age: 26
Occupation: engineerDW: Sophie Charlotte
Age: 26
Occupation: pediatric nurseDD: Chloe Beatrice FlintThe Flints: Deacon + Sophie | ChloeLocation:
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