[Opinions] June
Lately I have fallen in love with the name June for a girl with the occasional nickname of Junie. Wdyt? Can it make a comeback? IMO, it's one of those names that isn't used anymore, but isn't dated either. Can you think of any middle names for June?
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Can't wait until Malachi Rune or Charlotte Niamh!
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Can't wait until Malachi Rune or Charlotte Niamh!
I kind of like it, but I've never LOVED the sound of it. But it's sweet and old-fashioned to me without being outdated. And I agree that Junie is a cute (occasional) nn.


It's very 1940s/WWII era, and I think it could make a comeback, although maybe not quite yet...
June's a personal fave. I agree about the not-used-but-not-dated thing. The only reason it's not a top choice for my own (possibly female) kid is, it doesn't sound so great with our surname. I'd use a family middle name myself, something frillier than June is, like Virginia or Marguerite.
- chazda
June's a personal fave. I agree about the not-used-but-not-dated thing. The only reason it's not a top choice for my own (possibly female) kid is, it doesn't sound so great with our surname. I'd use a family middle name myself, something frillier than June is, like Virginia or Marguerite.
- chazda
I prefer June as a mn.
June Elise
June Kathryn
June Marie
June Elizabeth
June Roslyn
June Elise
June Kathryn
June Marie
June Elizabeth
June Roslyn
I like June, although I prefer Juno or Juniper. Junie is an adorable nn for all three.
June Charlotte
June Olivia
June Emily
June Alice
June Frances
June Elizabeth
June Catherine
June Eloise
June Hermione
June Aurelia
June Adele
June Charlotte
June Olivia
June Emily
June Alice
June Frances
June Elizabeth
June Catherine
June Eloise
June Hermione
June Aurelia
June Adele
I love the name June! It's old-fashioned yet hippyish, or at least that's how I see it. I'm not crazy about the nn Junie but it's not horrible either.
I think a long middle name would work well.

Go on, be evil and get lazy.
I think a long middle name would work well.

I think a long mn sounds best with June. June Felicity, June Emmeline, June Cecily, June Penelope, June Alexandra.
Personally I prefer June as mn, I like longer fn. What about Junia, nn June or Junie?
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Personally I prefer June as mn, I like longer fn. What about Junia, nn June or Junie?
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
June is okay, though I wouldn't use it unless the baby was actually born in the month of June. I dislike Junie though.


I like June, somehow even better than Jane. Jane is still such an obvious name, while june has never been that popular. It is kind of dated, but I like other old fashioned names like Pearl, Agatha or Ruth. June could also be an alternative nn to Juniper. Junie, on the other hand, is way too cutesy for my taste. Some names just don't need nns.
Read, read, read, read! Let me tell you something - last time I read a book, I was raped. Let THAT be a lesson to you.
Read, read, read, read! Let me tell you something - last time I read a book, I was raped. Let THAT be a lesson to you.
I like longer first names, and June does nothing for me. I don't like the sound, I'm not sure why. It's funny because I love other month names. May, April, August, even December for a girl :-)
I agree June is neither current nor dated, which is great.
'Why do people with closed minds, always open their mouths?'
I agree June is neither current nor dated, which is great.
'Why do people with closed minds, always open their mouths?'
I like Jane and Janie better!
Lately I really like Jane and Janie and I think it is coming back. I don't like June, too old fashioned, but ok for a mn. I think Cassandra, do you call her Cassie? and Jane, Janie would be too cute. I like Jane Elisabeth, Jane Abigail, Jane Melissa, Jane Victoria, Jane Amelia, or any 3 syllable name.
Lately I really like Jane and Janie and I think it is coming back. I don't like June, too old fashioned, but ok for a mn. I think Cassandra, do you call her Cassie? and Jane, Janie would be too cute. I like Jane Elisabeth, Jane Abigail, Jane Melissa, Jane Victoria, Jane Amelia, or any 3 syllable name.
June's my roomie's name..
She's 19. It suits her well, I could never use it becuase I really dislike her, and the name will have a negative connotation for the rest of my life haha, but I do like the name anyway. I always think of the Junie B Jones Books... I loved those books.
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Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana"
She's 19. It suits her well, I could never use it becuase I really dislike her, and the name will have a negative connotation for the rest of my life haha, but I do like the name anyway. I always think of the Junie B Jones Books... I loved those books.
Proud Adopter of 20 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana"
June Elizabeth
June Katherine
June Carolyn
June Rosetta
June Loretta
June Charlotte
June Marissa
June Larissa
June Christina
June Alexis
June Vanessa
June Patrice
June Marguerite
June Emila
June Rosita
June Marie
June Theresa
June Elizabeth
June Katherine
June Carolyn
June Rosetta
June Loretta
June Charlotte
June Marissa
June Larissa
June Christina
June Alexis
June Vanessa
June Patrice
June Marguerite
June Emila
June Rosita
June Marie
June Theresa
Ooh, I really like June Katherine!
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Can't wait until Malachi Rune or Charlotte Niamh!
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Can't wait until Malachi Rune or Charlotte Niamh!