[Games] bananarama's KUY Congrats - Round 4
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3484093&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3485052&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3487104&board=gameThe year is now 1915. Have you had any more children? You can have as many or as few as you want. Genders are your choice.Events:
WW1 begins in 1914.If you need help with names, use this link:http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/1000ud1910.phpHere are some events to help you:
1. Your family moves. Where do they move to?
2. One of the spouses gets in the newspaper. What were they interviewed about?
3. You adopt an orphaned child. What were the events surrounding it?
4. One or more of the members of the family get really ill. Do they survive?
5. Your house burns down. Does everyone survive?
6. One of the spouses dies or gets hurt. How?Please update on the family!
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LN: Blakeston
DH (7.28.1880) Walter James
DW (4.23.1881) Clara Alice
DD (1.30.1900) Lena Josephine
DS (12.23.1902) Joseph William
DS (8.15.1905) Jack Alexander
DS (4.20.1908) Harry George
DD (10.17.1910) Ruby Evelyn
DD (6.1.1913) Anna Rose
Location: LA, CaliforniaThe Blakeston family have moved to the countryside in California
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LN: Riether
DH: Isaiah Bertram 2/6/1878
DW: Shannon Eve (O'Michaels) 5/27/1882
DD: Kitty Aurora 12/31/1900
DD/DS/DD: Jessie Annabelle/ Jeremy Jeruselam/ Jenevieve Constance 4/25/1903
DS: Mckinley Forest 12/18/1909
Location: West Morgan, NYThis year the Riether's moved to West Morgan, NY. They discovered that Jessie had asthma, so they had to move away from all of the smog. For awhile, the children were mad at Jessie for being the cause of the move, but after they started making friends, they got over it and forgave her. Isaiah is having more success with being a doctor, because in West Morgan there is less competion than in NYC.
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Mine.LN: Trapani
DH: Orlando Trapani (b. 14 Sep 1880)
DW: Penelope D'Onofrio (b. 2 Dec 1882)
DD: Maria Florida (b. 23 Dec 1899)
DS: Edward John (b. 7 Apr 1901)
DD: Rose Lucretia (b. 18 Oct 1902)
DD: Diana Philomena (b. 3 May 1904)
DS: Frank William (b. 29 Jul 1906)
DS: Anthony Peter (8 May 1908 - 11 Feb 1909)
DD/DD: Rachel Anna / Esther Julia (b. 5 Nov 1909)
DD: Victoria Irene (b. 13 Jun 1911)
DS: Aaron Stephen (b. 17 Sep 1913)Location: Jacksonville, FLThe Trapanis welcomed two more children. Soon after the youngest one's birth, their house was torched. Everyone made it out of the inferno alive. The Trapanis stayed in a shelter until they could find a new home.
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LN: Perl
DH: Robert Edward (1875)
DW: Laura Maude (1879)
DS: Henry Albert (1900)
DD: Catherine Dorothy "Kate" (1902)
DD/DD: Annie Evelyn and Stella Agnes (1905)
DS: Ralph Clarence (1906)
DS: Daniel Alfred (1909)
DD/DD/DD: Frances Louise, Ruby Thelma and Julia Beatrice (1911)Location: England
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LN: Halloway
DH: Edward James (12/3/1877)(38)
DW: Louise Virginia [Cambridge] "Lou" (4/17/1877)(38)
DS: Adam Edward (6/14/00)(15)
DD: Elizabeth June (8/11/02-10/17/02)
DS: Benjamin James "Ben" (11/1/05)(10)
DS: Michael Jonathan "Mikey" (10/17/06)(9)
DS: Henry Josiah (3/28/08)(7)
DD: Hope Isabella (7/12/09)(6)
DS: Stephen Caleb (6/2/15)(nb)Location: Ash Hill, CO, USA
It is now 1915. The Halloway family has had a rough five years. In 1911, Edward was shot by someone he was trying to apprehend. He was shot in the leg, and spent almost 7 months recovering. When he was cleared by the doctors to return to work, the police department put him at a desk job. Edward worked there for a year and a half before he had had enough. In 1914, Edward decided to move the family to Colorado so that he could work in the field again. Edward was hired as the deputy sheriff in a mid-sized Colorado town. The family now lives there, and Edward enjoys his job quite a bit more.In 1912, Lou found herself expecting another baby. The baby was born nearly two months early and was a stillborn little boy. The family mourned the loss of the child, but were more worried when Lou developed an infection after the birth. During this period, Edward and Adam were very helpful in taking care of the younger four kids. Lou was sick for about a month, but then recovered. The doctors told her that she would bear no more children; however, they were surprised when, in 1914, Lou found herself pregnant! The Halloways welcomed another little boy on June 2, 1915. Stephen is only a few months old, but already he is well loved by every member of the family. Adam is now fifteen. He enjoys wandering around in the Colorado wilderness, and has become quite adept at finding his way around in the woods and mountains there. He still wants to be an explorer, but thinks that maybe he will do something a little more practical. Just what, he hasn't decided. Ben is ten. He hasn't matured a whole lot in the past five years. He's a bit of a troublemaker, and also likes being outside. He especially likes the wide open spaces in Colorado and going fishing.

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LN: AbbottDH: Frederick Lawrence Floyd (1876)
DW: Mary-Louise Elizabeth Margaret(1878)
DS: William Charles Thomas (1900)
DS: Raymond Theodore Michael (1902)
DD: Josephine Katherine Eleanor (1905)
DD: Charlotte Geraldine Harriet (1907)
DS: Nathaniel Edmund Orville (1910)
DD/DD: Marjorie Georgia Olive & Christine Rachel Anita (1912)
DS: Franklin Maurice Chester (1913)
DD: Adelheid Rosemarie Kriemhilde (1915)Location: Philadelphia, PAFrederick and Mary-Louise adopted an orphaned german girl Adelheid.
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LN: Brolin
DH: Josiah Frederick(4-3-1870)
DW: Miriam Joan (23-2-1882)DS: Josiah Frederick Jr (12-10-1899)
DS: Baruch Alton (7-11-1902)
DD: Martha Mary (23-3-1904)
DS: Joachim William (12-6-1905)
DD: Abital Joan (1-9-1906)
DS: Jehoshaphat Aaron (29-2-1908)
DD: Sarah Miriam (2-11-1910)
DS: Enoch Arthur (22-5-1912)
DS: Israel John (3-4-1914)
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LN: Karlsson
DH: August Sven [39] (5 July 1876)
DW: Kristina Johanna [37] (21 March 1878)
DS: Wilhelm August"Will" [16] (14 May 1899)
DS: Johan Kristian "John" [14] (13 June 1901)
DS: Karl Henrik "Henry" [12] (24 March 1903)
DD: Sara Cecilia [11] (7 December 1904)
DS: Nils Martin "Neil" [9] (30 July 1906)
DD: Anna (1 February 1908- 3 February 1908)
DD: Ingrid Katarina [6] (19 October 1909)
DS/DS: Oscar Magnus and Gustav Alfred [3] (12 September 1912)
AS: Erik Olof [2] (7 August 1913)Location: MinnesotaThings are going well for the Swedish emmigrant family. They have now lived in Minnesota for 15 years and the farm is getting bigger every year. They have been able to buy more land and they have never regretted that they left the hard life in Sweden. They have been blessed with 8 healthy children altough August and Kristina still mourn the death of little Anna.
They have also welcomed a little orphened boy to their family. Erik, the son to a single mother, was left on his own when the mother died in pneumonia. Kristina who was her friend, promised to take care of the little boy until family in Sweden had enough money to cross the Atlantic sea to take him home, but as time passed the Karlsson family realised that no one would come for Erik and they have now sent a letter to Erik's relatives in Sweden asking to adopt him offically.

This message was edited 2/27/2009, 1:36 PM

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LN: Stahl
DH: William John (33) (18 December 1882)
DW: Elizabeth Anne (32) (31 March 1883)
DS: William David "Will" (15) (23 July 1900)
DS: Jack Benjamin (13) (4 April 1902)
DS: Charlie Alexander (11) (13 January 1904)
DS: Michael Joseph (9) (5 June 1906)
DD: Grace Elizabeth (5) (11 November 1910)
DD: Katherine Anne (3) (10 September 1912)
DD: Eleanor Marie "Nora" (1) (9 February 1914)Location: Boston, MA
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LN: O'Shaughnessy
DH: Clarence Walter (7/25/1864)
DW: Miriam Eliza Isabelle [Lambert] (1/23/1882)
DS: Preston John David (8/13/1900)
DD/DD: Alice Lillian Grace / Anna Louise Gladys (6/12/1902)
DS: Harold Walter Louis (3/24/1905)
DD: Dorothy Florence Marie (4/7/1907)
DD: Stella Agnes Eleanor (9/18/1910)
DD: Myrtle Julia Helen (5/25/1913)Location: Los Angeles, Ca.
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