[Opinions] Thais?
I saw this name on someone's message earlier. It's a girl's name, and I've never heard of it before. Does anyone know how to pronounce it, and what is your opinion of it?
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Thais is pronounced tha-EES in Greek. I think it is pretty and it is uncommon.
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I'm sure this is totally wrong, but I kinda like it pronounced "Thaysse". Makes it so pretty, light and delicate. Thumbs up for ignorant pronunciations!
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I think it's pretty nice. I know someone who pronounces it tah-EES.
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I pronounce it 'tah-EES' and I think it's lovely. It's also the name of the beautiful opera by Massenet about a courtesan of the same name who is trying to be converted to Christianity by Athanaël.I'm very fond of the combo Thaïs Juliet / Thaïs Juliette. I find it pretty to look at and interesting to say.
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I think it's pronounced TAY-iss. I don't really like it. I think it looks masculine.
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