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[Facts] new names
My name is Itzel it's feminime it means little flower it comes from the word itzechell. it comes from the Maya Indians in the Yucatan Peninsula. it is of Mexican origin. if you can i would like it to be posted because i never find my name and i know like five people with my name.
My sisters name is Myrabi (mer-ra-bi) It's made up by my parents, the MYR part is from the name Myriam, my mom's mom. the ABI part comes from the name Sabina, my dad's mom. they are both Mexican names. the closest name to that is Merari which is biblical. so i dont know if you will be able to put that name on your website.
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Made up names aren't put on the site because any one could make up a name and it really has no meaning, but sometimes after a name becomes popularized it will be because enough people use it.I think ur name's pretty tho and im sure Mike will try to add it.~SD
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Thank you. :) i hope he does add it. :)
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Tienes un nombre muy linda! (Sorry if that is wrong, but I speak just a tiny bit Spanish!)
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Gracias! you got everything right.
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