[Opinions] Ligeia and Rowena
I've been inspired! While looking at Ino's post I saw the name Ligeia. I looked on wikipedia and read about Ligeia (the short story by Edgar Allan Poe), and saw that there is a character named Rowena in it as well. I love both of these names (I pronounce Ligeia LIE-jee-uh, after being convinced by a post on an Edgar Allan Poe forum). What are your thoughts on these names? Do you think they're usable in real life? Do you have any combos? I've found Ligeia to be especially hard to find a mn for. These are what I have so far, none of which I'm completely confident in-Ligeia Sophronia
Ligeia Belphoebe
Ligeia Olivette
Ligeia Vivien
Ligeia Helen
Ligeia Amabel
Ligeia Ambrosine
Ligeia Theodosia
Ligeia Adair
Ligeia Odette
Ligeia Eleonor
Ligeia AxelleRowena Melantha
Rowena Vespera
Rowena Adair
Rowena Isolde
Rowena Vianne
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I think you may run into some pronunciation problems with Ligeia, but a lot of names are like that. I like Ligeia and Rowena. Of your combos, I especially like Ligeia Odette*, Ligeia Eleonor, Ligeia Sophronia, Rowena Adair, Rowena Isolde, and Rowena Vianne*.*My favorite.
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