Family Name:
Your name:
Mary IsabelleAge: 30
Occupation: Stay at home mother to our daughter
Hobbies/interests: Reading, cooking, singing, rollerblading
Chronic diseases/disabilities: None
Your partner's name:
Ian MichaelAge: 31
Occupation: Computer technician
Hobbies/interests: Cooking, running, photography, music
Chronic diseases/disabilities: None
Children already in the house (adopted/biological, names, ages, interests): One biological daughter,
Marina Charlotte, age 7, likes dolls, music, dancing and reading
Animals in the house (what kind, gender, name, age): 1 (female) kitten named
Residence location: Wales
Type of residence: Large house
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
Religion: Agnostic
Emotional issues: Yes, mild-moderate
Mental issues: No
Physical issues: Yes, mild-moderate
Newborn: Yes
Teen mother: No
Contact with parents/relatives: Sure
Multiples: Yes
Age range: newborn-4
Country of origin:
China, Japan,
Israel, Vietnam, Korea
Religion of child(ren): Any
Language(s) spoken: Any
Number of children: 2
Genders: Girls