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[Facts] UNCOMMEN OR RARE NAMES - come here
Does anyone know any REALLY uncommon names with weird speelings that could preferably be used in a story to discribe a sourceress.
Also any RARE names with dark meanings that could be used as names of evil superntural beings.
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My name is a bit uncommon.. And Anneza is right..Hehe! Yeah, my name is Nicola. I'm sure that's uncommon.
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Elkie - meaning;- the valley of light
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I don't know if my name is dark but it is uncommon. I have yet to meet anyone else named Taeh. It is pronounced Tay-uh. Hope this helps.
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Another Taeh!Uncommon, but certainly not dark or evil. . .
My name is Taeh, too. I've heard several names pronounced like mine (Tay-uh), but never spelled like mine. Wow! I was named after my mother's aunt whose parents were Danish. They named her Dorteah; probably a misspelling of Dorthea, but in the Danish they pronounced it Dor-tay-uh. Her nickname was Teah. My mother turned the a and the e around--she said she thought other people would find it easier to spell. Hah!
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Just make them up, dear. Your spelling is weird enough already.
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