[Opinions] Eurydice
WDYT? Would it be usable? Combos? Thanks in advance!EDIT: pronnounced yoo-REE-dee-cee

This message was edited 11/14/2008, 5:58 PM

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Eurydiké is many betterPronounced "yoo-REE-dee-kai"
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I always thought the emphasis was on the third syllable, but I suppose everyone pronounces things differently.For some reason Eurydice is not appealing to me at all. It looks completely awkward. For people who don't know how to prounce it (which will be a lot), it looks as if it would sound like ur-EE-dice. That's what I thought until I was told differently. I would think it would be difficult for an English girl to carry off.As for combos... Eurydice Simone jumped at me first.Hmmm.
Eurydice Cassandra
Eurydice Philippa / Filippa
Eurydice Louisa / Louiza
Eurydice Marina
Eurydice Sofia / Sophia
Eurydice KaterinaHard.
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Eurydice is very pretty, I just love how it sounds. I can't think of any combos, but I think it'd be best to pair it with something classic and more simple, to balance it out. That's just my opinion though.
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I don't think Eurydice is usable, the myth isn't exactly the happiest story and it doesn't sound that nice to me.
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