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[Games] CAF- Rules inside!
This will be a large family- Using all of the letters of the alphabet! Please use the letters in the order that they're given. If you can't think of a name starting with a specific letter, it's okay to make one up :-PDH: A B

here in town you can tell he's been down for a while
but my god it's so beautiful when the boy smiles
wanna hold him, maybe i'll just sing about it
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH: Aidyn Blake
DW: Cheyan Danae
DS: Elijah Fenton
DS: Gage Henry
DS/DD/DD: Isaac Jack / Keara Lynne / Mackenzie Nicole
DD: Olivia Paige
DD/DS: Quinn Rose / Sawyer Thomas
DS: Urban Vincent
DS: Wyatt Xander
DD: Yasmine Zoe"Don't make someone a priority, who only makes you an option."
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DH: Alexander Boyd
DW: Cirdwen Dawn
DS: Erikk Frode
DS: Gareth Hunter
DS/DD/DD: Ian James/ Kiera Lea/ Madalynne Neasa
DD: Opal Pearl
DD/DS: Qwinn Rose/ Samuel Thomas
DS: Ulrick Vernon
DS: Wyatt Xander
DD: Yessika Zoe
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DH: Alan Braith
DW: Carista December
DS: Ewan Finlay
DS: Gerard Henry
DS/DD/DD: Israel Jedidiah/ Kestrel Lane/ Miranda Naiada
DD: Ophelia Patrice
DD/DS: Quinna Rowan/ Sidney Tristan
DS: Ulysses Victor *blech*
DS: Wyatt Xavier
DD: Yelena Zara~*|Bethany|*~
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
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DH: Adam Brady
DW: Christina Delaney
DS: Ethan Francis
DS: Gianni Humberto
DS/DD/DD: Ian Joseph/ Katelyn Laurel/ Micaela Noelle
DD: Olivia Paige
DD/DS: Quinn Riley/ Seth Thomas
DS: Uriah Vincent
DS: William Xander
DD: Yasmine Zara
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DH: Aidan Brycs
DW: Cassandra Delaney "Cassie"DS: Ethan Forney
DS: Gabriel Heath
DS/DD/DD: Ian Jordan / Kari Lacey / Mercedes Naomi "Jordi, Kari, Cedi"
DD: Ophelia Parker
DD/DS: Quincey Rhiannon / Seth Tyson
DS: Ulysses Vivian "Vivi"
DS: Wesley Xavier "Wes"
DD: Yulia Zahara
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
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DH: Alexander Benjamin
DW: Catherine Delilah
DS: Elijah Francis
DS: Gregory Henry
DS/DD/DD: Issac James/ Kaitlyn Larissa/ Molly Nicole
DD: Olivia Pollyanna
DD/DS: Queenie Roberta/ Stuart Thomas
DS: Ulrich Victor
DS: William Xavier
DD: Yanna Zoe
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DH: Alexander Benedict
DW: Catherine Diana
DS: Edward Francis
DS: George Hugo
DS/DD/DD: Ivo James / Kerenza Louise / Marina Nicole
DD: Olivia Phebe
DD/DS: Quianna Rosalind / Sebastian Thomas
DS: Ulric Victor
DS: William Xavier
DD: Yvette Zipporah
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold

This message was edited 10/19/2005, 7:59 PM

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DH: Alphonse Bernard
DW: Claudia DelphineDS: Elias Frederick
DS: Geordie Heinrich
DS/DD/DD: Ivan Joseph / Katja Laurel / Minerva Natalia
DD: Ophelia Penelope
DD/DS: Quinn Regina / Selwyn Tristan
DS: Ulrich Victor
DS: Wyatt Xavier
DD: Yessenia Zoe--
...i remember a song
like in a dream
where september was long
and winter unreal...
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DH: Aron Bennet
DW: Catherine DianeDS: Eamonn Forrest
DS: Graham Hamon
DS/DD/DD: Iain Jeremiah / Katherine Linnet / Mercy Noirin
DD: Octavia Petronel
DD/DS: Quirina Rosalie / Simon Teofil
DS: Urban Vasil
DS: William Xoan
DD: Yelena ZoraI always feel so sorry for the last few.
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DH: Adrian Bradley
DW: Charlotte Diana
DS: Edward Frederick
DS: Gabriel Henry
DS/DD/DD: Issac Julian / Katherine Louise / Michelle Nicolette
DD: Olivia Penelope
DD/DS: Quintella Rosemary / Sebastian Thomas
DS: Ulysses Victor
DS: Walter Xavier
DD: Yvette Zahra♥Michelle♥"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
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DH: Andrew Beau
DW: Chloe DanielleDS: Elijah Flynn
DS: Gabriel Hamish
DS/DD/DD: Isaac James/ Katrina Lily/ Melanie Natalia
DD: Olivia Paige
DD/DS: Quinn Rhiannon/ Scott Thomas
DS: Ulric Vincent
DS: William Xavier
DD: Yvonne Zoe
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DH: Aaron Brandon
DW: Coco Devon
DS: Elija Finley
DS: Gareth Harrison
DS/DD/DD: Ivy Jayne/Kaitlyne Lourdes/Madeline Niamh
DD: Olivia Piper
DD/DS: Qeina RileySamuel Thomas
DS: Ustin Vive
DS: William Xander
DD: Yena Zara
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DH: Addison Bennett
DW: Claire Delaney
DS: Elias Finlay
DS: Gabriel Heath
DS/DD/DD: Isaiah Jamison/ Kathe Laurel/ Maren Neve
DD: Oscar Pierce
DD/DS: Quinn Rhiannon/ Sebastian Tobias
DS: Uriah Vincenzo
DS: Wesley Xavier
DD: Yelena ZoeWowie that was hard. I don't even like a lot of those names. Oh well, it tought me that I don't want to give my 13 kids ABC names :)
Image hosted by Photobucket.comHeh.
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DH: Aidan Benjamin
DW: Ciara Dionne
DS: Elijah Felix
DS: Geoff Hogan
DS/DD/DD: Ian Jason / Kylie Leona / Mischa Noami
DD: Ophelia Piper
DD/DS: Quinn Rachel / Steven Tyler (I couldn't resist haha)
DS: Ubu Vaugn
DS: William Xavier
DD: Yvonne Zoe
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DH: Asher Byron
DW: Cynthia DanaeDS: Emmet Felipe
DS: Griffin Henry
DS/DD/DD: Immanuel Jachin / Katalin Laila / Maarika Naomi
DD: Odessa Pearl
DD/DS: Quail Rosalind / Silas Theirn
DS: Ualan Vincent
DS: Wyatt Xander
DD: Yasmina Zahara
My Babies !!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, and Guinevere
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DH: Aidan Benjamin
DW: Callie Dawn
DS: Ephram Finley
DS: Grant Holden
DS/DD/DD: Ian Jeffrey / Katherine Liliana "Katie" / Malia Noelle
DD: Olivia Paige
DD/DS: Quinn Renee / Seamus Tyler
DS: Ullrich Vincent "Vince"
DS: Welsey Xander "Wes"
DD: Yasmine ZenonThe Family: Aidan, & Callie and their children Ephram, Grant, Ian, Katie, Malia, Olivia, Quinn, Seamus, Vince, Wes, and Yasmine
Proud Aunt to be to:
Anthony Charles
EDD: Around Christmas 2005
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DH: Adam Benedict
DW: Corrina DianaDS: Ethan Fraser
DS: Glen Harry
DS/DD/DD: Isaiah Jonathan / Katharine Liana / Madeleine Nicola
DD: Oriana Philippa
DD/DS: Querida Rose / Simon Timothy
DS: Uri Vincent
DS: Wilson Xavier
DD: Yasmine ZosiaS xx--
The summer ends and we wonder who we are, and there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car...
- Dar Williams
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First time trying one of these. Hope they're not too terrible.
DH: Albert Brennan
DW: Cecilia Davis
DS: Ethan Finnegan
DS: Garth Hedley
DS: Isaac James DD: Kaede Lana DD: May Nola
DD: Odessa Payton
DD: Quina Rhiannon DS: Sirius Tennyson
DS: Ultan Valerian
DS: Wilmer Xander
DD: Yana Zacharias
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DH: Aidan Brandon
DW: Carolina Danielle
DS: Ethan Francesco
DS: George Henry
DS/DD/DD: Isaac Josiah / Kasey Laine / Madyson Natalia
DD: Olivia Peyton
DD/DS: Quenna Raine / Sammy Theodore
DS: Ulysses Valentino
DS: Wesley Xavier
DD: Yasmyn ZoeyAidan and Carolina with Ethan, Georgie, Zach, Kasey, Mady, Oli, Quenna, Sammy, Uly, Wes, Yas
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LN: FosterDH: Axel Blaze
DW: Charli DakotaDS: Emerson Finn
DS: Grayson Hunter
DS/DD/DD: Ian Jared/ Keagan Lexi/ Mackenzie Noele
DD: Ogden Paige
DD/DS: Quinnlan Raleigh/ Sabastian Tye
DS: Ulrik Vaughn
DS: Wesley Xavier
DD: Yansey ZaharaAxel and Charli
Emerson, Grayson, Ian, Keagan, Mackenzie, Ogden, Quinnlan, Sabastian, Ulrik, Wesley, and YanseyOpposite way
LN: FosterDH: Zachary Yasser
DW: Xenia WillowDS: Vin Ulrik
DS: Tristan Sawyer
DS/DD/DD: Reid Quintin/ Payton Ogden/ Neely Merrick
DD: Larkin Kale
DD/DS: Jensen Idigo/ Holden Grant
DS: Fenton Emery
DS: Dawson Cain
DD: Brooklyn AnastaciaZachary and Xenia
Vin, Tristan, Reid, Payton, Neely, Larkin, Jensen, Holden, Fenton, Dawson, and Brooklyn
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LN: Abesidy
DH: Alpheus Bertram
DW: Coralie Desdemona
DS: Everard Felix
DS: Gilbert Horatio
DS/DD/DD: Ignatius James, Katharine Leilani, Marie Naomi
DD: Ophelia Persephone
DD/DS: Quintessa Reneem, Stefan Tertius
DS: Ulrich Vincenzo
DS: Warrick Xerxes
DD: Yasamin ZilphaAl, Corrie, Ev, Gilly, Iggy, Kitty, Marie, Pip, Quinn, Stefan, Rick, Work, and Yassie AbesidyArray
Get into the car
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
See the city's ripped insides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight
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LN: Aybeesi ;bDH: Ashton Bojan
DW: Cameron Dianna
DS: Ellis Finnegan
DS: Grayson Harrison
DS/DD/DD: Iain Jackson/ Katalina Logan/ Maddison Natalia
DD: Oleander Pandora
DD/DS: Quirina Rowan/ Sheridan Tate
DS: Urbain Vortigern
DS: Weston Xenophon
DD: Yelena Zenobia_________________________________________________
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Everything you can imagine is real
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)who's right? You decide..
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Love the LN!

here in town you can tell he's been down for a while
but my god it's so beautiful when the boy smiles
wanna hold him, maybe i'll just sing about it
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This was fun!This reminds me of the movie 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' so I'm going to try to do all Bibical Names like they had in the movie. On some I've had to strech to words in the Bible or forms of names!DH: Adam Benjamin (OT)
DW: Chloe Danielle (NT, form of Daniel)
DS: Elijah Felix (OT, NT)
DS: Gideon Hosea (OT)
DS/DD/DD: Isaiah Joseph (OT) / Keziah Leah (OT) / Michal Naomi (OT)
DD: Orpah Priscilla (OT, NT)
DD/DS: Queen Rebekah (word, OT) / Simon Terah (NT, OT)
DS: Uriah Victory (OT, word)
DS: West Xerxes (word, OT)
DD: Yoanna Zipporah (form, OT)Adam, Chloe, Elijah, Giddy, Saia, Keziah, Michal, Cilla, Rebekah, Riah, Zerk & Anna
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DH: Adam Brody
DW: Caroline Delilah
DS: Eric Farley
DS: Geoff Harrison
DS/DD/DD: Ian Jacob/Kailee Leighann/Monica Noretta
DD: Olivia Peyton
DD/DS: Quienna Rachelle/Stephen Thomas
DS: Ulysses Victor
DS: William Xavier
DD: Yvetta ZurielAdam and Caroline
Eric, Geoff, Ian, Kailee, Mona, Livvy, Quienna, Stevie, Ulysses, Wil, and Eva.

This message was edited 10/19/2005, 12:06 PM

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Mine!DH: Andrew Brian
DW: Catherine Diana
DS: Elijah Francis
DS: Gregory Harrison
DS/DD/DD: Ian James, Kara Louise, and Marissa Natalie
DD: Ophelia Peyton
DD/DS: Quinn Rachel and Sean Tyler
DS: Ulysses Victor
DS: William Xavier
DD: Yvette ZoeyAndrew and Catherine
Elijah, Gregory, Ian, Kara, Marissa, Ophelia, Quinn, Sean, Ulysses, William, and Yvette

here in town you can tell he's been down for a while
but my god it's so beautiful when the boy smiles
wanna hold him, maybe i'll just sing about it

This message was edited 10/19/2005, 12:03 PM

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