[Opinions] Birth Announcement Combos
i like Talan Skyler but prefer Talon Schuyler and for a boy
Searrah May Marie - horrible spelling of fn, nice mn's
Angela Christine - outdated but nice
Mennyah Brooke - how the heck do you say that?
Macy Lois - very contrasting names :-
Talan Skyler - This is a girl? (it would be bad for a boy imo, but it's worse for a girl)
Eris Persephone - very cool
Paige Lillian - I would've liked Lillian Paige better but it's not bad
Tyson Brock - ok, but Brock Tyson would've been better
Aiden Imrie - I HATE Aiden spelled this way for some reason; and is that mn a kre8tiv spelling of Emery?? Ouch!
Asher Quinn - LOVE it
Joseph Miles - nice

Searrah May Marie - horrible spelling of fn, nice mn's
Angela Christine - outdated but nice
Mennyah Brooke - how the heck do you say that?
Macy Lois - very contrasting names :-
Talan Skyler - This is a girl? (it would be bad for a boy imo, but it's worse for a girl)
Eris Persephone - very cool
Paige Lillian - I would've liked Lillian Paige better but it's not bad
Tyson Brock - ok, but Brock Tyson would've been better
Aiden Imrie - I HATE Aiden spelled this way for some reason; and is that mn a kre8tiv spelling of Emery?? Ouch!
Asher Quinn - LOVE it
Joseph Miles - nice

Kayshia Anne- Anne is gt as a mn, Kayshia is trashy
Madison Rose- Same as above, Rose is gt, Madison trashy
Searrah May Marie- Searrah is a bit weird but okish, Like May Marie
Angela Christine- Ok for someone in their 40's. Very middleaged
Mennyah Brooke- Again a bit trashy, Brooke's tolerable
Macy Lois: Macy is trashy, Lois ok though nms
Talan Skyler: Who???
Eris Persephone: Not even going to go there!
Paige Lillian: Lillian is lovely, but not with trashy Paige
Tyson Brock: Trash
Aiden Imrie: Don't like Aiden, Imrie is weird
Asher Quinn: NMS
Joseph Miles: Superb!
Madison Rose- Same as above, Rose is gt, Madison trashy
Searrah May Marie- Searrah is a bit weird but okish, Like May Marie
Angela Christine- Ok for someone in their 40's. Very middleaged
Mennyah Brooke- Again a bit trashy, Brooke's tolerable
Macy Lois: Macy is trashy, Lois ok though nms
Talan Skyler: Who???
Eris Persephone: Not even going to go there!
Paige Lillian: Lillian is lovely, but not with trashy Paige
Tyson Brock: Trash
Aiden Imrie: Don't like Aiden, Imrie is weird
Asher Quinn: NMS
Joseph Miles: Superb!
Kayshia Anne Too bad it's not Cassia or Kezia... Kayshia is horrible.
Madison Rose: Madison is trashy. Rose is nice.
Searrah May Marie: Too bad it's not Sarah. Searrah is hideous.
Angela Christine: nice classic
Mennyah Brooke: trashy, weird
Macy Lois: Macy is trashy, Lois is ok but nms.
Talan Skyler: boyish, ugly, trashy. Terrible.
Eris Persephone: really out there
Paige Lillian: Paige is trashy, boyish and ugly, Lillian is a bit old ladyish. Weird combo.
Tyson Brock: trashy
Aiden Imrie: trashy
Asher Quinn: nice! Quinn is nms though
Joseph Miles: great
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July
Madison Rose: Madison is trashy. Rose is nice.
Searrah May Marie: Too bad it's not Sarah. Searrah is hideous.
Angela Christine: nice classic
Mennyah Brooke: trashy, weird
Macy Lois: Macy is trashy, Lois is ok but nms.
Talan Skyler: boyish, ugly, trashy. Terrible.
Eris Persephone: really out there
Paige Lillian: Paige is trashy, boyish and ugly, Lillian is a bit old ladyish. Weird combo.
Tyson Brock: trashy
Aiden Imrie: trashy
Asher Quinn: nice! Quinn is nms though
Joseph Miles: great
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July