[Opinions] Opinions on Vyacheslav
Yes, I know that it's quite the mouthful indeed. It's not something necessarily usable in the states, and in all honesty I wouldn't use it anyway. But I still find it very handsome. It's so strong and bold and the Vs are so fabulous and pointy. I like pointy letters. I've noticed that it definitely flows better in the mn position, so WDYT of these Vyacheslav MN combos?Alexis Vyacheslav
Amos Vyacheslav
Dimitri Vyacheslav (jeez... doesn't get much more Russian than that, does it?)
Erik Vyacheslav
Ignatz Vyacheslav
Ilya Vyacheslav
Itzhak Vyacheslav
Ludvik Vyacheslav
Matthieu Vyacheslav
Morgan Vyacheslav (kind of handsome, actually)
Paolo Vyacheslav
Sergei Vyacheslav
Tadeusz Vyacheslav (*in love*)
Zimri VyacheslavFor the most part I stuck with equally Eastern Euroeapn names. I had Cedric Vyacheslav up there, but although it sounded nice, it looked too weird. Vyacheslav just seems to look better with matching Russian names. My favorite is probably Tadeusz Vyacheslav. I've been digging Tadeusz recently.Edited for rewording.

This message was edited 11/10/2008, 4:29 PM

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I thought I'll go sleeping now. But I decided to look one more time at the board messages. And understood I want to answer this post. Lol.How do you pronounce Vyacheslav? The Russian pronunciation would be something between vi-chi-SLAHF and vye-che-SLAHF. Being honest, all of those Russian-Slavic names look more logic written the original way.Vyacheslav makes me think, first of all, of V. Tikhonov, who is one of the most handsome Soviet actors. http://www.voteactors.ru/photos/737.jpg
He is wonderful, and so is the name. The nickname is Slava (Slavik), as by Mstislav, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav and Stanislav, if he doesn't go by Stas.Because Russians have only one "chosen" name (+patronymic + last name), it is kinda weird to see two Russian names together.
I really like Amos Vyacheslav, (Dimitri Vyacheslav would be better as Dmitar Vyacheslav), Ignaz Vyacheslav, Morgan Vyacheslav (amazing. My favourite, actually) and Zimri Vyacheslav. Tadeusz Vyacheslav is fun, because it makes me think of an American professor Theodore who loves Poland and calles himself Tadeusz. :DPriam Vyacheslav
Lawrence Vyacheslav
Radu / Radek Vyacheslav

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I rather like it when people post about names I wouldn't normally think about. I mean, if I were hunting through the database and saw Vyacheslav, I would just move on, without even bothering to figure out how to pronounce it in my head.Anyway, it's nice in a I-really-don't-know-what-I'm-talking-about kind of a way. It looks pretty cool. :-DI like:
Dimitri Vyacheslav (Oh please spell it Dmitri! Dm is so intriguing!)
Ignatz Vyacheslav
Ilya Vyacheslav
Itzhak Vyacheslav
Ludvik Vyacheslav
Sergei Vyacheslav:-D
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I like:
Alexis Vyacheslav
Dimitri Vyacheslav --love this
Ignatz Vyacheslav --love this
Ilya Vyacheslav
Itzhak Vyacheslav
Ludvik Vyacheslav
Sergei Vyacheslav --love this
Tadeusz Vyacheslav
Zimri Vyacheslav
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Interesting name; don't know if I like it though. I think Ignatz Vyacheslav, Sergei Vyacheslav, and as you mentioned Tadeusz Vyacheslav are the best combos.
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