[Opinions] Aaria, Boris and Champagne
I started class today and found a few interesting names.One of my professors, born about the 50's or 60's is named Aaria, (pronounced the same as Aria).I met a guy named Boris.And I met a girl named Ashleigh... with the middle name of Champagne (she said her parents couldn't think of a middle name so this is what she was stuck with).I don't really like any of the names except Aaria but only spelled Aria.WDYT?

This message was edited 9/2/2008, 3:53 PM

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I like Aaria and Boris has a warm, handsome sound. Champagne is ridiculous, though it has a nice sound too (lol)...but that doesn't mean it's a good name!
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Aaria is pretty though I prefer the spelling Aria. Ashleigh is totally nms and Champagne is tacky.Boris is ugly with the English pronunciation but grat when said bah-REES, which is the Russian way.
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I don't like any except Aria either.
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I like Boris. It's pretty heavy and seems so Russian, I can just imagine it with a shot of vodka and a bowl of borsch.
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Ditto!Me too. Boris is cool. Especially if pronounced the Russian way. In English he's a bit flat. But still cool. :)
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Sorry Double Postam

This message was edited 9/3/2008, 10:08 AM

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I agree with you. Aria is nice, but I hate Boris (I only think of Boris Johnson, of whom I'm not a fan) and Champagne (trashy-sounding).
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