[Facts] I'm going to ask a stupid question.............
This is like the first time I've ever posted on this particular board, I'm usually on the Baby Names one. Anywho I was just wondering about these names: Inekar (masc) and Inekia/Inekja (fem). I came up with the names myself but I was wondering if it actually means something in any language. I was thinking of giving the
character(s) with such a name, a personality somehow connected to the meaning, if any. Thanks.Its a fantasy thing I'm into BTW.
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I dont know if you'd be interested but there are some interesting meanings to those names if you use the elvish language created by Tolkien. If you assume that the first part of the name "Ine" is taken from the word "fine" which means "night" or "deep shadow" then you can come up with: "To cut the night", "follower of the night", "One who sees the night" these translations come from the second part of the name "kia" or "kar...though kia works best....(kar isnt known to mean much except house...so i suppose it could mean "House of Night" which isnt a bad meaning for a name.) some of the words used to create these translations are: Kir -to cleave or cut, kil -follower, (kil-) to see
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And Inekar seems to be a place in Mali.
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Inekia is the Hawaiian form of India.
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