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[Facts] How to stop confusing these two names?
I keep confusing the names Alonso, Alfonso, and Alvaro, and it's driving me nuts. How do I stop?
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I don't know, but it reminded me of something. There was a Spanish prince named Alfonso who had three sons named Alvaro, Alonso, and Ataulfo. I always wondered how they kept their names straight.
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Álvaro, Alonso and Ataúlfo sound very different to Spanish ears:Álvaro is ['albaro], with the first syllable stressed (AHL-bah-roh)Alonso is [a'lonso], with the stress over the second syllable (ah-LOHN-soh)and Ataúlfo is [ata'ulfo] (ah-tah-OOL-foh).
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