[Surname] Not sure!~
My last name is Panko. My father never knew his father just heard stories about him. My father comes from up north. But, his heritage is Czech and Hungarian. Or that's what he was told. Any ideas?? Also, he was told that Panko might of been a shorten verse of his father's really last name.
You'll find the origin of Panko at http://www.ancestry.com/facts/Panko-name-meaning.ashx. However, Pankow was changed to Panko in North America as you can see at http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?rank=0&xcb=x&tips=0&father=pankow&given=&surname=panko&mother=&stype=Exact&spouse=&byear=&brange=&bplace=&myear=&mrange=&mplace=&dyear=&drange=&dplace=&language=en&op=search&db=&ti=0&ti.si=0&gl=&gss=mp-awt&gst=&so=3 in which case it would come from the name of a place you can situate at http://www.maplandia.com/search/