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[Facts] Anyone verify hwo true this information is about a name ( Plus if you know more)
Arabic meaning PrincessAnyone Know anymore..?Image hosted by It was a Sad day for the Eggs
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Amîrah is indeed an Arabic name meaning "princess, leader" according to Digest of Muslim Names by Fatimah Suzanne al Ja'fari, and the appendix dealing with Arabic names in Hanks & Hodges's A Dictionary of First Names lists Amîra with the same meaning. I don't think this would be pronounced as "Am-rah", however. It's more likely "ah-meer-ah".
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An "emir" is an Arabic ruler, so this is possible... See Almira.
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July
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