[Opinions] Athena, Robert, and Alessa (a family)
I know someone named Athena whose children are named Robert and Alessa. I believe she is Greek. I love her name, am fine with Robert's name, and think Alessa is very pretty even though I wouldn't choose it. I don't know her husband's name.
Athena (in English) and Alessa (not in English) are beautiful.
I like both Athena and Alessa. We used to have a chain of poster shops over here called Athena and I used to think it would make a great first name. Robert I find rather boring.
Then she can make friends with Venus,and Appollo!
I love Alessa! Robert is boring as heck. Athena is nice but I'm not sure it's entirely usable.
Athena is lovely
Her children are nicely named too.
Her children are nicely named too.