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[Surname] hazelbrough surname
looking for hazelbrough.peter asselbrough born heworth county durham 1760 moved to workinton cumbria where he married susannah barton in 1804.his surname and that of his descendants was spelt hazelbrough.
i found a hazelbrough in Kent and would like to know if there are anymore in the country.
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Judging from a websearch Asselbrough seems to be the earlier, and Durham spelling. Hazelbrough appears as the name is dispersed. It has got to be a place name but I can't identify one, though there is a Hazelborough Wood in Northamptonshire. Assel- may be from the Old Scandinavian male name, Askell; that's the origin of Assel- in the East Yorkshire place name Asselby.
This is a very rare surname, which always adds to the difficulty in obtaining information.
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