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[Opinions] Re: Claire
Aw. I'm sorry you have such a bad association with the name. My best friend from preschool through first grade (with whom I am still in touch!) is named Clare, and one of my favorite cousins is named Claire, although she calls herself Cookie. Association isn't really an issue for me. Still... I'm sorry about that. and I totally understand.
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Oh yeah, I know you certainly can't be expected to carry my bad associations, or anything like that. And objectively, I can agree that Claire is a pretty name, although I don't think it would be one of my favorites even if I hadn't known that Claire. I just posted that because...I don't know, I guess I thought it was semi-interesting. But I hope I didn't come off like, "I knew a weird Claire, so you shouldn't use this name!"
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haha, no, but I hear you and definitely understand. I'd share my horror stories if someone asked about the names Brekka, Kori, Victoria, Matthew, or Luke.
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