[Games] Keepskuh's Congrats Round 5
Welcome to Round 5!
Please read the rules carefully.
--Name your baby/child with name from the namebanks below. (Some adopted children may have different naming rules)
--Nicknames are welcome!
--You may include a picture.. read the new rule carefully
--You may write a story about your family.
--It helps if you bold your new family member(s).
--Don't forget to pick a number (1-40) for next round's event.
Congratulations to Nikki (handsomest newborn baby and prettiest pre-teen),
GloriaRose (cutest toddler and sweetest child (part 2)),
Keepskuh (prettiest Pre-schooler and sweetest child (part 3)),
LadyBug (Sweetest child (part 1)),
Tessy (Sweetest child (part 2)) and
Summer (cutest pet)! They all got one wish..
DD/DW: Amanda, Amy, Ashley, Barbara, Betty, Brittany, Doris, Dorothy, Elizabeth, Heather, Helen, Jennifer, Jessica, Joan, Margaret, Mary, Michelle, Melissa, Nancy, Nicole, Patricia, Ruth, Samantha, Sarah, Shirley, Stephanie
DS/DH: Andrew, Charles, Christopher, David, Donald, Edward, George, James, Jason, John, Joseph, Joshua, Justin, Matthew, Michael, Richard, Robert, Thomas, William
LN: your choice
1. If your oldest child gets married this round:
--Include a picture of the newly wed couple
--Include a picture of their new house
--Include a picture of your youngest child
2. If you choose another number:
--Include a picture of your new baby
--Include a picture of your oldest child
--Include a picture of all (or just a few) the siblings together
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
ADD: Susannah Jane "Susie" Hearst (19)
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" Hearst and Ava Sophia Hearst (8)
ADS/ADD: Charles William "Charlie" Hearst and Lillian Anna "Lilli" Hearst (4)
DS/DS: James Andrew Hearst and Michael Robert Hearst (2)
DD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Kamryn gave birth to a baby girl!
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles (6)
ADS: Alexander Jaxon "Alex" Labelle (5)
DD: Dorothy Lauren "Dot" Labelle (2)
ADD: (nb)
DDog: Margot
DDog: Dora
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Eloise finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
LN: Cohen
DH: George Walter
DW: Bernadette Lucille
ADD: Marie Olivia Cohen (10)
ADS: Mikheil David "Michael" Cohen (7)
DS/DD: George Andrew Cohen and Hannah Lillian Cohen (6)
ADS: Nikoloz Grigol "Nick" Cohen (5)
DS/DD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Bernadette gave birth to boy/girl twins!
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail Fordham (17)
ADD: Isabella Florence Fordham (14)
ADD: Arabella Elene Fordham (8)
ADD: (4)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Joseph / George Richard/ Charles William (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a four-year old girl from Hungary. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/hun_f.php)
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' Ward (10)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah, Jacob William, Lillian Emily 'Lilli', Samantha Taylor, Nicholas James 'Nick' and Joseph Michael 'Joe' (6)
DD: Rebecca Mary (4)
DS/DD/DD: Joshua Andrew 'Josh', Lauren Stephanie and Sarah Margaret (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
John brings home a hurt animal. Do you keep it? What kind of animal is it? What’s it named?
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James Cabot (20)
ADS: Xavier Jordan Cabot (18)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah Cabot (15)
DS: William Samuel Cabot (13)
DS/DS: Justin Matthew Cabot and Andrew Charles Cabot (11)
Number: (1-40)
Feliu is getting married!
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
ADS: Casper Gerhard Jennings (5)
DS/DD: Lachlan Andrew Jennings and Kirsten Anne-Marie Jennings (2)
DCat: Viola
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Edward brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen Foster (21)
ADD: Lily Adesina Foster (12)
ADD: Abigail Rose Foster (9)
ADS/ADD: James Daniel "Jamie" Foster and Marie Florence Foster (6)
DD: Katherine True "Kit" (4)
ADD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Odessa finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
You have 5 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh Dawson (29)
ADD: Katarina Ivy Dawson (28)
ADD: Emilia Cecily Dawson (24)
DD: Susannah Jane Dawson (22)
Number: (1-40)
Julian is getting married!
LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" Allen (10)
ADD: Juliette Manon Allen (9)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" Allen & Joshua Michael "Josh" Allen (8)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Drew brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Klara Magdalene (13)
ADD: Ava Emily Gardner (12)
DS: Andrew William (8)
ADS: (5)
DS: James Matthew (2)
DCat: Lulu
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Leah’s younger sister died in a car crash. Do you adopt her five-year old son?
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" Harper (21)
ADD: Margaret Funanya "Maggie" Harper (20)
DS: Henry James Harper (19)
DD/DD: Ivy Nevada and Laura Brooklyn (15)
DDog: Merel
Number: (1-40)
Liz is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander Hurley (11)
ADD: Kohar Taline Hurley (10)
ADD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Kohar finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADD: Sarah Ruth Elizabeth "Sarah Ruth" Titten (11)
ADD: Anna Margaret Lauren "Anna Maggie" Titten (8)
ADS: Daniel William (6)
DS/DS: Tristan Eliseo and Gareth Mateo (4)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Sarah brings home a puppy. Do you keep it? What’s the puppy’s name?
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
DD: Magdalene Clarissa "Maggie" (6)
DDog: Louie
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Maggie brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
ADD: Aiko Naomi Hikari (11)
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (8)
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder" McKay (6)
DS: Ingmar Sigmund Lucius "Block" McKay (2)
DD/DD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Clementine gave birth to twin girls!
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
ADD: Anna Alice Merseau (13)
ADD: Rebecca Jane Merseay (10)
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth Merseau/ Sophia Olivia Merseau/ James Daniel Merseau/ John William Merseau/ Isabella Ruth Merseau/ Andrew Henry Merseau (8)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler Merseau and Nicholas Joseph Merseau (6)
DD: Amanda Ashley Merseau (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a one-year old boy from Germany. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ger_m.php)
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua Smith and Sophia Maddison Smith (26)
ADD: Alice Mildred Smith (12)
DD: Jessica Brittany "Jessie" Smith (20)
Number: (1-40)
Ethan is getting married!
LN: McLeod
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
ADD: Katariina Tallinn "Kitty" McLeod (11)
DS: James Christopher McLeod (6)
DD/DD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Claire gave birth to twin girls!
Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley Callaway (6)
DS/DS: James William Callaway and Samuel Charles Callaway (4)
DDog: Monet
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
William brings home a hurt animal. Do you keep it? What kind of animal is it? What’s it named
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Samantha Lauren (17)
ADD: Rayna Juliet Moore (11)
DS/DS: Jacob William / Nicholas Joseph (8)
DS: Thomas Edward (4)
ADS/ADD: Christopher Michael / Ashley Samantha (2)
ADD: (1)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a one-year old girl from India. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ind_f.php)
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
ADD: Anna Frances Martin (11)
ADD: Mary Margaret Martin (8)
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth Martin and Sarah Lillian Martin (6)
DS: Robert Joseph (4)
ADS: (4)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a four-year old boy from Iceland. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ice_m.php)
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William Mitchell (6)
DD: Nora Caroline Mithell (4)
ADS: (3)
DS/DD: Benjamin Charles Mitchell and Lena Frances Mitchell (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a three-year old boy from Galicia (Spain). The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gal_m.php)
LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADD: Martha Rebecca Sato (13)
ADS: Simon Alexander Sato (11)
ADD: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" Sato (10)
ADS: Tadeas Martin Sato (9)
DS: Ethan Jacob Sato (8)
DDog: Copper
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Annie brings home a kitten. Do you keep it? What’s the kittens name?
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani Pierce (13) from Somalia
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" Pierce (8)
ADD: Frances Yung Pierce (6)
DS: George Henry Pierce (4)
DD: (nb)
Number Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Marisol gave birth to a baby girl!
You have 2 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD: Anna Elizabeth (23)
DD: Emma Marie (10)
ADS/ADD: Tyler William Boswell and Alexis Maddison Boswell (8)
DS/DS: Edward James Boswell and Joseph William Boswell (6)
DDog: Princess
Number: (1-40)
Anna gets married!
X Mar
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
ADS: Faris Munir (10) from Tunesia
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" Mori (8)
ADD: Virginia Helen Mori (5)
DD: Susannah Jane "Suzie" (4)
DS: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Mio gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella Thorne (17)
ADD: Sophia Ruth Thorne (14)
ADD: Lillian Florence Thorne (8)
DS/DS/DS: Samuel Edward "Sam" Thorne, Thomas Joseph "Tom" Thorne and William Paul "Will" Thorne (4)
DD/DD: Sarah Lauren Thorne and Elizabeth Frances Thorne (2)
ADD: (1)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a one-year old girl from Greece. The child must have at least one name from that country (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre_f.php)
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
Please read the rules carefully.
--Name your baby/child with name from the namebanks below. (Some adopted children may have different naming rules)
--Nicknames are welcome!
--You may include a picture.. read the new rule carefully
--You may write a story about your family.
--It helps if you bold your new family member(s).
--Don't forget to pick a number (1-40) for next round's event.
Congratulations to Nikki (handsomest newborn baby and prettiest pre-teen),
GloriaRose (cutest toddler and sweetest child (part 2)),
Keepskuh (prettiest Pre-schooler and sweetest child (part 3)),
LadyBug (Sweetest child (part 1)),
Tessy (Sweetest child (part 2)) and
Summer (cutest pet)! They all got one wish..
DD/DW: Amanda, Amy, Ashley, Barbara, Betty, Brittany, Doris, Dorothy, Elizabeth, Heather, Helen, Jennifer, Jessica, Joan, Margaret, Mary, Michelle, Melissa, Nancy, Nicole, Patricia, Ruth, Samantha, Sarah, Shirley, Stephanie
DS/DH: Andrew, Charles, Christopher, David, Donald, Edward, George, James, Jason, John, Joseph, Joshua, Justin, Matthew, Michael, Richard, Robert, Thomas, William
LN: your choice
1. If your oldest child gets married this round:
--Include a picture of the newly wed couple
--Include a picture of their new house
--Include a picture of your youngest child
2. If you choose another number:
--Include a picture of your new baby
--Include a picture of your oldest child
--Include a picture of all (or just a few) the siblings together
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
ADD: Susannah Jane "Susie" Hearst (19)
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" Hearst and Ava Sophia Hearst (8)
ADS/ADD: Charles William "Charlie" Hearst and Lillian Anna "Lilli" Hearst (4)
DS/DS: James Andrew Hearst and Michael Robert Hearst (2)
DD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Kamryn gave birth to a baby girl!
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles (6)
ADS: Alexander Jaxon "Alex" Labelle (5)
DD: Dorothy Lauren "Dot" Labelle (2)
ADD: (nb)
DDog: Margot
DDog: Dora
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Eloise finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
LN: Cohen
DH: George Walter
DW: Bernadette Lucille
ADD: Marie Olivia Cohen (10)
ADS: Mikheil David "Michael" Cohen (7)
DS/DD: George Andrew Cohen and Hannah Lillian Cohen (6)
ADS: Nikoloz Grigol "Nick" Cohen (5)
DS/DD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Bernadette gave birth to boy/girl twins!
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail Fordham (17)
ADD: Isabella Florence Fordham (14)
ADD: Arabella Elene Fordham (8)
ADD: (4)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Joseph / George Richard/ Charles William (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a four-year old girl from Hungary. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/hun_f.php)
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' Ward (10)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah, Jacob William, Lillian Emily 'Lilli', Samantha Taylor, Nicholas James 'Nick' and Joseph Michael 'Joe' (6)
DD: Rebecca Mary (4)
DS/DD/DD: Joshua Andrew 'Josh', Lauren Stephanie and Sarah Margaret (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
John brings home a hurt animal. Do you keep it? What kind of animal is it? What’s it named?
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James Cabot (20)
ADS: Xavier Jordan Cabot (18)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah Cabot (15)
DS: William Samuel Cabot (13)
DS/DS: Justin Matthew Cabot and Andrew Charles Cabot (11)
Number: (1-40)
Feliu is getting married!
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
ADS: Casper Gerhard Jennings (5)
DS/DD: Lachlan Andrew Jennings and Kirsten Anne-Marie Jennings (2)
DCat: Viola
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Edward brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen Foster (21)
ADD: Lily Adesina Foster (12)
ADD: Abigail Rose Foster (9)
ADS/ADD: James Daniel "Jamie" Foster and Marie Florence Foster (6)
DD: Katherine True "Kit" (4)
ADD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Odessa finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
You have 5 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh Dawson (29)
ADD: Katarina Ivy Dawson (28)
ADD: Emilia Cecily Dawson (24)
DD: Susannah Jane Dawson (22)
Number: (1-40)
Julian is getting married!
LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" Allen (10)
ADD: Juliette Manon Allen (9)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" Allen & Joshua Michael "Josh" Allen (8)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Drew brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Klara Magdalene (13)
ADD: Ava Emily Gardner (12)
DS: Andrew William (8)
ADS: (5)
DS: James Matthew (2)
DCat: Lulu
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Leah’s younger sister died in a car crash. Do you adopt her five-year old son?
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" Harper (21)
ADD: Margaret Funanya "Maggie" Harper (20)
DS: Henry James Harper (19)
DD/DD: Ivy Nevada and Laura Brooklyn (15)
DDog: Merel
Number: (1-40)
Liz is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander Hurley (11)
ADD: Kohar Taline Hurley (10)
ADD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Kohar finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADD: Sarah Ruth Elizabeth "Sarah Ruth" Titten (11)
ADD: Anna Margaret Lauren "Anna Maggie" Titten (8)
ADS: Daniel William (6)
DS/DS: Tristan Eliseo and Gareth Mateo (4)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Sarah brings home a puppy. Do you keep it? What’s the puppy’s name?
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
DD: Magdalene Clarissa "Maggie" (6)
DDog: Louie
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Maggie brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
ADD: Aiko Naomi Hikari (11)
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (8)
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder" McKay (6)
DS: Ingmar Sigmund Lucius "Block" McKay (2)
DD/DD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Clementine gave birth to twin girls!
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
ADD: Anna Alice Merseau (13)
ADD: Rebecca Jane Merseay (10)
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth Merseau/ Sophia Olivia Merseau/ James Daniel Merseau/ John William Merseau/ Isabella Ruth Merseau/ Andrew Henry Merseau (8)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler Merseau and Nicholas Joseph Merseau (6)
DD: Amanda Ashley Merseau (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a one-year old boy from Germany. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ger_m.php)
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua Smith and Sophia Maddison Smith (26)
ADD: Alice Mildred Smith (12)
DD: Jessica Brittany "Jessie" Smith (20)
Number: (1-40)
Ethan is getting married!
LN: McLeod
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
ADD: Katariina Tallinn "Kitty" McLeod (11)
DS: James Christopher McLeod (6)
DD/DD: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Claire gave birth to twin girls!
Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley Callaway (6)
DS/DS: James William Callaway and Samuel Charles Callaway (4)
DDog: Monet
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
William brings home a hurt animal. Do you keep it? What kind of animal is it? What’s it named
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Samantha Lauren (17)
ADD: Rayna Juliet Moore (11)
DS/DS: Jacob William / Nicholas Joseph (8)
DS: Thomas Edward (4)
ADS/ADD: Christopher Michael / Ashley Samantha (2)
ADD: (1)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a one-year old girl from India. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ind_f.php)
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
ADD: Anna Frances Martin (11)
ADD: Mary Margaret Martin (8)
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth Martin and Sarah Lillian Martin (6)
DS: Robert Joseph (4)
ADS: (4)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a four-year old boy from Iceland. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ice_m.php)
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William Mitchell (6)
DD: Nora Caroline Mithell (4)
ADS: (3)
DS/DD: Benjamin Charles Mitchell and Lena Frances Mitchell (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a three-year old boy from Galicia (Spain). The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gal_m.php)
LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADD: Martha Rebecca Sato (13)
ADS: Simon Alexander Sato (11)
ADD: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" Sato (10)
ADS: Tadeas Martin Sato (9)
DS: Ethan Jacob Sato (8)
DDog: Copper
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Annie brings home a kitten. Do you keep it? What’s the kittens name?
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani Pierce (13) from Somalia
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" Pierce (8)
ADD: Frances Yung Pierce (6)
DS: George Henry Pierce (4)
DD: (nb)
Number Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Marisol gave birth to a baby girl!
You have 2 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD: Anna Elizabeth (23)
DD: Emma Marie (10)
ADS/ADD: Tyler William Boswell and Alexis Maddison Boswell (8)
DS/DS: Edward James Boswell and Joseph William Boswell (6)
DDog: Princess
Number: (1-40)
Anna gets married!
X Mar
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
ADS: Faris Munir (10) from Tunesia
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" Mori (8)
ADD: Virginia Helen Mori (5)
DD: Susannah Jane "Suzie" (4)
DS: (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Mio gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella Thorne (17)
ADD: Sophia Ruth Thorne (14)
ADD: Lillian Florence Thorne (8)
DS/DS/DS: Samuel Edward "Sam" Thorne, Thomas Joseph "Tom" Thorne and William Paul "Will" Thorne (4)
DD/DD: Sarah Lauren Thorne and Elizabeth Frances Thorne (2)
ADD: (1)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
You decided to adopt a one-year old girl from Greece. The child must have at least one name from that country (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gre_f.php)
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
This message was edited 5/8/2008, 2:33 AM
LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
DD: Magdalene Clarissa "Maggie" (6)
DDog: Jasper
DDog: Louie
Number: 18
Maggie painting at school:


LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
DD: Magdalene Clarissa "Maggie" (6)
DDog: Jasper
DDog: Louie
Number: 18
Maggie painting at school:


Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley Callaway (6)
DS/DS: James William Callaway and Samuel Charles Callaway (4)
DDog: Monet
DCat: Matisse
Number: 2
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley Callaway (6)
DS/DS: James William Callaway and Samuel Charles Callaway (4)
DDog: Monet
DCat: Matisse
Number: 2
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua Smith and Sophia Maddison Smith (26)
-(E)-DW: Sarah Nancy Smith
ADD: Alice Mildred Smith (12)
DD: Jessica Brittany "Jessie" Smith (20)
Number: 6 (1-40)
Ethan is getting married!
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua Smith and Sophia Maddison Smith (26)
-(E)-DW: Sarah Nancy Smith
ADD: Alice Mildred Smith (12)
DD: Jessica Brittany "Jessie" Smith (20)
Number: 6 (1-40)
Ethan is getting married!
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD: Anna Elizabeth (23)
-----DH: Andrew William (25) -http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=PHP3045701 / http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=FAN2030158
DD: Emma Marie (10)
ADS/ADD: Tyler William Boswell and Alexis Maddison Boswell (8)
DS/DS: Edward James Boswell and Joseph William Boswell (6)- http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=SIP1012205
DDog: Princess
Number: 40
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander Hurley (16)
-DGF: Amy Stephanie Rohan (16)
ADD: Kohar Taline Hurley (15)
ADD: Jessica Ruth Hurley (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Kohar finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
Wow! A lot has happened since our family last checked in with you! 5 years have passed already! Well, here is the update:
Afrim is now sixteen, and to our dismay is getting married to his girlfriend of two years. According to them they are very in love, and honestly we can't stop them. He has to learn for himself.
Kohar is now a beautiful 15 year old. She has many friends at school and loves fitting in with our family. She recently found our new little girl, Jessica Ruth, on our doorstep with a note saying "We can't take care of her, so we are giving her to you". Kohar loves Jessie and has taken the responsibility of taking care of her very seriously.
Jess is four weeks old. She is a beautiful little baby girl who has soft bluey-green eyes and a tiny amount of blonde hair. She is getting used to being with our family.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Love Trevor, Paulina, Afrim, Kohar and Jessica Hurley
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander Hurley (16)
-DGF: Amy Stephanie Rohan (16)
ADD: Kohar Taline Hurley (15)
ADD: Jessica Ruth Hurley (nb)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
Kohar finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
Wow! A lot has happened since our family last checked in with you! 5 years have passed already! Well, here is the update:
Afrim is now sixteen, and to our dismay is getting married to his girlfriend of two years. According to them they are very in love, and honestly we can't stop them. He has to learn for himself.
Kohar is now a beautiful 15 year old. She has many friends at school and loves fitting in with our family. She recently found our new little girl, Jessica Ruth, on our doorstep with a note saying "We can't take care of her, so we are giving her to you". Kohar loves Jessie and has taken the responsibility of taking care of her very seriously.
Jess is four weeks old. She is a beautiful little baby girl who has soft bluey-green eyes and a tiny amount of blonde hair. She is getting used to being with our family.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Love Trevor, Paulina, Afrim, Kohar and Jessica Hurley
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
ADS: Casper Gerhard Jennings (5)
DS/DD: Lachlan Andrew Jennings and Kirsten Anne-Marie Jennings (2)
DCat: Viola
DDog: Poppy
Number: 20 years
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
ADS: Casper Gerhard Jennings (5)
DS/DD: Lachlan Andrew Jennings and Kirsten Anne-Marie Jennings (2)
DCat: Viola
DDog: Poppy
Number: 20 years
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' Ward (10)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah, Jacob William, Lillian Emily 'Lilli', Samantha Taylor, Nicholas James 'Nick' and Joseph Michael 'Joe' (6)
DD: Rebecca Mary (4)
DS/DD/DD: Joshua Andrew 'Josh', Lauren Stephanie and Sarah Margaret (2)
DAnimal: Max
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. 11 years
John brings home a hurt animal. Do you keep it? What kind of animal is it? What’s it named?



Josh, Lauren, & Sarah

LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' Ward (10)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah, Jacob William, Lillian Emily 'Lilli', Samantha Taylor, Nicholas James 'Nick' and Joseph Michael 'Joe' (6)
DD: Rebecca Mary (4)
DS/DD/DD: Joshua Andrew 'Josh', Lauren Stephanie and Sarah Margaret (2)
DAnimal: Max
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. 11 years
John brings home a hurt animal. Do you keep it? What kind of animal is it? What’s it named?



Josh, Lauren, & Sarah


LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Samantha Lauren (17)
ADD: Rayna Juliet Moore (11)
DS/DS: Jacob William / Nicholas Joseph (8)
DS: Thomas Edward (4)
ADS/ADD: Christopher Michael / Ashley Samantha (2)
ADD: Minali Jane (1)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed) 4 years
You decided to adopt a one-year old girl from India. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ind_f.php)

Baby Minali

Samantha, who is taking guitar lessons in her senior year

Jacob with Thomas in the winter

Christopher and Ashley at the beach
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Samantha Lauren (17)
ADD: Rayna Juliet Moore (11)
DS/DS: Jacob William / Nicholas Joseph (8)
DS: Thomas Edward (4)
ADS/ADD: Christopher Michael / Ashley Samantha (2)
ADD: Minali Jane (1)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed) 4 years
You decided to adopt a one-year old girl from India. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ind_f.php)

Baby Minali

Samantha, who is taking guitar lessons in her senior year

Jacob with Thomas in the winter

Christopher and Ashley at the beach
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen Foster (21)
--DH: Elijah Finley Lennox "Eli" (24)
ADD: Lily Adesina Foster (12)
ADD: Abigail Rose Foster (9)
ADS/ADD: James Daniel "Jamie" Foster and Marie Florence Foster (6)
DD: Katherine True Foster "Kit" (4)
Taylor got married. Also, Odessa found a baby girl on her doorstep. She considered adopting her, but brought her to the hospital and learned that the baby had been taken from the hospital (by a stranger), and the baby was returned to her natural parents.
Taylor and Eli:


Taylor and Eli's Home:

I'll use one wish for no naming rules for Taylor's husband.
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen Foster (21)
--DH: Elijah Finley Lennox "Eli" (24)
ADD: Lily Adesina Foster (12)
ADD: Abigail Rose Foster (9)
ADS/ADD: James Daniel "Jamie" Foster and Marie Florence Foster (6)
DD: Katherine True Foster "Kit" (4)
Taylor got married. Also, Odessa found a baby girl on her doorstep. She considered adopting her, but brought her to the hospital and learned that the baby had been taken from the hospital (by a stranger), and the baby was returned to her natural parents.
Taylor and Eli:
Taylor and Eli's Home:
I'll use one wish for no naming rules for Taylor's husband.
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail Fordham (17)
ADD: Isabella Florence Fordham (14)
ADD: Arabella Elene Fordham (8)
ADD: Amalia Beatrice Fordham (4)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Joseph / George Richard/ Charles William (2)
8 years have passed.
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail Fordham (17)
ADD: Isabella Florence Fordham (14)
ADD: Arabella Elene Fordham (8)
ADD: Amalia Beatrice Fordham (4)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Joseph / George Richard/ Charles William (2)
8 years have passed.
LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" Allen (10)
ADD: Juliette Manon Allen (9)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" Allen & Joshua Michael "Josh" Allen (8)
DDog: Curry
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed) 12 years have passed
Drew brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
When Drew was walking home from school a dog followed him. No one in the neighborhood had seen the dog before. The Allen family couldn't believe such a beautiful dog could be a stray. They contacted the Humane Society and posted "found posters" all over the place. When no owner came forward the Humane Society gave the Allen's the option of adopting him, and they jumped on it. He's estimated to be about 3 years old and they named him Curry.

LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" Allen (10)
ADD: Juliette Manon Allen (9)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" Allen & Joshua Michael "Josh" Allen (8)
DDog: Curry
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed) 12 years have passed
Drew brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
When Drew was walking home from school a dog followed him. No one in the neighborhood had seen the dog before. The Allen family couldn't believe such a beautiful dog could be a stray. They contacted the Humane Society and posted "found posters" all over the place. When no owner came forward the Humane Society gave the Allen's the option of adopting him, and they jumped on it. He's estimated to be about 3 years old and they named him Curry.

LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Klara Magdalene (13)
ADD: Ava Emily Gardner (12)
DS: Andrew William (8)
ADS: Jason David (5)
DS: James Matthew (2)
DCat: Lulu
Number: 17
Here is Jason
Here's Klara
LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Klara Magdalene (13)
ADD: Ava Emily Gardner (12)
DS: Andrew William (8)
ADS: Jason David (5)
DS: James Matthew (2)
DCat: Lulu
Number: 17
Here is Jason
Here's Klara
I'd like to save my wish if that's alright.
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADD: Sarah Ruth Elizabeth "Sarah Ruth" Titten (11)
ADD: Anna Margaret Lauren "Anna Maggie" Titten (8)
ADS: Daniel William (6)
DS/DS: Tristan Eliseo and Gareth Mateo (4)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
DDog: George
Number: 6, Sarah Ruth is getting married. Ten years have passed.
On the way home from playing a a friend's house last week Sarah Ruth found a puppy in an old cardboard box by the curb. She carried the box all the way home and asked if she could keep it. After making the necessary inquiries we found that the puppy, a boy, had been abandoned and so we adopted him. Sarah Ruth and the other children fell right in love with him and named him George. Our cat Sammy hasn't fallen in love with him but she tolerates him. George is so cute and loves to play with the kids especially Sarah Ruth and Daniel.

Here's our new puppy George

Sarah Ruth with George

Anna Maggie at the beach last summer

Twins Gareth & Tristan with Araceli (can this be a sibling photo? it's so hard to find the kids all together!)
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADD: Sarah Ruth Elizabeth "Sarah Ruth" Titten (11)
ADD: Anna Margaret Lauren "Anna Maggie" Titten (8)
ADS: Daniel William (6)
DS/DS: Tristan Eliseo and Gareth Mateo (4)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
DDog: George
Number: 6, Sarah Ruth is getting married. Ten years have passed.
On the way home from playing a a friend's house last week Sarah Ruth found a puppy in an old cardboard box by the curb. She carried the box all the way home and asked if she could keep it. After making the necessary inquiries we found that the puppy, a boy, had been abandoned and so we adopted him. Sarah Ruth and the other children fell right in love with him and named him George. Our cat Sammy hasn't fallen in love with him but she tolerates him. George is so cute and loves to play with the kids especially Sarah Ruth and Daniel.

Here's our new puppy George

Sarah Ruth with George

Anna Maggie at the beach last summer

Twins Gareth & Tristan with Araceli (can this be a sibling photo? it's so hard to find the kids all together!)
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
ADD: Anna Frances Martin (11)
ADD: Mary Margaret Martin (8)
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth Martin and Sarah Lillian Martin (6)
DS: Robert Joseph (4)
ADS: Jónas Harold Martin (4)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed)
22 years have passed.
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
ADD: Susannah Jane "Susie" Hearst (19)
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" Hearst and Ava Sophia Hearst (8)
ADS/ADD: Charles William "Charlie" Hearst and Lillian Anna "Lilli" Hearst (4)
DS/DS: James Andrew Hearst and Michael Robert Hearst (2)
DD: Margaret Nicole "Meg" (nb)
Number: 8 years have passed
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
ADD: Susannah Jane "Susie" Hearst (19)
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" Hearst and Ava Sophia Hearst (8)
ADS/ADD: Charles William "Charlie" Hearst and Lillian Anna "Lilli" Hearst (4)
DS/DS: James Andrew Hearst and Michael Robert Hearst (2)
DD: Margaret Nicole "Meg" (nb)
Number: 8 years have passed
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
ADD: Anna Alice Merseau (13)
ADD: Rebecca Jane Merseay (10)
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth Merseau/ Sophia Olivia Merseau/ James Daniel Merseau/ John William Merseau/ Isabella Ruth Merseau/ Andrew Henry Merseau (8)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler Merseau and Nicholas Joseph Merseau (6)
DD: Amanda Ashley Merseau (2)
AS: Sebastian Anton Merseau (1) [Germany]
Number: 10 years


Ava, Sophia, Amanda and mommy Lilo

Our adopted cutie, Sebastian.
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
ADD: Anna Alice Merseau (13)
ADD: Rebecca Jane Merseay (10)
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth Merseau/ Sophia Olivia Merseau/ James Daniel Merseau/ John William Merseau/ Isabella Ruth Merseau/ Andrew Henry Merseau (8)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler Merseau and Nicholas Joseph Merseau (6)
DD: Amanda Ashley Merseau (2)
AS: Sebastian Anton Merseau (1) [Germany]
Number: 10 years


Ava, Sophia, Amanda and mommy Lilo

Our adopted cutie, Sebastian.
This message was edited 5/8/2008, 9:07 AM
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James Cabot (20)
-----DW: Jessica Nicole Reid (19)
ADS: Xavier Jordan Cabot (18)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah Cabot (15)
DS: William Samuel Cabot (13)
DS/DS: Justin Matthew Cabot and Andrew Charles Cabot (11)
Number: (1-40) :28
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James Cabot (20)
-----DW: Jessica Nicole Reid (19)
ADS: Xavier Jordan Cabot (18)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah Cabot (15)
DS: William Samuel Cabot (13)
DS/DS: Justin Matthew Cabot and Andrew Charles Cabot (11)
Number: (1-40) :28
LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella Thorne (17)
ADD: Sophia Ruth Thorne (14)
ADD: Lillian Florence Thorne (8)
DS/DS/DS: Samuel Edward "Sam" Thorne, Thomas Joseph "Tom" Thorne and William Paul "Will" Thorne (4)
DD/DD: Sarah Lauren Thorne and Elizabeth Frances Thorne (2)
ADD: Marina Joan Thorne (1)
Number: 33



Sam (1st pic) Tom (second pic) and Will (third pic):

Sarah and Elizabeth:


LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella Thorne (17)
ADD: Sophia Ruth Thorne (14)
ADD: Lillian Florence Thorne (8)
DS/DS/DS: Samuel Edward "Sam" Thorne, Thomas Joseph "Tom" Thorne and William Paul "Will" Thorne (4)
DD/DD: Sarah Lauren Thorne and Elizabeth Frances Thorne (2)
ADD: Marina Joan Thorne (1)
Number: 33



Sam (1st pic) Tom (second pic) and Will (third pic):



Sarah and Elizabeth:


LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADD: Martha Rebecca Sato (13)
ADS: Simon Alexander Sato (11)
ADD: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" Sato (10)
ADS: Tadeas Martin Sato (9)
DS: Ethan Jacob Sato (8)
DDog: Copper
DCat: Calypso
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed) 10
How many rounds will there be?








Martha and Annie:

The Boys:

LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADD: Martha Rebecca Sato (13)
ADS: Simon Alexander Sato (11)
ADD: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" Sato (10)
ADS: Tadeas Martin Sato (9)
DS: Ethan Jacob Sato (8)
DDog: Copper
DCat: Calypso
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (state how many years have passed) 10
How many rounds will there be?








Martha and Annie:

The Boys:

This message was edited 5/8/2008, 4:41 PM
I don't actually know.. :s
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William Mitchell (6)
DD: Nora Caroline Mithell (4)
ADS: Andrew Cibran Mitchell(3)
DS/DD: Benjamin Charles Mitchell and Lena Frances Mitchell (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (18)
You decided to adopt a three-year old boy from Galicia (Spain). The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gal_m.php)
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William Mitchell (6)
DD: Nora Caroline Mithell (4)
ADS: Andrew Cibran Mitchell(3)
DS/DD: Benjamin Charles Mitchell and Lena Frances Mitchell (2)
Number: Your oldest child is getting married. (18)
You decided to adopt a three-year old boy from Galicia (Spain). The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/gal_m.php)
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani Pierce (13) from Somalia
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" Pierce (8)
ADD: Frances Yung Pierce (6)
DS: George Henry Pierce (4)
DD: Dorothy Barbara "Dotty" Pierce (nb)
8 years have passed..
Marisol gave birth to a baby girl!
You have 2 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet

Emily Pierce at school

Frances and George Pierce

Dotty Pierce
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani Pierce (13) from Somalia
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" Pierce (8)
ADD: Frances Yung Pierce (6)
DS: George Henry Pierce (4)
DD: Dorothy Barbara "Dotty" Pierce (nb)
8 years have passed..
Marisol gave birth to a baby girl!
You have 2 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet

Emily Pierce at school

Frances and George Pierce

Dotty Pierce
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
ADD: Aiko Naomi Hikari “Antonius Block” (11)
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (8)
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder" McKay (6)
DS: Ingmar Sigmund Lucius "Octavianus" McKay (2)
DD/DD: Stephanie Patricia Michelle “La duchessa” McKay/ Melissa Barbara Mary “La contessa” McKay
Number: 22
“Antonius Block” McKay

"Caesar" McKay (dressed like Gr.House Md at Halloween)

"Nordseelieder" McKay

"Octavianus" McKay

"La duchessa" and “La contessa” McKay

--Include a picture of all (or just a few) the siblings together: for this “rule” I use the photo of “La duchessa” and “La contessa” McKay hey are a few siblings together
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
ADD: Aiko Naomi Hikari “Antonius Block” (11)
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (8)
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder" McKay (6)
DS: Ingmar Sigmund Lucius "Octavianus" McKay (2)
DD/DD: Stephanie Patricia Michelle “La duchessa” McKay/ Melissa Barbara Mary “La contessa” McKay
Number: 22
“Antonius Block” McKay

"Caesar" McKay (dressed like Gr.House Md at Halloween)
"Nordseelieder" McKay

"Octavianus" McKay

"La duchessa" and “La contessa” McKay

--Include a picture of all (or just a few) the siblings together: for this “rule” I use the photo of “La duchessa” and “La contessa” McKay hey are a few siblings together
This message was edited 5/8/2008, 5:53 AM
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh Dawson (29)
-----DW: Melissa Nicole Williams
ADD: Katarina Ivy Dawson (28)
ADD: Emilia Cecily Dawson (24)
DD: Susannah Jane Dawson (22)
Number: 28
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh Dawson (29)
-----DW: Melissa Nicole Williams
ADD: Katarina Ivy Dawson (28)
ADD: Emilia Cecily Dawson (24)
DD: Susannah Jane Dawson (22)
Number: 28
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles (6)
ADS: Alexander Jaxon "Alex" Labelle (5)
DD: Dorothy Lauren "Dot" Labelle (2)
ADD: Nicole Elizabeth "Nicky" Labelle (nb)
DDog: Margot
DDog: Dora
Number: Your oldest child (Sammy) is getting married. (15 years to pass)
Life is good for the Labelle's. After 7 children things we're getting pretty hectic and the Labelle's decided that they were happy with the size of their family, and Dot would be their last child. Well, until Eloise returned from picking all the kids up from school/day care to find a tiny baby girl on the doorstep!
The baby was a matter of days old and a note had been left in her blanket which read:
"I've watched you with your children and know that yours is a happy family, and you are wonderful parents. I can't be a parent to my beautiful daughter whom I named Ashley Nicole, please love her and raise her like I wish I could..."
Eloise's heart went out to the mystery mother and, after discussing it with the whole family, the Labelle's decided to adopt the little girl, as her birth mother had wished. They decided to rename her, but still using the name the babies mother had choosen, Nicole.
Meet our new little angel, Nicole:

And our little cowgirl, Lexi:

Alex and Dot:

LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles (6)
ADS: Alexander Jaxon "Alex" Labelle (5)
DD: Dorothy Lauren "Dot" Labelle (2)
ADD: Nicole Elizabeth "Nicky" Labelle (nb)
DDog: Margot
DDog: Dora
Number: Your oldest child (Sammy) is getting married. (15 years to pass)
Life is good for the Labelle's. After 7 children things we're getting pretty hectic and the Labelle's decided that they were happy with the size of their family, and Dot would be their last child. Well, until Eloise returned from picking all the kids up from school/day care to find a tiny baby girl on the doorstep!
The baby was a matter of days old and a note had been left in her blanket which read:
"I've watched you with your children and know that yours is a happy family, and you are wonderful parents. I can't be a parent to my beautiful daughter whom I named Ashley Nicole, please love her and raise her like I wish I could..."
Eloise's heart went out to the mystery mother and, after discussing it with the whole family, the Labelle's decided to adopt the little girl, as her birth mother had wished. They decided to rename her, but still using the name the babies mother had choosen, Nicole.
Meet our new little angel, Nicole:

And our little cowgirl, Lexi:

Alex and Dot:

LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" Harper-Bennett (21)
-----DH: Richard Thomas Bennett (26)
ADD: Margaret Funanya "Maggie" Harper (20)
DS: Henry James Harper (19)
DD/DD: Ivy Nevada and Laura Brooklyn (15)
DDog: Merel
Number: 40
Liz is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet

Liz (21) and Richard (26) Bennett

Bennett Home

Laura and Ivy Harper (15)
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" Harper-Bennett (21)
-----DH: Richard Thomas Bennett (26)
ADD: Margaret Funanya "Maggie" Harper (20)
DS: Henry James Harper (19)
DD/DD: Ivy Nevada and Laura Brooklyn (15)
DDog: Merel
Number: 40
Liz is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet

Liz (21) and Richard (26) Bennett

Bennett Home

Laura and Ivy Harper (15)