[Games] LadyBug's Photo Congrats - Round 5
Welcome to Round 5 of 7! Two years have passed and your couple are pleased to announce the birth of twins!
Please read the Rules carefully they change each round!
~Name your twins using the initials given. (Initials are from my favorite name combos list.)
~Third initials are your choice unless third initials are already given.
~If you'd rather have a single you may take just the first gender listed (example: you have DS/DD = you now have a DS).
~Nicknames are allowed but must come from the first name.
~This is a Photo Congrats so Photos are mandatory (at least one of the new arrival).
~Write about your families (this is encouraged but not mandatory)
~If you have to go out of town or miss a round just let me know. Also if you only have time to post names just let me know.
~If you can't post photos right away just let me know.
~Last but not least, have fun! :)
Missing Something? Ask me or check a previous round:
Sign-up: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3204546&board=game
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3208910&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3214405&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3217749&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3222220&board=game
Congrats to the players who won in the recent contest. The winners were: Lena's adopted daughter, AmandaJane's adopted son, Elianora's cutest siblings - big sister, Summer's cutest siblings - big brother, AmandaJane’s musician son, Gloria Rose's musician son.
All of you receive a wish that you may use now or save for later. Players with wishes from previous rounds may use their wishes now or save them till later.
The Round 5 photo contest will have entries in these categories:
~Newborn Twins
~Prettiest 8-year-old girl in formal wear (your oldest daughter all dressed up)
~Cutest 5-year-old on their birthday (your third born child at their birthday party)
Write: Were your couple surprised by the news they were expecting twins? How did your other kids react to the news? Your third born child just celebrated their 5th birthday, what did you do to celebrate? Update us on the rest of the family.
Username: Akua Topaz
LN: Roseburne
DH: Dexter Miles (age 35, Artist)
DW: Calliope Lucille (age 33, owns coffee shop)
DS: Graham Simon "Gray" (10)
DD: Amelia Joy (8)
DS: Isaac Morgan (5)
AD: Jun Alexandra "Junie" (4)
DS/DS: CD / EL (0)
Username: Amanda (Manda_Bear) - 2 Wishes
LN: Lawson
DH: Kenneth Gregory (age 35, journalist)
DW: Lara Bethany (age 33, singer/songwriter)
DS: Casey Shane "Case" (10)
DD: Alexa Joy (8)
DS/DD: Maxwell Grier / Elisabeth Hope "Max & Libby" (5)
AD: Aleksandra Esfir "Sasha" (3)
DS/DS: NH / CS (0)
You also have 2 wishes saved. You may save your wishes or use them this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: AmandaJane - 2 Wishes
LN: Dolan
DH: Everett James, 35, Attorney
DW: Anna Sophia, 33, 3rd grade Teacher
DS: Max Ezra (10)
DD: Clementine Rae (8)
DD: Amelia Jane (5)
AS: Romeo Salvatore (2) from Italy
DD/DS: SM / AP (0)
Congrats! You just won two wishes in last round’s contest for your adopted son and your musician son. You may save your wishes or use them in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: angelsariel - 2 Wish
LN: Goren
DH: Robert James (age 35, police detective)
DW: Eva Catherine (age 33, librarian)
DS: John Daniel "Johnny" (10)
DD: Isabella Rose "Bella" (8)
DS: Adrien Joseph (5)
AD: Diana Sophia (3) (from Romania)
DS/DS: JK / HG (0)
DDog: Tender Branson
You have 2 wish saved. You may save them or use them in this round (we’re going 7 rounds). Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Bea109
LN: O'Patrick
DH: Finbar Tiernan (age 35, Gym Teacher)
DW: Kaylyn Bailey (age 33, 2nd Grade Teacher)
DS: Keegan Trever (10)
DD: Grace Elizabeth (8)
DD: Emily Lindsay "Emi" (5)
AS: Fu Thomas (4) from China
DD/DD: SL / OM (0)
Username: Bernadette
LN: Rousseau
DH: George Walter (age 35, Executive Director of LCG & Co.)
DW: Bernadette Lucille (age 33, Student)
DS: Henry Prescott (10)
DD: (8)
DS: (5) Honor Your Friends: Gregory Rufus & Laurie Anne Harris
AD: (you choose age) from Poland - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/pol.php
DS/DS: WE / CM (0)
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (age 35, broadcast journalist)
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen' (age 33, actress)
DS: Grant Joseph (10)
DD: Ariella Marie (8)
DS: Jude Hamilton (5)
AD: An Victoria 'Annie' (2) - from Vietnam
DS/DD: TA / CD (0)
Username: Elianora - 1 Wish
LN: Carter
DH: Josiah Trent (age 35, private investigator)
DW: Lorelei Wilhelmina (age 33, nurse)
DS: Jeremiah Malachi (10)
DD: Ava Lynn (8)
DD: Sienna Paige (5)
AD: Zuri Lorelei (4) from Ethiopia
DS/DS: EP / CO (0)
Congrats! You just won a wish in last round’s contest for your sibling photo. You may save your wish or use it in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Gloria Rose - 1 Wish
LN: Potter
DH: Graham Elijah (age 35, actor)
DW: Odessa Noelle (age 33, journalist)
DS: Shannon Foster (10)
DD: Hazel Joy (8)
DS: Bennett Daniel (5)
AD: Bo Katherine (2) (you can change it to Katherine Bo if you’d like)
DS/DS: FL / GM (0)
Congrats! You just won a wish in last round’s contest for your musician son photo. You may save your wish or use it in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: HeidiAnn
LN: Sanders
DH: Paul Warren (age 35, writer)
DW: Anna Leigh (age 33, tatoo artist)
DS: Felix Julian (10)
DD: Ivy Jean (8)
DS: Rhett Lane (5)
AS: Anton Dimitri (4) from Russia
DD/DD: CM / JW (0)
Username: Jeana Bradbury
LN: James
DH: Robert Fergus (35,Chef)
DW: Leonora Gertrude (33,Fashion designer)
DS: Henry Gerhard (10)
DD: Annabelle Jean (8)
DS: Darrell Robert Fergus (5)
AD: Haneul Hye (5) - from South Korea
DS/DD: AJ / SS (0)
Username: Keepskuh
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Adrian (age 35, teacher)
DW: Anne Elisabeth Maria (age 33, editor)
DS: Henry David (10)
DD: Grace Elisabeth (8)
DD/DD: Mary Eden and Julia Clare (5)
AS: Cristian Delaney (2) from Romania
DS/DS: EM / LB (0)
Username: Kelsie
LN: Baker
DH: Steven Harry (age 35, in university practicing to be a lawyer)
DW: Angela Charlotte "Char" (age 33, in university to be a psychologist)
DS: Jack Harrison (10)
DD: Chloe Elizabeth (8)
DS: Austin Stewart (5)
AD: Hanna Isabelle (2) (from the Ukraine)
DS/DD: CD / LC (0)
Username: LadyBug
LN: MacClellan
DH: Peter Lindsey (age 35, pediatrician)
DW: Saoirse Maighread (Halloran) (age 33, musician)
DS: Duncan Rowan (10)
DD: Kathleen Bridget "Kathie" (8)
DD: Marianna Jericho Gray (5)
AD: Nyah Pearl (4) from Kazakhstan
DS/DS: JS / EC (0)
Username: Lena - 1 Wish
LN: Palmeiro
DH: Curtis Alexander (age 35, publisher)
DW: Retta Beatrice (age 33, florist)
DS: Quentin Felix (10)
DD: Antonia Mercedes (8)
DS: Gabriel River (5)
AD: Kala Madhuri (4) from India
DS/DS: LV / JH (0)
Congrats! You just won a wish in last round’s contest for the photo of your adopted daughter.You may save your wish or use it in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Lorelei
LN: Straus
DH: James Richard "Rick" (age 35, Doctor)
DW: Amie Cecilia (age 33, Pharmacist)
DS: Jesse Daniel (10)
DD: Rose Clara (8)
DD: Stella Frances (5)
AS: Vien Quang (2) from Vietnam
DD/DD: BE / CR (0)
Username: michal1234 - 1 Wish
LN: Burecky
DH: Tyler Michael (age 35, pediatrician)
DW: Brynn Alexis (age 33, part-time nursery school teacher)
DS: Giles Forrest "Gil" (10)
DD: Storie Alannah (8)
DS: Morgan Elias (5)
AD: (age your choice) from Somalia - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/afr-e.php
DD/DS: MA / PE (0)
You have 1 wish saved. You may save the wish (we’ll have 7 rounds) or use it in this round. Things to wish for:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Miles
LN: Hungerford
DH: Eric Julian (35, Pianist)
DW: Claudia Alice (33, Guitar teacher)
DS: Simon Lars (10)
DD: Kloe Marie (8)
DD: Evette Jane (5)
AS: Dominik August (3) - from Poland
DD/DS: MF / LJ (0)
Username: Nikki - 1 Wish
LN: McCiaran
DH: Avery Daniel (age 35, consultant)
DW: Alexis Rose (age 33, copywriter)
DS: Bailey James (10)
DD/DD: Kira Elizabeth / Sophia Leonore (8)
DS: Lucas Ripley (5)
AD: Kayin Esi (2) [from Liberia]
DS/DS: MF / FE (0)
You have 1 wish saved. You may use your wish now or save it (we’re going 7 rounds). Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Snuffles
LN: Cory-Myers
DH: Keon Christian (35) graphics designer
DW: Molly Hope (33) psychologist
DS: Colin Spencer (10)
DD: Katherine Christian Marie "Katie" (8)
DD: Juliet Liliana (5)
AS: Kalyan David (3) from India
DD/DS: LA / AL (0)
Username: Sugar
LN: Regenbogen
DH: Miles Dylan "Milo" (age 35, graphic designer)
DW: Elodie Maria (Dunmore) "Dee" (age 33, florist)
DS: Reuben Emmett (10)
DD: Leonor Marie "Norie" (8)
DD: Dorothy Royale "Dot" (5)
AS: (age your choice) from the Philippines - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/spa.php
DS/DS: AJ / IS (0)
Username: Summer - 4 Wishes
LN: Wyatt
DH: Jordan Ezekiel (age 35, Engineer)
DW: Kirsten Elaine "Kirsty" (age 33, Biologist)
DS: Zachariah Johan "Zach" (10)
DD: Sadie Emilia (8)
DS: Matthew Dag "Matty" (5)
AD: Mykhaila Karolina "Mikky" (5) from the Ukraine
DS/DD: SE / EM (0)
Congrats! You won a wish for your sibling photo in the most recent contest. You also have 3 wishes saved. You may save the wishes (we’ll have 7 rounds) or use them in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: X Mar
LN: Chevalier
DH: Christophe Guillaume Tristan (age 35, photographer)
DW: Serafina Rosa (age 33, photographer)
DS: Thibaut Fabrice Alexandre (10)
DD: Océane Aurélie Victoire (8)
DD: Rosalie Junia Seraphine (5)
AS: Máximo Bautista Porfirio "Maxim" (3) (from Guatemala)
DD/DD: AJI / LBP (0)
Don't forget to post your photos! If you can't right away just let me know!
Please read the Rules carefully they change each round!
~Name your twins using the initials given. (Initials are from my favorite name combos list.)
~Third initials are your choice unless third initials are already given.
~If you'd rather have a single you may take just the first gender listed (example: you have DS/DD = you now have a DS).
~Nicknames are allowed but must come from the first name.
~This is a Photo Congrats so Photos are mandatory (at least one of the new arrival).
~Write about your families (this is encouraged but not mandatory)
~If you have to go out of town or miss a round just let me know. Also if you only have time to post names just let me know.
~If you can't post photos right away just let me know.
~Last but not least, have fun! :)
Missing Something? Ask me or check a previous round:
Sign-up: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3204546&board=game
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3208910&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3214405&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3217749&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3222220&board=game
Congrats to the players who won in the recent contest. The winners were: Lena's adopted daughter, AmandaJane's adopted son, Elianora's cutest siblings - big sister, Summer's cutest siblings - big brother, AmandaJane’s musician son, Gloria Rose's musician son.
All of you receive a wish that you may use now or save for later. Players with wishes from previous rounds may use their wishes now or save them till later.
The Round 5 photo contest will have entries in these categories:
~Newborn Twins
~Prettiest 8-year-old girl in formal wear (your oldest daughter all dressed up)
~Cutest 5-year-old on their birthday (your third born child at their birthday party)
Write: Were your couple surprised by the news they were expecting twins? How did your other kids react to the news? Your third born child just celebrated their 5th birthday, what did you do to celebrate? Update us on the rest of the family.
Username: Akua Topaz
LN: Roseburne
DH: Dexter Miles (age 35, Artist)
DW: Calliope Lucille (age 33, owns coffee shop)
DS: Graham Simon "Gray" (10)
DD: Amelia Joy (8)
DS: Isaac Morgan (5)
AD: Jun Alexandra "Junie" (4)
DS/DS: CD / EL (0)
Username: Amanda (Manda_Bear) - 2 Wishes
LN: Lawson
DH: Kenneth Gregory (age 35, journalist)
DW: Lara Bethany (age 33, singer/songwriter)
DS: Casey Shane "Case" (10)
DD: Alexa Joy (8)
DS/DD: Maxwell Grier / Elisabeth Hope "Max & Libby" (5)
AD: Aleksandra Esfir "Sasha" (3)
DS/DS: NH / CS (0)
You also have 2 wishes saved. You may save your wishes or use them this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: AmandaJane - 2 Wishes
LN: Dolan
DH: Everett James, 35, Attorney
DW: Anna Sophia, 33, 3rd grade Teacher
DS: Max Ezra (10)
DD: Clementine Rae (8)
DD: Amelia Jane (5)
AS: Romeo Salvatore (2) from Italy
DD/DS: SM / AP (0)
Congrats! You just won two wishes in last round’s contest for your adopted son and your musician son. You may save your wishes or use them in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: angelsariel - 2 Wish
LN: Goren
DH: Robert James (age 35, police detective)
DW: Eva Catherine (age 33, librarian)
DS: John Daniel "Johnny" (10)
DD: Isabella Rose "Bella" (8)
DS: Adrien Joseph (5)
AD: Diana Sophia (3) (from Romania)
DS/DS: JK / HG (0)
DDog: Tender Branson
You have 2 wish saved. You may save them or use them in this round (we’re going 7 rounds). Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Bea109
LN: O'Patrick
DH: Finbar Tiernan (age 35, Gym Teacher)
DW: Kaylyn Bailey (age 33, 2nd Grade Teacher)
DS: Keegan Trever (10)
DD: Grace Elizabeth (8)
DD: Emily Lindsay "Emi" (5)
AS: Fu Thomas (4) from China
DD/DD: SL / OM (0)
Username: Bernadette
LN: Rousseau
DH: George Walter (age 35, Executive Director of LCG & Co.)
DW: Bernadette Lucille (age 33, Student)
DS: Henry Prescott (10)
DD: (8)
DS: (5) Honor Your Friends: Gregory Rufus & Laurie Anne Harris
AD: (you choose age) from Poland - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/pol.php
DS/DS: WE / CM (0)
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (age 35, broadcast journalist)
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen' (age 33, actress)
DS: Grant Joseph (10)
DD: Ariella Marie (8)
DS: Jude Hamilton (5)
AD: An Victoria 'Annie' (2) - from Vietnam
DS/DD: TA / CD (0)
Username: Elianora - 1 Wish
LN: Carter
DH: Josiah Trent (age 35, private investigator)
DW: Lorelei Wilhelmina (age 33, nurse)
DS: Jeremiah Malachi (10)
DD: Ava Lynn (8)
DD: Sienna Paige (5)
AD: Zuri Lorelei (4) from Ethiopia
DS/DS: EP / CO (0)
Congrats! You just won a wish in last round’s contest for your sibling photo. You may save your wish or use it in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Gloria Rose - 1 Wish
LN: Potter
DH: Graham Elijah (age 35, actor)
DW: Odessa Noelle (age 33, journalist)
DS: Shannon Foster (10)
DD: Hazel Joy (8)
DS: Bennett Daniel (5)
AD: Bo Katherine (2) (you can change it to Katherine Bo if you’d like)
DS/DS: FL / GM (0)
Congrats! You just won a wish in last round’s contest for your musician son photo. You may save your wish or use it in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: HeidiAnn
LN: Sanders
DH: Paul Warren (age 35, writer)
DW: Anna Leigh (age 33, tatoo artist)
DS: Felix Julian (10)
DD: Ivy Jean (8)
DS: Rhett Lane (5)
AS: Anton Dimitri (4) from Russia
DD/DD: CM / JW (0)
Username: Jeana Bradbury
LN: James
DH: Robert Fergus (35,Chef)
DW: Leonora Gertrude (33,Fashion designer)
DS: Henry Gerhard (10)
DD: Annabelle Jean (8)
DS: Darrell Robert Fergus (5)
AD: Haneul Hye (5) - from South Korea
DS/DD: AJ / SS (0)
Username: Keepskuh
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Adrian (age 35, teacher)
DW: Anne Elisabeth Maria (age 33, editor)
DS: Henry David (10)
DD: Grace Elisabeth (8)
DD/DD: Mary Eden and Julia Clare (5)
AS: Cristian Delaney (2) from Romania
DS/DS: EM / LB (0)
Username: Kelsie
LN: Baker
DH: Steven Harry (age 35, in university practicing to be a lawyer)
DW: Angela Charlotte "Char" (age 33, in university to be a psychologist)
DS: Jack Harrison (10)
DD: Chloe Elizabeth (8)
DS: Austin Stewart (5)
AD: Hanna Isabelle (2) (from the Ukraine)
DS/DD: CD / LC (0)
Username: LadyBug
LN: MacClellan
DH: Peter Lindsey (age 35, pediatrician)
DW: Saoirse Maighread (Halloran) (age 33, musician)
DS: Duncan Rowan (10)
DD: Kathleen Bridget "Kathie" (8)
DD: Marianna Jericho Gray (5)
AD: Nyah Pearl (4) from Kazakhstan
DS/DS: JS / EC (0)
Username: Lena - 1 Wish
LN: Palmeiro
DH: Curtis Alexander (age 35, publisher)
DW: Retta Beatrice (age 33, florist)
DS: Quentin Felix (10)
DD: Antonia Mercedes (8)
DS: Gabriel River (5)
AD: Kala Madhuri (4) from India
DS/DS: LV / JH (0)
Congrats! You just won a wish in last round’s contest for the photo of your adopted daughter.You may save your wish or use it in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Lorelei
LN: Straus
DH: James Richard "Rick" (age 35, Doctor)
DW: Amie Cecilia (age 33, Pharmacist)
DS: Jesse Daniel (10)
DD: Rose Clara (8)
DD: Stella Frances (5)
AS: Vien Quang (2) from Vietnam
DD/DD: BE / CR (0)
Username: michal1234 - 1 Wish
LN: Burecky
DH: Tyler Michael (age 35, pediatrician)
DW: Brynn Alexis (age 33, part-time nursery school teacher)
DS: Giles Forrest "Gil" (10)
DD: Storie Alannah (8)
DS: Morgan Elias (5)
AD: (age your choice) from Somalia - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/afr-e.php
DD/DS: MA / PE (0)
You have 1 wish saved. You may save the wish (we’ll have 7 rounds) or use it in this round. Things to wish for:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Miles
LN: Hungerford
DH: Eric Julian (35, Pianist)
DW: Claudia Alice (33, Guitar teacher)
DS: Simon Lars (10)
DD: Kloe Marie (8)
DD: Evette Jane (5)
AS: Dominik August (3) - from Poland
DD/DS: MF / LJ (0)
Username: Nikki - 1 Wish
LN: McCiaran
DH: Avery Daniel (age 35, consultant)
DW: Alexis Rose (age 33, copywriter)
DS: Bailey James (10)
DD/DD: Kira Elizabeth / Sophia Leonore (8)
DS: Lucas Ripley (5)
AD: Kayin Esi (2) [from Liberia]
DS/DS: MF / FE (0)
You have 1 wish saved. You may use your wish now or save it (we’re going 7 rounds). Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: Snuffles
LN: Cory-Myers
DH: Keon Christian (35) graphics designer
DW: Molly Hope (33) psychologist
DS: Colin Spencer (10)
DD: Katherine Christian Marie "Katie" (8)
DD: Juliet Liliana (5)
AS: Kalyan David (3) from India
DD/DS: LA / AL (0)
Username: Sugar
LN: Regenbogen
DH: Miles Dylan "Milo" (age 35, graphic designer)
DW: Elodie Maria (Dunmore) "Dee" (age 33, florist)
DS: Reuben Emmett (10)
DD: Leonor Marie "Norie" (8)
DD: Dorothy Royale "Dot" (5)
AS: (age your choice) from the Philippines - http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/spa.php
DS/DS: AJ / IS (0)
Username: Summer - 4 Wishes
LN: Wyatt
DH: Jordan Ezekiel (age 35, Engineer)
DW: Kirsten Elaine "Kirsty" (age 33, Biologist)
DS: Zachariah Johan "Zach" (10)
DD: Sadie Emilia (8)
DS: Matthew Dag "Matty" (5)
AD: Mykhaila Karolina "Mikky" (5) from the Ukraine
DS/DD: SE / EM (0)
Congrats! You won a wish for your sibling photo in the most recent contest. You also have 3 wishes saved. You may save the wishes (we’ll have 7 rounds) or use them in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Username: X Mar
LN: Chevalier
DH: Christophe Guillaume Tristan (age 35, photographer)
DW: Serafina Rosa (age 33, photographer)
DS: Thibaut Fabrice Alexandre (10)
DD: Océane Aurélie Victoire (8)
DD: Rosalie Junia Seraphine (5)
AS: Máximo Bautista Porfirio "Maxim" (3) (from Guatemala)
DD/DD: AJI / LBP (0)
Don't forget to post your photos! If you can't right away just let me know!
Username: X Mar
LN: Chevalier
DH: Christophe Guillaume Tristan (age 35, photographer)
DW: Serafina Rosa (age 33, photographer)
DS: Thibaut Fabrice Alexandre (10)
DD: Océane Aurélie Victoire (8)
DD: Rosalie Junia Seraphine (5)
AS: Máximo Bautista Porfirio "Maxim" (3) (from Guatemala)
DD/DD: Amélie Juliette Inès / Liliane Brigitte Perrine (0)
Here are the girls: (Amélie is on the left and Liliane is on the right)

Here is Rosalie on her 5th birthday party:

And this is Océane with her dress on, right before going to the wedding of her aunt:

LN: Chevalier
DH: Christophe Guillaume Tristan (age 35, photographer)
DW: Serafina Rosa (age 33, photographer)
DS: Thibaut Fabrice Alexandre (10)
DD: Océane Aurélie Victoire (8)
DD: Rosalie Junia Seraphine (5)
AS: Máximo Bautista Porfirio "Maxim" (3) (from Guatemala)
DD/DD: Amélie Juliette Inès / Liliane Brigitte Perrine (0)
Here are the girls: (Amélie is on the left and Liliane is on the right)

Here is Rosalie on her 5th birthday party:

And this is Océane with her dress on, right before going to the wedding of her aunt:

Username: Kelsie
LN: Baker
DH: Steven Harry (age 35, in university practicing to be a lawyer)
DW: Angela Charlotte "Char" (age 33, in university to be a psychologist)
DS: Jack Harrison (10)
DD: Chloe Elizabeth (8)
DS: Austin Stewart (5)
AD: Hanna Isabelle (2) (from the Ukraine)
DS/DD: Colin Declan "Cole" / Lucy Caitlin (0)
LN: Baker
DH: Steven Harry (age 35, in university practicing to be a lawyer)
DW: Angela Charlotte "Char" (age 33, in university to be a psychologist)
DS: Jack Harrison (10)
DD: Chloe Elizabeth (8)
DS: Austin Stewart (5)
AD: Hanna Isabelle (2) (from the Ukraine)
DS/DD: Colin Declan "Cole" / Lucy Caitlin (0)
Username: Summer - 3 Wishes
LN: Wyatt
DH: Jordan Ezekiel (age 35, Engineer)
DW: Kirsten Elaine "Kirsty" (age 33, Biologist)
DS: Zachariah Johan "Zach" (10)
DD: Sadie Emilia (8)
DS: Matthew Dag "Matty" (5)
AD: Mykhaila Karolina "Mikky" (5) from the Ukraine
DS/DD: Damian Anders / Anika Daniela (0)
*Used one wish for no name rules!
The Twins:



Matty's birthday:

LN: Wyatt
DH: Jordan Ezekiel (age 35, Engineer)
DW: Kirsten Elaine "Kirsty" (age 33, Biologist)
DS: Zachariah Johan "Zach" (10)
DD: Sadie Emilia (8)
DS: Matthew Dag "Matty" (5)
AD: Mykhaila Karolina "Mikky" (5) from the Ukraine
DS/DD: Damian Anders / Anika Daniela (0)
*Used one wish for no name rules!
The Twins:



Matty's birthday:

Username: Bea109
LN: O'Patrick
DH: Finbar Tiernan (age 35, Gym Teacher)
DW: Kaylyn Bailey (age 33, 2nd Grade Teacher)
DS: Keegan Trever (10)
DD: Grace Elizabeth (8)
DD: Emily Lindsay "Emi" (5)
AS: Fu Thomas (4) from China
DD/DD: Sarenah Lynn / Olivia May (0)
Keegan: (He doesn't need one but I like putting pictures)

Grace all dressed up at her Uncles wedding:

Emily at her 5th birthday:

Fu: (He doesn't need one but I like putting pictures)

Sarenah & Olivia:

Some of them don`t need Pictures but i like putting them anyway. I hope you don`t mind!
LN: O'Patrick
DH: Finbar Tiernan (age 35, Gym Teacher)
DW: Kaylyn Bailey (age 33, 2nd Grade Teacher)
DS: Keegan Trever (10)
DD: Grace Elizabeth (8)
DD: Emily Lindsay "Emi" (5)
AS: Fu Thomas (4) from China
DD/DD: Sarenah Lynn / Olivia May (0)
Keegan: (He doesn't need one but I like putting pictures)

Grace all dressed up at her Uncles wedding:

Emily at her 5th birthday:

Fu: (He doesn't need one but I like putting pictures)

Sarenah & Olivia:

Some of them don`t need Pictures but i like putting them anyway. I hope you don`t mind!
Oops I for got to write about my family.
So here it is:
Were your couple surprised by the news they were expecting twins? Yes very!
How did your other kids react to the news? Fu and Emily really wanted a new sibling they all really liked the news but it was kind of a surprise!
Your third born child just celebrated their 5th birthday, what did you do to celebrate? We just had a family party and had her favorite dinner. We couldn't do much because of Sarenah and Olivia just coming home and all.
The rest of the family is doing well.
Finbar and Kaylyn are doing well (as well as you could with 6 kids
Keegan is still playing his Violin.
Grace was just the flower girl at her Uncles wedding.
Emily just had her 5th birthday and is really enjoying her presents especially her new sisters!
Fu loves cookies! He is really enjoying having new sisters also!
Sarenah and Olivia are only a few months old and are very happy babies!
So here it is:
Were your couple surprised by the news they were expecting twins? Yes very!
How did your other kids react to the news? Fu and Emily really wanted a new sibling they all really liked the news but it was kind of a surprise!
Your third born child just celebrated their 5th birthday, what did you do to celebrate? We just had a family party and had her favorite dinner. We couldn't do much because of Sarenah and Olivia just coming home and all.
The rest of the family is doing well.
Finbar and Kaylyn are doing well (as well as you could with 6 kids
Keegan is still playing his Violin.
Grace was just the flower girl at her Uncles wedding.
Emily just had her 5th birthday and is really enjoying her presents especially her new sisters!
Fu loves cookies! He is really enjoying having new sisters also!
Sarenah and Olivia are only a few months old and are very happy babies!
Username: LadyBug
LN: MacClellan
DH: Peter Lindsey (age 35, pediatrician)
DW: Saoirse Maighread (Halloran) (age 33, musician)
DS: Duncan Rowan (10)
DD: Kathleen Bridget "Kathie" (8)
DD: Marianna Jericho Gray (5)
AD: Nyah Pearl (4) from Kazakhstan
DS/DS: Jonas Seanan / Eber Cianan (0)
Peter and Saoirse MacClellan are pleased to announce the birth of twin sons Jonas and Eber on May 6th. The boys are growing healthy and strong and keep their parents very busy. One thing about having lots of kids, there's always someone willing to hold a baby!

Kathie was a flower girl in her aunt's wedding:

Marianna is now 5 years old:

LN: MacClellan
DH: Peter Lindsey (age 35, pediatrician)
DW: Saoirse Maighread (Halloran) (age 33, musician)
DS: Duncan Rowan (10)
DD: Kathleen Bridget "Kathie" (8)
DD: Marianna Jericho Gray (5)
AD: Nyah Pearl (4) from Kazakhstan
DS/DS: Jonas Seanan / Eber Cianan (0)
Peter and Saoirse MacClellan are pleased to announce the birth of twin sons Jonas and Eber on May 6th. The boys are growing healthy and strong and keep their parents very busy. One thing about having lots of kids, there's always someone willing to hold a baby!

Kathie was a flower girl in her aunt's wedding:

Marianna is now 5 years old:

Username: HeidiAnn
LN: Sanders
DH: Paul Warren (age 35, writer)
DW: Anna Leigh (age 33, tatoo artist)
DS: Felix Julian (10)
DD: Ivy Jean (8)
DS: Rhett Lane (5)
AS: Anton Dimitri (4) from Russia
DD/DD: Carlyn Mae / Jerrica Wynn (0)
Carlyn and Jerrica

Rhett (on left) and Anton on Rhett's 5th Birthday



LN: Sanders
DH: Paul Warren (age 35, writer)
DW: Anna Leigh (age 33, tatoo artist)
DS: Felix Julian (10)
DD: Ivy Jean (8)
DS: Rhett Lane (5)
AS: Anton Dimitri (4) from Russia
DD/DD: Carlyn Mae / Jerrica Wynn (0)
Carlyn and Jerrica

Rhett (on left) and Anton on Rhett's 5th Birthday



Username: angelsariel
LN: Goren
DH: Robert James (age 35, police detective)
DW: Eva Catherine (age 33, librarian)
DS: John Daniel "Johnny" (10)
DD: Isabella Rose "Bella" (8)
DS: Adrien Joseph (5)
AD: Diana Sophia (3) (from Romania)
DS/DS: James Kieran / Hugh Gregory (0)
DDog: Tender Branson
James and Hugh sound asleep

Bella was a flower girl at our friend's wedding!

Adrien loved his 5th birthday party!

I'd like to use a wish! Add a niece to our household. Do you provide naming rules? Thanks!
LN: Goren
DH: Robert James (age 35, police detective)
DW: Eva Catherine (age 33, librarian)
DS: John Daniel "Johnny" (10)
DD: Isabella Rose "Bella" (8)
DS: Adrien Joseph (5)
AD: Diana Sophia (3) (from Romania)
DS/DS: James Kieran / Hugh Gregory (0)
DDog: Tender Branson
James and Hugh sound asleep

Bella was a flower girl at our friend's wedding!
Adrien loved his 5th birthday party!
I'd like to use a wish! Add a niece to our household. Do you provide naming rules? Thanks!
Username: Nikki - 1 Wish
LN: McCiaran
DH: Avery Daniel (age 35, consultant)
DW: Alexis Rose (age 33, copywriter)
DS: Bailey James (10)
DD/DD: Kira Elizabeth / Sophia Leonore (8)
DS: Lucas Ripley (5)
AD: Kayin Esi (2) [from Liberia]
DS/DS: Milo Fenton / Felix Eliah (0)


Kira and Sophia


Milo and Ripley
LN: McCiaran
DH: Avery Daniel (age 35, consultant)
DW: Alexis Rose (age 33, copywriter)
DS: Bailey James (10)
DD/DD: Kira Elizabeth / Sophia Leonore (8)
DS: Lucas Ripley (5)
AD: Kayin Esi (2) [from Liberia]
DS/DS: Milo Fenton / Felix Eliah (0)


Kira and Sophia


Milo and Ripley
Username: Amanda (Manda_Bear) - 1 Wish
LN: Lawson
DH: Kenneth Gregory (age 35, journalist)
DW: Lara Bethany (age 33, singer/songwriter)
DS: Casey Shane "Case" (10)
DD: Alexa Joy (8)
DS/DD: Maxwell Grier / Elisabeth Hope "Max & Libby" (5)
AD: Aleksandra Esfir "Sasha" (3)
DS/DD/DS: Noah Henry / Emily Catherine "Emma Cate"/ Colby Samuel (0)
I'll use one of my wishes to add a girl to my twins, making b/g/b triplets :D I'm leaving the initials you gave (NH and CS) for the boys, and adding EC for the girl. [I put down Emma Cate as the nn, but if the nn has to come from first name only then I'll just call her Emma :)]
Well, everyone was quite surprised at the news that we were expecting triplets! Alexa was overjoyed, as she absolutely loves babies. Case was probably the most apprehensive, because with all the other kids around he sometimes feels left out. Thankfully, he's been making great friends on his soccer team and is able to get plenty of attention that way when we're busy with all the little ones. He's also getting better about helping out, and especially enjoys hanging out with Max these days - Max loves his older brother and looks up to him tremendously; he wants to do every single thing Casey does, and even wants Case to pick out his clothes every day for school! Sasha has adjusted beautifully, as she was only 1 when we adopted her. She and Libby are the best of friends, and they really enjoy grocery shopping with mom and trying to run the household... and of course mom's glad to have a little help every now and then ;P
The babies finally arrived (though it seemed like the pregnancy would go on forever), and the babies have proven to be very calm. Noah and Emma Cate especially love to sleep, while Colby is probably the fussiest of the three. It seems Emma is the leader of the pack, though; she just has to be the first fed, first held, first everything. Luckily with the other children growing up, we have plenty of love and attention to go around to all three of the tiny bundles of joy :)

New babies; Noah, Emma Cate, and Colby.

Big sister Alexa and her date, Nico ... getting ready to go to their very first formal dance at school.

Max (looking extremely bored) and Libby (center) celebrating their birthday with aunt Jennifer and her daughters Jasmine (back to camera) and Kira.
LN: Lawson
DH: Kenneth Gregory (age 35, journalist)
DW: Lara Bethany (age 33, singer/songwriter)
DS: Casey Shane "Case" (10)
DD: Alexa Joy (8)
DS/DD: Maxwell Grier / Elisabeth Hope "Max & Libby" (5)
AD: Aleksandra Esfir "Sasha" (3)
DS/DD/DS: Noah Henry / Emily Catherine "Emma Cate"/ Colby Samuel (0)
I'll use one of my wishes to add a girl to my twins, making b/g/b triplets :D I'm leaving the initials you gave (NH and CS) for the boys, and adding EC for the girl. [I put down Emma Cate as the nn, but if the nn has to come from first name only then I'll just call her Emma :)]
Well, everyone was quite surprised at the news that we were expecting triplets! Alexa was overjoyed, as she absolutely loves babies. Case was probably the most apprehensive, because with all the other kids around he sometimes feels left out. Thankfully, he's been making great friends on his soccer team and is able to get plenty of attention that way when we're busy with all the little ones. He's also getting better about helping out, and especially enjoys hanging out with Max these days - Max loves his older brother and looks up to him tremendously; he wants to do every single thing Casey does, and even wants Case to pick out his clothes every day for school! Sasha has adjusted beautifully, as she was only 1 when we adopted her. She and Libby are the best of friends, and they really enjoy grocery shopping with mom and trying to run the household... and of course mom's glad to have a little help every now and then ;P
The babies finally arrived (though it seemed like the pregnancy would go on forever), and the babies have proven to be very calm. Noah and Emma Cate especially love to sleep, while Colby is probably the fussiest of the three. It seems Emma is the leader of the pack, though; she just has to be the first fed, first held, first everything. Luckily with the other children growing up, we have plenty of love and attention to go around to all three of the tiny bundles of joy :)

New babies; Noah, Emma Cate, and Colby.

Big sister Alexa and her date, Nico ... getting ready to go to their very first formal dance at school.

Max (looking extremely bored) and Libby (center) celebrating their birthday with aunt Jennifer and her daughters Jasmine (back to camera) and Kira.
Username: Elianora - 1 Wish
LN: Carter
DH: Josiah Trent (age 35, private investigator)
DW: Lorelei Wilhelmina (age 33, nurse)
DS: Jeremiah Malachi (10)
DD: Ava Lynn (8)
DD: Sienna Paige (5)
AD: Zuri Lorelei (4) from Ethiopia
DS/DD: Elijah Paul / Callie Olivia (0)
I'm using my wish to change the gender of one of the twins


Elijah and Callie

LN: Carter
DH: Josiah Trent (age 35, private investigator)
DW: Lorelei Wilhelmina (age 33, nurse)
DS: Jeremiah Malachi (10)
DD: Ava Lynn (8)
DD: Sienna Paige (5)
AD: Zuri Lorelei (4) from Ethiopia
DS/DD: Elijah Paul / Callie Olivia (0)
I'm using my wish to change the gender of one of the twins


Elijah and Callie

Username: Keepskuh
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Adrian (age 35, teacher)
DW: Anne Elisabeth Maria (age 33, editor)
DS: Henry David (10)
DD: Grace Elisabeth (8)
DD/DD: Mary Eden and Julia Clare (5)
AS: Cristian Delaney (2) from Romania
DS/DS: Emerson Matthew and Leighton Benjamin (0)

Henry, now 10

Grace at her communion (8)

Mary and Julia's 5th birthday

Cristian at the the beach (2)

Emerson and Leighton our newest additons (nb)
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Adrian (age 35, teacher)
DW: Anne Elisabeth Maria (age 33, editor)
DS: Henry David (10)
DD: Grace Elisabeth (8)
DD/DD: Mary Eden and Julia Clare (5)
AS: Cristian Delaney (2) from Romania
DS/DS: Emerson Matthew and Leighton Benjamin (0)

Henry, now 10

Grace at her communion (8)

Mary and Julia's 5th birthday

Cristian at the the beach (2)

Emerson and Leighton our newest additons (nb)
Username: Jeana Bradbury
LN: James
DH: Robert Fergus (35,Chef)
DW: Leonora Gertrude (33,Fashion designer)
DS: Henry Gerhard (10)
DD: Annabelle Jean (8)
DS: Darrell Robert Fergus (5)
AD: Haneul Hye (5) - from South Korea
DS/DD: Archibald Joss "Archie"/ Sharon Stella (0)
Robert and Leonora James welcome their newest addition. Archie and Sharon were born on April 27. They are wounderful and doinging great.
The kids have ajusted well to the birth of their new brother and sister and equal love goes all around.
Leonora and Robert took the kids to the zoo for Darrell's birthday and had a family party at Leonora's parent's house.

Archie and Sharon


LN: James
DH: Robert Fergus (35,Chef)
DW: Leonora Gertrude (33,Fashion designer)
DS: Henry Gerhard (10)
DD: Annabelle Jean (8)
DS: Darrell Robert Fergus (5)
AD: Haneul Hye (5) - from South Korea
DS/DD: Archibald Joss "Archie"/ Sharon Stella (0)
Robert and Leonora James welcome their newest addition. Archie and Sharon were born on April 27. They are wounderful and doinging great.
The kids have ajusted well to the birth of their new brother and sister and equal love goes all around.
Leonora and Robert took the kids to the zoo for Darrell's birthday and had a family party at Leonora's parent's house.

Archie and Sharon


This message was edited 5/6/2008, 3:25 PM
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (age 35, broadcast journalist)
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen' (age 33, actress)
DS: Grant Joseph (10)
DD: Ariella Marie (8)
DS: Jude Hamilton (5)
AD: An Victoria 'Annie' (2) - from Vietnam
DS/DD: Trevor Austin / Carrie Daniela (0)
I'll have to post pictures later.
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (age 35, broadcast journalist)
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen' (age 33, actress)
DS: Grant Joseph (10)
DD: Ariella Marie (8)
DS: Jude Hamilton (5)
AD: An Victoria 'Annie' (2) - from Vietnam
DS/DD: Trevor Austin / Carrie Daniela (0)
I'll have to post pictures later.
Username: Miles
LN: Hungerford
DH: Eric Julian (35, Pianist)
DW: Claudia Alice (33, Guitar teacher)
DS: Simon Lars (10)
DD: Kloe Marie (8)
DD: Evette Jane (5)
AS: Dominik August (3) - from Poland
DD/DS: Margo Fiona / Loudan James (0)
Margo and Loudan (with their mother):
Kloe all dressed up:
Evette on her birthday:
LN: Hungerford
DH: Eric Julian (35, Pianist)
DW: Claudia Alice (33, Guitar teacher)
DS: Simon Lars (10)
DD: Kloe Marie (8)
DD: Evette Jane (5)
AS: Dominik August (3) - from Poland
DD/DS: Margo Fiona / Loudan James (0)
Margo and Loudan (with their mother):
Kloe all dressed up:
Evette on her birthday:
Username: Gloria Rose - 1 Wish
LN: Potter
DH: Graham Elijah (age 35, actor)
DW: Odessa Noelle (age 33, journalist)
DS: Shannon Foster (10)
DD: Hazel Joy (8)
DS: Bennett Daniel (5)
DD: Katherine Bo "Kit" (2)*
DS/DS: Lucas Tristan "Luke" / Ian Kane (0)
Last round I had a wish and I used it to make Bo a natural birth, rather than an adoption. Just a clarification…
This round, I'll use my current wish for no naming rules.
Luke and Ian:



LN: Potter
DH: Graham Elijah (age 35, actor)
DW: Odessa Noelle (age 33, journalist)
DS: Shannon Foster (10)
DD: Hazel Joy (8)
DS: Bennett Daniel (5)
DD: Katherine Bo "Kit" (2)*
DS/DS: Lucas Tristan "Luke" / Ian Kane (0)
Last round I had a wish and I used it to make Bo a natural birth, rather than an adoption. Just a clarification…
This round, I'll use my current wish for no naming rules.
Luke and Ian:

This message was edited 5/5/2008, 8:19 PM
Username: Akua Topaz
LN: Roseburne
DH: Dexter Miles (age 35, Artist)
DW: Calliope Lucille (age 33, owns coffee shop)
DS: Graham Simon "Gray" (10)
DD: Amelia Joy (8)
DS: Isaac Morgan (5)
AD: Jun Alexandra "Junie" (4)
DS/DS: Caspar Dimitri / Elior Luca (0)
Caspar and Elior:

Amelia at her Aunt Philomela's wedding:

Isaac at his birthday party:

LN: Roseburne
DH: Dexter Miles (age 35, Artist)
DW: Calliope Lucille (age 33, owns coffee shop)
DS: Graham Simon "Gray" (10)
DD: Amelia Joy (8)
DS: Isaac Morgan (5)
AD: Jun Alexandra "Junie" (4)
DS/DS: Caspar Dimitri / Elior Luca (0)
Caspar and Elior:
Amelia at her Aunt Philomela's wedding:
Isaac at his birthday party:

This message was edited 5/5/2008, 4:50 PM
Username: Lena - 1 Wish
LN: Palmeiro
DH: Curtis Alexander (age 35, publisher)
DW: Retta Beatrice (age 33, florist)
DS: Quentin Felix (10)
DD: Antonia Mercedes (8)
DS: Gabriel River (5)
AD: Kala Madhuri (4) from India
DS/DS: Levi Valentine / Jordan Henry (0)
Congrats! You just won a wish in last round’s contest for the photo of your adopted daughter.You may save your wish or use it in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Antonia (right) with her cousin and newly married aunt:

Gabriel eating his birthday cake:

Levi and Jordan:

LN: Palmeiro
DH: Curtis Alexander (age 35, publisher)
DW: Retta Beatrice (age 33, florist)
DS: Quentin Felix (10)
DD: Antonia Mercedes (8)
DS: Gabriel River (5)
AD: Kala Madhuri (4) from India
DS/DS: Levi Valentine / Jordan Henry (0)
Congrats! You just won a wish in last round’s contest for the photo of your adopted daughter.You may save your wish or use it in this round. Things to wish for this round:
~no name rules (use whatever names you want)
~triplets or other multiples instead of twins
~change genders of twins
~two separate births instead of twins (in their case children would be 1 year apart)
~adopted instead of natural birth
~change the name of an existing family member
~add a pet to your family
~add extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin).
Antonia (right) with her cousin and newly married aunt:

Gabriel eating his birthday cake:

Levi and Jordan:

Username: Lorelei
LN: Straus
DH: James Richard "Rick" (age 35, Doctor)
DW: Amie Cecilia (age 33, Pharmacist)
DS: Jesse Daniel (10)
DD: Rose Clara (8)
DD: Stella Frances (5)
AS: Vien Quang (2) from Vietnam
DD/DD: Bella Elizabeth / Christian Ryan "Chris" (0)
Baby Bella and Baby Christian:
Rose all dressed up:
Stella's 5th birthday party:
LN: Straus
DH: James Richard "Rick" (age 35, Doctor)
DW: Amie Cecilia (age 33, Pharmacist)
DS: Jesse Daniel (10)
DD: Rose Clara (8)
DD: Stella Frances (5)
AS: Vien Quang (2) from Vietnam
DD/DD: Bella Elizabeth / Christian Ryan "Chris" (0)
Baby Bella and Baby Christian:
Rose all dressed up:
Stella's 5th birthday party:
This message was edited 5/5/2008, 4:38 PM
Username: AmandaJane - 2 Wishes
LN: Dolan
DH: Everett James, 35, Attorney
DW: Anna Sophia, 33, 3rd grade Teacher
DS: Max Ezra (10)
DD: Clementine Rae (8)
DD: Amelia Jane (5)
AS: Romeo Salvatore (2) from Italy
DD/DS: Shia Mae & Asher Preston (0)
DPet: Sammie, Golden Retriever
I'd like to use one wish and save one wish!
Shia & Asher:

Clementine as a flower girl in a friend's wedding

Amelia getting ready to blow her candles out!

LN: Dolan
DH: Everett James, 35, Attorney
DW: Anna Sophia, 33, 3rd grade Teacher
DS: Max Ezra (10)
DD: Clementine Rae (8)
DD: Amelia Jane (5)
AS: Romeo Salvatore (2) from Italy
DD/DS: Shia Mae & Asher Preston (0)
DPet: Sammie, Golden Retriever
I'd like to use one wish and save one wish!
Shia & Asher:

Clementine as a flower girl in a friend's wedding

Amelia getting ready to blow her candles out!

This message was edited 5/6/2008, 12:17 PM
Username: Snuffles
LN: Cory-Myers
DH: Keon Christian (35) graphics designer
DW: Molly Hope (33) psychologist
DS: Colin Spencer (10)
DD: Katherine Christian Marie "Katie" (8)
DD: Juliet Liliana (5)
AS: Kalyan David (3) from India
DD/DS: Luna Andrea / Andrew Leander (0)

Keon with the new babies, Luna and Andrew

Katie at her elder cousin's wedding

Juliet at her fifth birthday
LN: Cory-Myers
DH: Keon Christian (35) graphics designer
DW: Molly Hope (33) psychologist
DS: Colin Spencer (10)
DD: Katherine Christian Marie "Katie" (8)
DD: Juliet Liliana (5)
AS: Kalyan David (3) from India
DD/DS: Luna Andrea / Andrew Leander (0)

Keon with the new babies, Luna and Andrew

Katie at her elder cousin's wedding

Juliet at her fifth birthday
This message was edited 5/5/2008, 4:21 PM