[Opinions] Cadence
I know not everyone on here is fond of Cadence, or the nn "Cady" (prn. like Katie), but I need middle name suggestions! Kate is my favorite mn right now and it should be obvious why I couldn't use that. Louise is my backup mn but somehow a "word" name and an old fashioned name like Louise just don't go together. Any suggestions? Keep in mind our last name is 3 syllables and kind of a mouthful. To have a name that means "rhythm" and then not have a good rhythm to the name would just be sad.
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Maybe just me, but I don't see any problem with Cadence Louise. In fact, I think that an old-fashioned name balances out the innovation and unusualness of a word name. I do think that a mn with two syllables definitely sounds best with Cadence and a 3-syllable last name.
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I like Cadence, and can't decide if I prefer it on a girl or a boy. I think Cady is a nice nn for a girl, and I love Cade for a boy.Cadence Kate wouldn't be great ... I'm glad you realize this ;P
As an alternative to Louise, how about Cadence Louisa? It seems to flow a little better and I find Louisa less stuffy and outdated for some reason.
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I like the name Cadence as long as Candy is not used as a nickname. Cadence Kate is a cute combo
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I like Cadence but on a boy only sorry.
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Considering Cadence is a word, meaning "rhythm", there is no clear gender association. Caden to me is boy only.
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I know it's unisex, but I still prefer Cadenc eon a boy only.
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