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[Facts] Meaning of 'Mordred'?
Mordred: m The name of King Arthur's illegitimate son by his sister, Morgawse. The earliest form of the name is Medrawt,from Annals of Cambria,written in 10th century.Possible meanings: Dread of the Sea- (welsh 'mor') ('mar');dred could possibly be Middle English form of 'dread'? ,Death- (French 'Morte'), Death-Cousel- (French 'Morte' and OE 'raed')Those are just me brainstorming, I don't know whether any of those are correct ('cept where the name appears)...any other ideas though? I especially can't find much on 'Medrawt' also appears as "Medraut". I'm pretty sure it's Welsh though, like most beginnings of Arthurian stuff.Cheers!
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I'm almost certain that it's something about "counsel" but the descriptive word seems to vary. I've heard "clever counsel" or "crafty counsel," but I have also read that it means "evil counsel." You could be right with "death counsel." With the "Mor-" beginning, it would definately make sense.
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Merci beaucoup.
I forgot one other thing that I found...the old english word "morðor" (pron. "morthor") means 'torture'. I thought that might be relevent as well, since the OE letter ð is often translated as a 'd' (eg. Tolkien's 'Mordor'). 'Mord" would certainly seem to convey the same sense. Ahh well...I just enjoy speculatin' on it.
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