[Games] congrats 4,5 &6
For this round i am including all the rest of the rounds. i woun't really be able to get on the computer till about oct 2 since we are working 2 fairs from now till oct 1. i have also included round 3 again for those whose missed it. thanks for playing my congrats
Round 3:
If you age is between:
12-18: son
19-23: twin girls
24-28 twin boys
29-and up
girls: Jessica, Tiffany, Donna, Eileen, Tara, Jinanne, Katherine, Amanda, Amber
boys: James, Scott, Mark, Corey, Brett, Matthew, Robert, John, Mark, Russell, Joshua, Jason, Jeffery
round 4:
If you have ever had one of these pets:
Cat: daughter
Dog: son
Fish: twin daughters
Hamster/gerbil/ guinea pig (any kind of rodent) :twin sons
2 or more or none of the above: triplets you choose genders
girls: Joann, Nina, Amber, Kimberly, Linda, Stephanie, Starlette, Amanda, Stacy, Andrea, Jessica
boys: Michael, Matthew, Casey, Aaron, David, Adam, Jeffery, Angelo, Eric, Jayson, Kevin, Charles, Gregory, Jessie, Patrick, Robert
Round 5:
If your first name begins with the letter:
A-E: daughter
F-J: Son
K-O: Twin daughters
P-T: Twin sons
U-Z: Triplets, you choose genders
girls: Colleen, Stephanie, Patricia, Shannon, April, Jena, Ashley, Dena, Crystal, Holly, Amanda
boys: Michael, Paul, Jason, Jonathan, Christopher, Jeremy, William, Michael, Samuel
Round 6, last round.
For this last round you can choose what ever child/ children you wish. No multiples higher than triplets. Hope you enjoyed this little congrats.
Girls: Holly, Mary, Charissa, Cathleen, Crystal, Jessica, Rhiannon, Wyesteria (the only twins in my class), Kristen, Melissa, Stacy, Rebeccah, Cristy, Nina, Amie, Brooke
Boys: Steven, William, Josh, David, Matthew, Joseph, Timothy, Dustin, Eric, John, Shaun, Justen, Robert, Jason, Joey, Justin, James, Steven, Sean, Gary, Joshua, Edward, Timothy Jeremy, Stephen
DS:Adrian Chester
DS: Dominic Kip
DD/DD: Jessica & Eileen
DW: Hannah
DH: John
DS/DS: Benjamin James and Jonathan Christopher
Round 2 name(s)
DS: Jaime Adrian
Round 2 name(s)
Amber J
DS: Adrian Christopher
DS: Bryan William
DD/DD: Amber Eileen / Tara Katherine
DS/DS/DS:Jaime Christopher/ Chester Brock /Ryan Matthew
DD: Shannon Jodi
DS: Corey Brett
DS/DD/DS: Matthew James / Taryn Angel / Benjamin Adam
Round 2 name(s)
LN: Robinson
DH: Mark Joshua
DW: Anna Marie
DS/DS: Matthew Adam "Matt"/ Jonathan Adrian "Jono"
DD: Shannon Tracy
DD/DD: Jessica Tara "Jess"/ Katherine Tiffany "Kat"
DD/DD: Taryn Kristy and Jessica Sherry
DS: Daniel Nathan
DD/DD: Katherine Amanda and Tara Amber
DS/DS: James Benjamin & Christopher Matthew
Round 2 name(s)
DS/DD: Adrian Brock and Kimberly Taryn
DD/DD: Sara Jessica and Shannon Kathleen
DD/DD: Amber Katherine and Tara Amanda
DH: Sean Robert
DW: Erica Nichole "Nikki"
DS/DD: Adam Matthew / Taryn Jessica
DS/DS: Nathan Andrew / William Dominic
DS: Joshua Matthew
DS/DS/DD: Christopher Scott / Adam Benjamin / Jessica Shawn "Chris / Adam / Jess
DS/DS: William Dominic / Nathan Andrew "Will / Nathan"
DS/DS/DD: Matthew James / John Robert/ Katherine Eileen "Matt / Jack / Kate"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DH: Luke Preston
DS/DD: James Ryan "Jack" / Angela Kimberly "Angie"
DD: Carolyn Jeannette "Carrie"
DD/DD: Jessica Eileen / Katherine Tara
DH: Jesse Dale
DW: Julia Anne
DD/DD/DS: Taryn Kimberly / Tiffany Shawn / Benjamin James
DD/DD: Jodi Kathleen / Shannon Jeannette
shangrila la
DW: Amanda
DH: Tim
DD: Kristy Taryn "Kris"
DS: Dominic Chad "Dom"
Skye Morgan
DD/DS: Taryn Angel/ Chad Ryan
DD: Shannon Kathleen
DH: Niall
DW: Mel
DS: Adam Ryan
DS/DS: Dominic William / Aaron Daniel
DS/DS/DD: Adrian Jason, James Ryan, & Taryn Angela
DS/DS: Dominic Aaron / Kevin Daniel
DS: Scott Russell
DW: Reagan Jae
DH: Shawn Robert
DS/DS/DS: Chad Christopher / Matthew Jon / Ryan James
DS: Dominic William
DS: Robert Mark "Robby"
DS/DS/DD: Ryan Brock, Adrian Scott & Taryn
Round 2 name(s)
DD/DS: Albree Jessica/ Adam Christopher
DS: Dominic Andrew
DS/DS/DD:Joshua Mark/ Matthew John/ Katherine Donna (Katie
DW: Kaitlin
DH: Kevin
DS/DD: Christopher Adam and Jessica Kristy
DS: Dominic William
DH: Nick
DW: Claire
DS / DS : Christopher Adam "Chris" / James Jonathan
Round 2 name(s)
DW: Melanie
DH: Jared
DD: Evelyn Tate
DS/DS: Jack Emery / Abel Rhys, just wondering where you are getting yr names from. I don’t have these in my name bank J
DS/DD/DS: Benjamin Matthew / Taryn Jessica / Adam James
DS: Daniel Kip
DS: Joshua Brett
Claire H
DW: Hannah
DH: Sanjay
DS: Adam Scott
DS/DD/DS: Dominic Nathan / Sara Jeannette / William Brian
DS: James Russell
DH: Michael
DW: Auria
DS: Harold James
DD/DD: Sara Kathleen/ Jeannette Carolyn
DD/DD: Amanda Katherine/ Eileen Tiffany
Round 3:
If you age is between:
12-18: son
19-23: twin girls
24-28 twin boys
29-and up
girls: Jessica, Tiffany, Donna, Eileen, Tara, Jinanne, Katherine, Amanda, Amber
boys: James, Scott, Mark, Corey, Brett, Matthew, Robert, John, Mark, Russell, Joshua, Jason, Jeffery
round 4:
If you have ever had one of these pets:
Cat: daughter
Dog: son
Fish: twin daughters
Hamster/gerbil/ guinea pig (any kind of rodent) :twin sons
2 or more or none of the above: triplets you choose genders
girls: Joann, Nina, Amber, Kimberly, Linda, Stephanie, Starlette, Amanda, Stacy, Andrea, Jessica
boys: Michael, Matthew, Casey, Aaron, David, Adam, Jeffery, Angelo, Eric, Jayson, Kevin, Charles, Gregory, Jessie, Patrick, Robert
Round 5:
If your first name begins with the letter:
A-E: daughter
F-J: Son
K-O: Twin daughters
P-T: Twin sons
U-Z: Triplets, you choose genders
girls: Colleen, Stephanie, Patricia, Shannon, April, Jena, Ashley, Dena, Crystal, Holly, Amanda
boys: Michael, Paul, Jason, Jonathan, Christopher, Jeremy, William, Michael, Samuel
Round 6, last round.
For this last round you can choose what ever child/ children you wish. No multiples higher than triplets. Hope you enjoyed this little congrats.
Girls: Holly, Mary, Charissa, Cathleen, Crystal, Jessica, Rhiannon, Wyesteria (the only twins in my class), Kristen, Melissa, Stacy, Rebeccah, Cristy, Nina, Amie, Brooke
Boys: Steven, William, Josh, David, Matthew, Joseph, Timothy, Dustin, Eric, John, Shaun, Justen, Robert, Jason, Joey, Justin, James, Steven, Sean, Gary, Joshua, Edward, Timothy Jeremy, Stephen
DS:Adrian Chester
DS: Dominic Kip
DD/DD: Jessica & Eileen
DW: Hannah
DH: John
DS/DS: Benjamin James and Jonathan Christopher
Round 2 name(s)
DS: Jaime Adrian
Round 2 name(s)
Amber J
DS: Adrian Christopher
DS: Bryan William
DD/DD: Amber Eileen / Tara Katherine
DS/DS/DS:Jaime Christopher/ Chester Brock /Ryan Matthew
DD: Shannon Jodi
DS: Corey Brett
DS/DD/DS: Matthew James / Taryn Angel / Benjamin Adam
Round 2 name(s)
LN: Robinson
DH: Mark Joshua
DW: Anna Marie
DS/DS: Matthew Adam "Matt"/ Jonathan Adrian "Jono"
DD: Shannon Tracy
DD/DD: Jessica Tara "Jess"/ Katherine Tiffany "Kat"
DD/DD: Taryn Kristy and Jessica Sherry
DS: Daniel Nathan
DD/DD: Katherine Amanda and Tara Amber
DS/DS: James Benjamin & Christopher Matthew
Round 2 name(s)
DS/DD: Adrian Brock and Kimberly Taryn
DD/DD: Sara Jessica and Shannon Kathleen
DD/DD: Amber Katherine and Tara Amanda
DH: Sean Robert
DW: Erica Nichole "Nikki"
DS/DD: Adam Matthew / Taryn Jessica
DS/DS: Nathan Andrew / William Dominic
DS: Joshua Matthew
DS/DS/DD: Christopher Scott / Adam Benjamin / Jessica Shawn "Chris / Adam / Jess
DS/DS: William Dominic / Nathan Andrew "Will / Nathan"
DS/DS/DD: Matthew James / John Robert/ Katherine Eileen "Matt / Jack / Kate"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DH: Luke Preston
DS/DD: James Ryan "Jack" / Angela Kimberly "Angie"
DD: Carolyn Jeannette "Carrie"
DD/DD: Jessica Eileen / Katherine Tara
DH: Jesse Dale
DW: Julia Anne
DD/DD/DS: Taryn Kimberly / Tiffany Shawn / Benjamin James
DD/DD: Jodi Kathleen / Shannon Jeannette
shangrila la
DW: Amanda
DH: Tim
DD: Kristy Taryn "Kris"
DS: Dominic Chad "Dom"
Skye Morgan
DD/DS: Taryn Angel/ Chad Ryan
DD: Shannon Kathleen
DH: Niall
DW: Mel
DS: Adam Ryan
DS/DS: Dominic William / Aaron Daniel
DS/DS/DD: Adrian Jason, James Ryan, & Taryn Angela
DS/DS: Dominic Aaron / Kevin Daniel
DS: Scott Russell
DW: Reagan Jae
DH: Shawn Robert
DS/DS/DS: Chad Christopher / Matthew Jon / Ryan James
DS: Dominic William
DS: Robert Mark "Robby"
DS/DS/DD: Ryan Brock, Adrian Scott & Taryn
Round 2 name(s)
DD/DS: Albree Jessica/ Adam Christopher
DS: Dominic Andrew
DS/DS/DD:Joshua Mark/ Matthew John/ Katherine Donna (Katie
DW: Kaitlin
DH: Kevin
DS/DD: Christopher Adam and Jessica Kristy
DS: Dominic William
DH: Nick
DW: Claire
DS / DS : Christopher Adam "Chris" / James Jonathan
Round 2 name(s)
DW: Melanie
DH: Jared
DD: Evelyn Tate
DS/DS: Jack Emery / Abel Rhys, just wondering where you are getting yr names from. I don’t have these in my name bank J
DS/DD/DS: Benjamin Matthew / Taryn Jessica / Adam James
DS: Daniel Kip
DS: Joshua Brett
Claire H
DW: Hannah
DH: Sanjay
DS: Adam Scott
DS/DD/DS: Dominic Nathan / Sara Jeannette / William Brian
DS: James Russell
DH: Michael
DW: Auria
DS: Harold James
DD/DD: Sara Kathleen/ Jeannette Carolyn
DD/DD: Amanda Katherine/ Eileen Tiffany
DS/DS/DS:Jaime Christopher/ Chester Brock /Ryan Matthew
DD: Shannon Jodi
DS: Corey Brett
DD/DS/DS: Starlette Jessica/Jayson Patrick/Casey Eric
DD: Crystal Holly
DD/DS/DS: Rhiannon Kristen/Matthew Jeremy/Joseph Shaun
DS/DS/DS:Jaime Christopher/ Chester Brock /Ryan Matthew
DD: Shannon Jodi
DS: Corey Brett
DD/DS/DS: Starlette Jessica/Jayson Patrick/Casey Eric
DD: Crystal Holly
DD/DS/DS: Rhiannon Kristen/Matthew Jeremy/Joseph Shaun
LN: Robinson
DH: Mark Joshua
DW: Anna Marie
DS/DS: Matthew Adam "Matt"/ Jonathan Adrian "Jono"
DD: Shannon Tracy
DD/DD: Jessica Tara "Jess"/ Katherine Tiffany "Kat"
DS/DS/DD: Kevin Charles "Kev"/ Eric Robert/ Stephanie Andrea "Steph"
DD: Holly Crystal
DS: Shaun William
So Mark and Anna Robinson with their kids Matt, Jono, Shannon, Jess, Kat, Kev, Eric, Steph, Holly and Shaun.
LN: Robinson
DH: Mark Joshua
DW: Anna Marie
DS/DS: Matthew Adam "Matt"/ Jonathan Adrian "Jono"
DD: Shannon Tracy
DD/DD: Jessica Tara "Jess"/ Katherine Tiffany "Kat"
DS/DS/DD: Kevin Charles "Kev"/ Eric Robert/ Stephanie Andrea "Steph"
DD: Holly Crystal
DS: Shaun William
So Mark and Anna Robinson with their kids Matt, Jono, Shannon, Jess, Kat, Kev, Eric, Steph, Holly and Shaun.
shangrila la
DW: Amanda
DH: Tim
DD: Kristy Taryn "Kris"
DS: Dominic Chad "Dom"
DS: James Corey Robert
DS/DD/DD: Patrick Charles, Nina Stacy, & Amanda Joann
DD: Jena April
DD/DD/DD: Amie Brooke and Cathleen Holly “Cat”
Kris, Dom, James, Patrick, Nina, Amanda, Jena, Amie and Cat
DW: Amanda
DH: Tim
DD: Kristy Taryn "Kris"
DS: Dominic Chad "Dom"
DS: James Corey Robert
DS/DD/DD: Patrick Charles, Nina Stacy, & Amanda Joann
DD: Jena April
DD/DD/DD: Amie Brooke and Cathleen Holly “Cat”
Kris, Dom, James, Patrick, Nina, Amanda, Jena, Amie and Cat
This message was edited 9/20/2005, 8:27 PM
DS/DD: Adrian Brock and Kimberly Taryn
DD/DD: Sara Jessica and Shannon Kathleen
DD/DD: Amber Katherine and Tara Amanda
DD: Nina Linda
DD: April Colleen
DD/DS/DD: Charissa Mary / Joseph Eric / Brooke Wyesteria /

DS/DD: Adrian Brock and Kimberly Taryn
DD/DD: Sara Jessica and Shannon Kathleen
DD/DD: Amber Katherine and Tara Amanda
DD: Nina Linda
DD: April Colleen
DD/DS/DD: Charissa Mary / Joseph Eric / Brooke Wyesteria /
Amber J
DS: Adrian Christopher
DS: Bryan William
DD/DD: Amber Eileen / Tara Katherine
DD/DD/DS: Kimberly Joann / Andrea Starlette "Andy" / Charles Gregory "Charlie"
DD: Jenna Ashley
DS/DS/DD: Justin David / Jeremy Matthew / Aime Charissa
Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly. - Arnold Edinborough
DS: Adrian Christopher
DS: Bryan William
DD/DD: Amber Eileen / Tara Katherine
DD/DD/DS: Kimberly Joann / Andrea Starlette "Andy" / Charles Gregory "Charlie"
DD: Jenna Ashley
DS/DS/DD: Justin David / Jeremy Matthew / Aime Charissa
Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly. - Arnold Edinborough
DH: Jesse Dale
DW: Julia Anne
DD/DD/DS: Taryn Kimberly / Tiffany Shawn / Benjamin James
DD/DD: Jodi Kathleen / Shannon Jeannette
DS: Joshua Scott
DS: Matthew Aaron
DS: Samuel Paul
DD: Kristen Brooke / Holly Rhiannon
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
DH: Jesse Dale
DW: Julia Anne
DD/DD/DS: Taryn Kimberly / Tiffany Shawn / Benjamin James
DD/DD: Jodi Kathleen / Shannon Jeannette
DS: Joshua Scott
DS: Matthew Aaron
DS: Samuel Paul
DD: Kristen Brooke / Holly Rhiannon
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
DS/DS/DD: Christopher Scott / Adam Benjamin / Jessica Shawn "Chris / Adam / Jess"
DS/DS: William Dominic / Nathan Andrew "Will / Nathan"
DS/DS/DD: Matthew James / John Robert/ Katherine Eileen "Matt / Jack / Kate"
DS/DS/DD: Charles David / Aaron Gregory / Nina Joann "Charlie / Aaron / Nina"
DS/DS: Michael Jonathan/ Samuel Paul "Michael / Sam"
DS/DD: Joshua Edward / Melissa Rebeccah "Josh / Ellie"
DS/DS/DD: Christopher Scott / Adam Benjamin / Jessica Shawn "Chris / Adam / Jess"
DS/DS: William Dominic / Nathan Andrew "Will / Nathan"
DS/DS/DD: Matthew James / John Robert/ Katherine Eileen "Matt / Jack / Kate"
DS/DS/DD: Charles David / Aaron Gregory / Nina Joann "Charlie / Aaron / Nina"
DS/DS: Michael Jonathan/ Samuel Paul "Michael / Sam"
DS/DD: Joshua Edward / Melissa Rebeccah "Josh / Ellie"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DH: Luke Preston
DS/DD: James Ryan "Jack" / Angela Kimberly "Angie"
DD: Carolyn Jeannette "Carrie"
DD/DD: Jessica Eileen / Katherine Tara
DS/DS/DD: Kevin Patrick / David Eric / Andrea Stephanie
DS: Jeremy Paul
DS/DD: William Joseph "Liam" / Melissa Brooke "Missy"
Luke and I would like to take a moment and introduce our entire family! We welcomed triplets, Kevin Patrick, David Eric, and Andrea Stephanie on May 28th. Kevin was born at 6:04 AM, weighing 4 pounds, 14 ounces; 18 3/4 inches long. He was joined by David at 6:06 AM, weighing 4 pounds, 12 ounces; 18 3/4 inches long. Their sister, Andrea, came into the world at 6:07 AM, weighing 4 pounds, 8 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long.
After the triplets we welcomed a son, Jeremy Paul into the world on October 14th. He was born at 11:48 PM, weighing 8 pounds, 2 ounces; 21 inches long.
And finally, we welcomed twins, William Joseph and Melissa Brooke, on November 30th. William was born at 2:00 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 19 inches long. Melissa joined him at 2:24 PM, weighing 6 pounds; 19 inches long.
All of our children are absolute angels and we're thrilled to have the privilege of raising them!

~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Janna Cristina Rose, Zoe Melina Laine
Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DH: Luke Preston
DS/DD: James Ryan "Jack" / Angela Kimberly "Angie"
DD: Carolyn Jeannette "Carrie"
DD/DD: Jessica Eileen / Katherine Tara
DS/DS/DD: Kevin Patrick / David Eric / Andrea Stephanie
DS: Jeremy Paul
DS/DD: William Joseph "Liam" / Melissa Brooke "Missy"
Luke and I would like to take a moment and introduce our entire family! We welcomed triplets, Kevin Patrick, David Eric, and Andrea Stephanie on May 28th. Kevin was born at 6:04 AM, weighing 4 pounds, 14 ounces; 18 3/4 inches long. He was joined by David at 6:06 AM, weighing 4 pounds, 12 ounces; 18 3/4 inches long. Their sister, Andrea, came into the world at 6:07 AM, weighing 4 pounds, 8 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long.
After the triplets we welcomed a son, Jeremy Paul into the world on October 14th. He was born at 11:48 PM, weighing 8 pounds, 2 ounces; 21 inches long.
And finally, we welcomed twins, William Joseph and Melissa Brooke, on November 30th. William was born at 2:00 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 19 inches long. Melissa joined him at 2:24 PM, weighing 6 pounds; 19 inches long.
All of our children are absolute angels and we're thrilled to have the privilege of raising them!
~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Janna Cristina Rose, Zoe Melina Laine
Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
DW: Catherine
DH: Michael
DS/DD/DS: Benjamin Matthew / Taryn Jessica / Adam James
DS: Daniel Kip
DS: Joshua Brett
DS/DS/DS: Casey Robert / Patrick Charles / Aaron David
DD: April Colleen
DD/DS/DS: Rhiannon Mary / Joseph Timothy / Stephen John
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Angus, Elvin, "The Brow", River, Orlando, Fritz, Hayden, Hubert, Liza, Angeline, Carmella, Xanthe, Tabea, Clara, Jocasta and Violet.
~~~~~ - Sparkleflower, Moonrain, Honeybud, Twinklesun and Sugarberry.
DH: Michael
DS/DD/DS: Benjamin Matthew / Taryn Jessica / Adam James
DS: Daniel Kip
DS: Joshua Brett
DS/DS/DS: Casey Robert / Patrick Charles / Aaron David
DD: April Colleen
DD/DS/DS: Rhiannon Mary / Joseph Timothy / Stephen John
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Angus, Elvin, "The Brow", River, Orlando, Fritz, Hayden, Hubert, Liza, Angeline, Carmella, Xanthe, Tabea, Clara, Jocasta and Violet.
~~~~~ - Sparkleflower, Moonrain, Honeybud, Twinklesun and Sugarberry.
DH: Niall
DW: Mel
DS: Adam Ryan
DS/DS: Dominic William / Aaron Daniel
DD/DD: Jessica Tara / Katherine Amber
DD/DS/DS: Nina Andrea / Jesse David / Casey Charles
DD/DD: Ashley Colleen / Shannon Holly
DS/DS: Shaun Jeremy / Jason Edward
They will see us waving from such great heights,
'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
'come down now,' but we'll stay...
DH: Niall
DW: Mel
DS: Adam Ryan
DS/DS: Dominic William / Aaron Daniel
DD/DD: Jessica Tara / Katherine Amber
DD/DS/DS: Nina Andrea / Jesse David / Casey Charles
DD/DD: Ashley Colleen / Shannon Holly
DS/DS: Shaun Jeremy / Jason Edward
They will see us waving from such great heights,
'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
'come down now,' but we'll stay...
DH: Sean Robert
DW: Erica Nichole "Nikki"
DS/DD: Adam Matthew / Taryn Jessica
DS/DS: Nathan Andrew / William Dominic
DS: Corey James (changed this bc I used Matthew twice)
DD/DD/DS: Nina Amber / Stephanie Amanda / Patrick Aaron
DD: Ashley Shannon
DS/DS: Justin David / Timothy Joseph
Sean and Nikki
Adam, Taryn, Nathan, Will, Corey, Nina, Stephanie, Patrick, Ashley, Justin and Tim
Nikki :)

Proud Mama! See My Profile!
DH: Sean Robert
DW: Erica Nichole "Nikki"
DS/DD: Adam Matthew / Taryn Jessica
DS/DS: Nathan Andrew / William Dominic
DS: Corey James (changed this bc I used Matthew twice)
DD/DD/DS: Nina Amber / Stephanie Amanda / Patrick Aaron
DD: Ashley Shannon
DS/DS: Justin David / Timothy Joseph
Sean and Nikki
Adam, Taryn, Nathan, Will, Corey, Nina, Stephanie, Patrick, Ashley, Justin and Tim
Nikki :)
Proud Mama! See My Profile!
round 4:
If you have ever had one of these pets:
2 or more or none of the above: triplets you choose genders
Round 5:
If your first name begins with the letter:
P-T: Twin sons
boys: Michael, Paul, Jason, Jonathan, Christopher, Jeremy, William, Michael, Samuel
Round 6, last round.
DD/DS: Albree Jessica/ Adam Christopher
DS: Dominic Andrew (Nicky)
DS/DS/DD:Joshua Mark/ Matthew John/ Katherine Donna (Katie
DD/DS/DS:Nina Andrea/ Eric Patrick/ Angelo Robert
DS/DS:Michael Paul/ Jonathan Michael
DD/DS:Rhiannon Melissa(Anna)/ Joseph Steven
Keith, Shannon, Albree, Adam, Dominic(Nicky), Josh, Matt, Katie, Nina, Eric, Angelo, Mikey, Jonny, Anna, & Joey

If you have ever had one of these pets:
2 or more or none of the above: triplets you choose genders
Round 5:
If your first name begins with the letter:
P-T: Twin sons
boys: Michael, Paul, Jason, Jonathan, Christopher, Jeremy, William, Michael, Samuel
Round 6, last round.
DD/DS: Albree Jessica/ Adam Christopher
DS: Dominic Andrew (Nicky)
DS/DS/DD:Joshua Mark/ Matthew John/ Katherine Donna (Katie
DD/DS/DS:Nina Andrea/ Eric Patrick/ Angelo Robert
DS/DS:Michael Paul/ Jonathan Michael
DD/DS:Rhiannon Melissa(Anna)/ Joseph Steven
Keith, Shannon, Albree, Adam, Dominic(Nicky), Josh, Matt, Katie, Nina, Eric, Angelo, Mikey, Jonny, Anna, & Joey
DH: Michael
DW: Auria
DS: Harold James
DD/DD: Sara Kathleen/ Jeannette Carolyn
DD/DD: Amanda Katherine/ Eileen Tiffany
DS/DS/DD:Michael David/ Angelo Matthew/ Andrea Joann
DD/DD: Jena Colleen/ Holly Shannon
DS/DS/DS/: Edward James/ Joshua Steven/ Dustin Timothy
Mike, Auria, Harold, Sara, Jeannette, Amanda, Eileen, Mike jr., Angelo, Andrea, Jena, Holly, Edward, Josh, and Dustin
DH: Michael
DW: Auria
DS: Harold James
DD/DD: Sara Kathleen/ Jeannette Carolyn
DD/DD: Amanda Katherine/ Eileen Tiffany
DS/DS/DD:Michael David/ Angelo Matthew/ Andrea Joann
DD/DD: Jena Colleen/ Holly Shannon
DS/DS/DS/: Edward James/ Joshua Steven/ Dustin Timothy
Mike, Auria, Harold, Sara, Jeannette, Amanda, Eileen, Mike jr., Angelo, Andrea, Jena, Holly, Edward, Josh, and Dustin