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[Facts] where can i find poams about my name?
i looked almost every where
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my little girl's name is eartha - mai - is there a poam with
her name out there ? - mum
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about my name and love
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Down memery lane I wander to the place of yesteryears to the days of happy childhood, which are forever dear.Where springtime days were full of joy, and winter cold went through our cloths. and the joy of summer rain drops as they trickled through our toes. Changes come and changes go and the clock of time ticks fast.But memeries never falter, they will forever last
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i would like to find out what my name really means
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my name is Carol and I am looking for poams about my name please send them to me
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My name is Ann and i am looking for poams about my name. could you please send them to me. Thank you
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it has to be nice
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Sorry, I can't find any, but you can order personalized name poems at this website:
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Well, there is an opera about your name, that's poetic! I love your name, BTW.
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