in reply to a message by raindancing
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Out of the meanings given, the Sanskrit origin ones are basically correct. Derived from the root i with cognates all over the Indoeuropean languages e.g. ειμι, iter, иду, signifying motion, one gets aYan, the act of going, or the path, and is used both literally and figuratively. A peculiar development also led to it meaning a house or place of refuge.
But all that is about ayana, not aayana; i.e. the first vowel is as in cut or cot, not as in car. That can happen in Sanskrit if one uses the prefix A to the above word, in which case the meaning changes from going to coming, and Ayana usually means approaching, though it can mean income as well. Alternatively, since ayana has celestial significance, Ayana can mean belonging to the solistice. I do not think that either of these two aayan is used as a name.
Out of the meanings given, the Sanskrit origin ones are basically correct. Derived from the root i with cognates all over the Indoeuropean languages e.g. ειμι, iter, иду, signifying motion, one gets aYan, the act of going, or the path, and is used both literally and figuratively. A peculiar development also led to it meaning a house or place of refuge.
But all that is about ayana, not aayana; i.e. the first vowel is as in cut or cot, not as in car. That can happen in Sanskrit if one uses the prefix A to the above word, in which case the meaning changes from going to coming, and Ayana usually means approaching, though it can mean income as well. Alternatively, since ayana has celestial significance, Ayana can mean belonging to the solistice. I do not think that either of these two aayan is used as a name.
Forgot to mention that AYAna (or aayaan if you prefer) is a very famous character n mythology: AYAna ghoSa was the husband of rAdhA, the heartthrob and lover of kRSNa, the playful pastoral God, an incarnation of viSNu, the protector amongst the Hindu trinity.
AYAna can mean arrival, and natural temperament, but I do not know if the name is anyway connected to the word.
AYAna can mean arrival, and natural temperament, but I do not know if the name is anyway connected to the word.
Oh shoot my eyes are terrible,Thank you for pointing it out :)I will change it
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
Hi, we are Hindu and named our son Ayan. One thing we liked about it was that it is such a cross-cultural name. The meanings we researched are as follows:
1. Hindu/Tamil: Brahma, the God of Creation
2. Sanskrit: Soaked in the Divine (as in Satyanarayan)
3. Biblical: Motion, To Arrive (related to Noah); Iian, which is pronounced like Ayan, is the Scottish variation of John
4. Hebrew: Nothingness, Peace
5. Persian: Notable
6. Islam/Arabic: God’s Gift
7. Several African Languages: Center Part of the Soul.
1. Hindu/Tamil: Brahma, the God of Creation
2. Sanskrit: Soaked in the Divine (as in Satyanarayan)
3. Biblical: Motion, To Arrive (related to Noah); Iian, which is pronounced like Ayan, is the Scottish variation of John
4. Hebrew: Nothingness, Peace
5. Persian: Notable
6. Islam/Arabic: God’s Gift
7. Several African Languages: Center Part of the Soul.
Ayan is a purely Arabic/islamic origin name ( from “Quran”). This name is only for boys.
what is difference between
Ayan and Aayan pls?
Ayan and Aayan pls?
Is vaild name for hindu baby boy ?
The sanskrit meaning is incorrect. satyanArAYaNa comes from satya = truth (or, etymologically, that which exists from the root as, to be, with obvious cognates) + nArAYaNa (descendent of nara, man, with cognates in Greek and Latin). The word nArAYaNa was identified as the first man, the creator, etc. in the past, but now refers to ViSNu, the protector amongst the Hindu trinity.
In any case, there is no word ayan or aayan in that. The phoneme does exist as a suffix there, but with the meaning `son of'.
I haven't checked the other meanings, but you would be well-advised to check them out. There are two many sites which give false meanings, sometimes with so little regard for the truth that calling them lies is not overeaching.
In any case, there is no word ayan or aayan in that. The phoneme does exist as a suffix there, but with the meaning `son of'.
I haven't checked the other meanings, but you would be well-advised to check them out. There are two many sites which give false meanings, sometimes with so little regard for the truth that calling them lies is not overeaching.
Aayan name meaning
आयन नाम का अर्थ
राशि चक्र की गति या मार्ग।
सूर्य की मकर रेखा से कर्क रेखा अथवा कर्क रेखा से मकर रेखा की ओर की गति या मार्ग, जिसे क्रमात् उत्तरायण या दक्षिणायन कहते हैं।
उत्तरायण और दक्षिणायन के आरंभ में होनेवाला एक प्रकार का यज्ञ।
ज्योतिष की वह प्रक्रिया जिससे आकाशस्थ पिंडों की गति और मार्ग का ज्ञान होता है।
आयन शुद्ध रूप से संस्कृत का नाम है
संस्कृत सबसे प्राचीन भाषा है। उर्दू अरबी फारसी सब उसके बाद आई हैं
आयन नाम का अर्थ
राशि चक्र की गति या मार्ग।
सूर्य की मकर रेखा से कर्क रेखा अथवा कर्क रेखा से मकर रेखा की ओर की गति या मार्ग, जिसे क्रमात् उत्तरायण या दक्षिणायन कहते हैं।
उत्तरायण और दक्षिणायन के आरंभ में होनेवाला एक प्रकार का यज्ञ।
ज्योतिष की वह प्रक्रिया जिससे आकाशस्थ पिंडों की गति और मार्ग का ज्ञान होता है।
आयन शुद्ध रूप से संस्कृत का नाम है
संस्कृत सबसे प्राचीन भाषा है। उर्दू अरबी फारसी सब उसके बाद आई हैं