[Games] Ashley's Picture Congrats Round 3
Caoilainn and Flute, please complete the last two rounds. If you miss this round, you will be dropped.
Spartz, CarolineMae, SarahKate, Diamante04, Heidi Ann - 2
Avalon, CN, Nikki, Aileen - 1
Aileen, Ladybug, Nikki, Nursemom75 - 3
CN, Heidi Ann - 1
- Since there was a tie for both categories, everyone who was tied for first gets a wish!
- You can wish for whatever you want - a name change, picking a new name for your child this round (meaning you do not need to use the name banks/rules provided), an age change, a set of triplets .. Anything!
- You will receive your wish this round and can just insert it into your new family - so this round, if you choose triplets, you would name your new child (given by me for the normal round) and your triplets. Please! Let me know what your wish was!
- Below everyone’s family is a tiny survey about the upcoming rounds that I’d like for you to fill out.
- Namebanks are based on your previous children’s first names. No spelling changes!
- Three years have passed and you have just given birth to a third child.
- Your oldest is beginning school, what’s that like?
- Your family took a vacation. Where did you go? What was it like for the kids? It can be prior to the new baby or after.
Pictures you can show (these will be our contests next round)
- A family vacation photo (before or after the new baby is fine, whichever you choose)
- A photo of all 3 children
- A photo of the new baby
CONTESTS: (these are pictures submitted in Round 2)
- Cutest New Baby
- Cutest Toddler
The contest photos will be posted as a response to this message. This round, please submit your vote as a response to the message, not in your own family's post. That was a bit too confusing last time! Thanks!
Username: Array
LN: Hayashi
DH: Raki Kichirou Hayashi (30)
DW: Clare Maria (Teufel) Hayashi (30)
DS: Joel Takumi Hayashi (5)
DD: Leila Emma Hayashi (3)
DD: Miriam Anna Cecilia Mary Nina Sara Joanna Johanna (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
Username: avalon
LN: Turner
DH: Christian John Turner (30)
DW: Grace Elizabeth (Carden) Turner (30)
DS: Lucas John Turner (5)
DD: Evelyn Leah Turner ’Evie’ (3)
DD: Irene Lena Leslie Addison Reagan Adeline Ruby Ella (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: aileenbean
LN: O'Taggart
DH: Jack William O’Taggart (30)
DW: Poppy Jane (Llewellyn) O‘Taggart (30)
DD: Petra Katherine O’Taggart (5)
DS: Ulysses Todd O’Taggart (3)
DS: Gregor Andreas Franz Lorenz Erasmus Matthias Augustus (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: caoilainn
LN: Belacqua-Grant
DH: Henry Llewelyn Grant (30)
DW: Lucy Katherine Belacqua-Grant (30)
DD or DS: Lily Amelia or Jonathan Lewis (5)
DD: Pamela Ellen Tancie Rachael Alyssa Kelly Amelia Tessa Hayley Emily Regan (3)
DD: Abigail Laurel Olivia Rose Madelyn Lilly Jocelyn Hannah (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Caroline Mae
LN: Fiorelli
DH: Luciano Paulo Fiorelli "Lux" (30)
DW: Genevieve Mary [Housten] Fiorelli "Eve" (30)
DS: Orlando Emmett Fiorelli (5)
DS: Elias Luca Fiorelli (3)
DD: Maria Aida Isabella Elena Astrid Catalina Carolina Elodie (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: CN
LN: Thorgunby
DH: Adam Isidore Thorgunby (30)
DW: Georgia Ophélie (Hudson) Thorgunby (30)
DS: William Mathias Thorgunby (5)
DS: Lucas Elliott Thorgunby (3)
DD: Elisabeth Margaret Joanna Leah Bethany Priscilla Elizabeth Kylie (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer Ward (30)
DW: Jennifer Nicole [Thomas] Ward "Jen" (30)
DD: Avery Natalia ‘Ava‘ Ward (5)
DD: Isabella Lucy ‘Ella’ Ward (3)
DS: Emilia Anna Willa Emma Lena Charlotte Lila Katharina (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Flute
LN: Carson
DH: Garrett Joel Carson (30)
DW: Nanami Wakana (Takamura) Carson "Nami" (30)
DD or DS: Vera Olivia or Vincent Hayden (5)
DD: Alyson Veronica Ermengarde Rachael Zara Noelia Alyssa Teagan Alexandra Lucy (3)
DS: Cecelia Maria Beatrice Pauline Corinne Camilla Anne Candida (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: HeidiAnn
LN: Wilkins
DH: Rodney Alistair Wilkins (30)
DW: Penelope Grace (Wessell) Wilkins "Penny" (30)
DS: Nicholas Alistair Wilkins ’Cole’ (5)
DD: Isabella Ingrid Wilkins ’Bella’ (3)
DD: Caroline Francesca Angela Claudia Molly Antonia Marina Cecilia (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Hola123
LN: Maroulis
DH: Elias Theophylaktos Maroulis (30)
DW: Yesenia Carmen (Abarca) Maroulis (30)
Dgrandma: Euphemia Maroulis ‘Effie’ (You can choose a name for her!)
DD: Marisela Amber Maroulis (5)
DD: Leandra Carmen Maroulis (3)
DS: Dane Shayne Westley Drew Brett Marcel Brenton (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
LN: Aaron
DH: Alexander John Aaron "Alex" (30)
DW: Victoria Rose Aaron (Baker) (30)
DD: Olivia Madeline Baker (5)
DD: Emma Isabella Baker (3)
DS: Walker Elias Solomon Oberon Oliver Owen Caleb (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Kelsie
LN: Kennedy
DH: Thomas Harold Kennedy (30)
DW: Holly Josephine (Granger) Kennedy (30)
DD: Lindsay Emily Kennedy (5)
DS: Owen Matthew Kennedy (3)
DS: Jackson Gavin Brogan Aiden Riley Kane Keegan (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: LadyBug
LN: Bourne
DH: Eamon Patrick Bourne (30)
DW: Catalina Marie (Kane) Bourne "Cat" (30)
DS: Aidan Charles Bourne (5)
DS: Micah Lucas Bourne (3)
DD: Aiofe Meaghan Teagan Fallon Kinnia Ashlyn Keren Davina (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: megankate
Username: megankate
LN: Allard
DH: Bryce Nathan Allard (30)
DW: Ava Paige (Harrison) Allard (30)
DS: Declan Henry Allard (5)
DS: Aidan Ethan Allard (3)
DS: Isaac Nat Josh Jake James Eliot Michael (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Nikki
LN: Camden
DH: James Marwin Camden (30)
DW: Síona Minerva (Grey) Camden (30)
DS: Adam Eliah Camden (5)
DD: Isabella Themi Camden (3)
DD: Ava Olivia Maria Aviva Adina Ariel Susanna Leora (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: NurseMom75
LN: Abbey
DH: David Huntington Abbey (30)
DW: Gretchen Diana (Albright) Abbey (30)
DS: Deacon Ross Abbey (5)
DD: Harper Lauren Abbey (3)
DD: Cassidy Leann Ashton Shyann Delaney Kinsey Oakley Marlowe (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Sarah Kate
LN: Wadsworth
DH: Jacob Rylan Wadsworth (30)
DW: Jezebel Anne (Black) Wadsworth (30)
DD: Luna Ashley Wadsworth (5)
DD: Delilah Natalie Wadsworth (3)
DS: Joah Ezra Jedidiah Avi Abel Zachariah Evander Evan Ebenezer (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward Anderson (30)
DW: Serafina Rosalind (Cullen) Anderson (30)
DS: Owen William Anderson (5)
DD: Shannon Larissa Anderson (3)
DD: Shea Caitlin Jamie Erin Emlyn Fallon Camryn Leslie Rory (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Spartz
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis Sander (30)
DW: Marie Nicole (Adkins) Sander (30)
DD: Rachael Anna ’Annie’ Sander (5)
DD: Leah Olivia Sander (3)
DS: Michael Nathaniel Isaac Nathan Seth Jonas Nicholas Kevin (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Thalia
LN: Merricks
DH: Joshua Ryan Merricks (30)
DW: Shelby Rebecca (Pickering) Merricks (30)
DS: Samuel Edward Merricks (5)
DD: Anna Christina Merricks (3)
DD: Eve Caroline Leah Nina Rebecca Johanna Elisabeth Elsa (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
LN: Roswell
DH: Grant Edward Roswell (30)
DW: Shelby Katherine (Edmunds) Roswell (30)
DS: Ezra Finley Roswell (5)
DD: Willa Eden Roswell (3)
DD: Audra Cora Georgia Cecily Leta Hannah Isabella Madelyn (nb)
Spartz, CarolineMae, SarahKate, Diamante04, Heidi Ann - 2
Avalon, CN, Nikki, Aileen - 1
Aileen, Ladybug, Nikki, Nursemom75 - 3
CN, Heidi Ann - 1
- Since there was a tie for both categories, everyone who was tied for first gets a wish!
- You can wish for whatever you want - a name change, picking a new name for your child this round (meaning you do not need to use the name banks/rules provided), an age change, a set of triplets .. Anything!
- You will receive your wish this round and can just insert it into your new family - so this round, if you choose triplets, you would name your new child (given by me for the normal round) and your triplets. Please! Let me know what your wish was!
- Below everyone’s family is a tiny survey about the upcoming rounds that I’d like for you to fill out.
- Namebanks are based on your previous children’s first names. No spelling changes!
- Three years have passed and you have just given birth to a third child.
- Your oldest is beginning school, what’s that like?
- Your family took a vacation. Where did you go? What was it like for the kids? It can be prior to the new baby or after.
Pictures you can show (these will be our contests next round)
- A family vacation photo (before or after the new baby is fine, whichever you choose)
- A photo of all 3 children
- A photo of the new baby
CONTESTS: (these are pictures submitted in Round 2)
- Cutest New Baby
- Cutest Toddler
The contest photos will be posted as a response to this message. This round, please submit your vote as a response to the message, not in your own family's post. That was a bit too confusing last time! Thanks!
Username: Array
LN: Hayashi
DH: Raki Kichirou Hayashi (30)
DW: Clare Maria (Teufel) Hayashi (30)
DS: Joel Takumi Hayashi (5)
DD: Leila Emma Hayashi (3)
DD: Miriam Anna Cecilia Mary Nina Sara Joanna Johanna (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
Username: avalon
LN: Turner
DH: Christian John Turner (30)
DW: Grace Elizabeth (Carden) Turner (30)
DS: Lucas John Turner (5)
DD: Evelyn Leah Turner ’Evie’ (3)
DD: Irene Lena Leslie Addison Reagan Adeline Ruby Ella (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: aileenbean
LN: O'Taggart
DH: Jack William O’Taggart (30)
DW: Poppy Jane (Llewellyn) O‘Taggart (30)
DD: Petra Katherine O’Taggart (5)
DS: Ulysses Todd O’Taggart (3)
DS: Gregor Andreas Franz Lorenz Erasmus Matthias Augustus (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: caoilainn
LN: Belacqua-Grant
DH: Henry Llewelyn Grant (30)
DW: Lucy Katherine Belacqua-Grant (30)
DD or DS: Lily Amelia or Jonathan Lewis (5)
DD: Pamela Ellen Tancie Rachael Alyssa Kelly Amelia Tessa Hayley Emily Regan (3)
DD: Abigail Laurel Olivia Rose Madelyn Lilly Jocelyn Hannah (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Caroline Mae
LN: Fiorelli
DH: Luciano Paulo Fiorelli "Lux" (30)
DW: Genevieve Mary [Housten] Fiorelli "Eve" (30)
DS: Orlando Emmett Fiorelli (5)
DS: Elias Luca Fiorelli (3)
DD: Maria Aida Isabella Elena Astrid Catalina Carolina Elodie (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: CN
LN: Thorgunby
DH: Adam Isidore Thorgunby (30)
DW: Georgia Ophélie (Hudson) Thorgunby (30)
DS: William Mathias Thorgunby (5)
DS: Lucas Elliott Thorgunby (3)
DD: Elisabeth Margaret Joanna Leah Bethany Priscilla Elizabeth Kylie (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer Ward (30)
DW: Jennifer Nicole [Thomas] Ward "Jen" (30)
DD: Avery Natalia ‘Ava‘ Ward (5)
DD: Isabella Lucy ‘Ella’ Ward (3)
DS: Emilia Anna Willa Emma Lena Charlotte Lila Katharina (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Flute
LN: Carson
DH: Garrett Joel Carson (30)
DW: Nanami Wakana (Takamura) Carson "Nami" (30)
DD or DS: Vera Olivia or Vincent Hayden (5)
DD: Alyson Veronica Ermengarde Rachael Zara Noelia Alyssa Teagan Alexandra Lucy (3)
DS: Cecelia Maria Beatrice Pauline Corinne Camilla Anne Candida (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: HeidiAnn
LN: Wilkins
DH: Rodney Alistair Wilkins (30)
DW: Penelope Grace (Wessell) Wilkins "Penny" (30)
DS: Nicholas Alistair Wilkins ’Cole’ (5)
DD: Isabella Ingrid Wilkins ’Bella’ (3)
DD: Caroline Francesca Angela Claudia Molly Antonia Marina Cecilia (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Hola123
LN: Maroulis
DH: Elias Theophylaktos Maroulis (30)
DW: Yesenia Carmen (Abarca) Maroulis (30)
Dgrandma: Euphemia Maroulis ‘Effie’ (You can choose a name for her!)
DD: Marisela Amber Maroulis (5)
DD: Leandra Carmen Maroulis (3)
DS: Dane Shayne Westley Drew Brett Marcel Brenton (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
LN: Aaron
DH: Alexander John Aaron "Alex" (30)
DW: Victoria Rose Aaron (Baker) (30)
DD: Olivia Madeline Baker (5)
DD: Emma Isabella Baker (3)
DS: Walker Elias Solomon Oberon Oliver Owen Caleb (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Kelsie
LN: Kennedy
DH: Thomas Harold Kennedy (30)
DW: Holly Josephine (Granger) Kennedy (30)
DD: Lindsay Emily Kennedy (5)
DS: Owen Matthew Kennedy (3)
DS: Jackson Gavin Brogan Aiden Riley Kane Keegan (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: LadyBug
LN: Bourne
DH: Eamon Patrick Bourne (30)
DW: Catalina Marie (Kane) Bourne "Cat" (30)
DS: Aidan Charles Bourne (5)
DS: Micah Lucas Bourne (3)
DD: Aiofe Meaghan Teagan Fallon Kinnia Ashlyn Keren Davina (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: megankate
Username: megankate
LN: Allard
DH: Bryce Nathan Allard (30)
DW: Ava Paige (Harrison) Allard (30)
DS: Declan Henry Allard (5)
DS: Aidan Ethan Allard (3)
DS: Isaac Nat Josh Jake James Eliot Michael (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Nikki
LN: Camden
DH: James Marwin Camden (30)
DW: Síona Minerva (Grey) Camden (30)
DS: Adam Eliah Camden (5)
DD: Isabella Themi Camden (3)
DD: Ava Olivia Maria Aviva Adina Ariel Susanna Leora (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: NurseMom75
LN: Abbey
DH: David Huntington Abbey (30)
DW: Gretchen Diana (Albright) Abbey (30)
DS: Deacon Ross Abbey (5)
DD: Harper Lauren Abbey (3)
DD: Cassidy Leann Ashton Shyann Delaney Kinsey Oakley Marlowe (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Sarah Kate
LN: Wadsworth
DH: Jacob Rylan Wadsworth (30)
DW: Jezebel Anne (Black) Wadsworth (30)
DD: Luna Ashley Wadsworth (5)
DD: Delilah Natalie Wadsworth (3)
DS: Joah Ezra Jedidiah Avi Abel Zachariah Evander Evan Ebenezer (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward Anderson (30)
DW: Serafina Rosalind (Cullen) Anderson (30)
DS: Owen William Anderson (5)
DD: Shannon Larissa Anderson (3)
DD: Shea Caitlin Jamie Erin Emlyn Fallon Camryn Leslie Rory (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Spartz
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis Sander (30)
DW: Marie Nicole (Adkins) Sander (30)
DD: Rachael Anna ’Annie’ Sander (5)
DD: Leah Olivia Sander (3)
DS: Michael Nathaniel Isaac Nathan Seth Jonas Nicholas Kevin (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
Username: Thalia
LN: Merricks
DH: Joshua Ryan Merricks (30)
DW: Shelby Rebecca (Pickering) Merricks (30)
DS: Samuel Edward Merricks (5)
DD: Anna Christina Merricks (3)
DD: Eve Caroline Leah Nina Rebecca Johanna Elisabeth Elsa (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets:
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify):
LN: Roswell
DH: Grant Edward Roswell (30)
DW: Shelby Katherine (Edmunds) Roswell (30)
DS: Ezra Finley Roswell (5)
DD: Willa Eden Roswell (3)
DD: Audra Cora Georgia Cecily Leta Hannah Isabella Madelyn (nb)
This message was edited 1/14/2008, 1:37 PM
My wish was for twin girls.
Username: LadyBug
LN: Bourne
DH: Eamon Patrick Bourne (30)
DW: Catalina Marie (Kane) Bourne "Cat" (30)
DS: Aidan Charles Bourne (5)
DS: Micah Lucas Bourne (3)
DD: Teagan Davina Bourne / Aiofe Meaghan Bourne (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? I'm set with four in this generation. one or two more would be alright though.
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes but no more in this generation.
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: triplets is the highest
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Individual namebanks makes it easier but it really doesn't matter to me. whatever is easiest for you.
Eamon continues at the same company and is enjoying his work. Catalina is extremely busy as a mother but her load has been a bit lessened by Aidan starting pre-school last year and starting kindergarten this year. Aidan really enjoys being with his friends and learning.
Here he is outside Cat's sister's house after a hard day at school:

Micah is a little jealous of not getting to go to school but he enjoys his extra time with mommy these days. He got a tricycle for his birthday last year for his third birthday. Here he is with his bike:

This past summer the Bourne family vacationed in Disney land. The boys were just the right age to be totally delighted by meeting Mickey and all their favorite characters and going on rides. It was a great time to just relax and spend together. Catalina especially enjoyed not having to do housework and spending time with the boys before the birth of twin girls.
Username: LadyBug
LN: Bourne
DH: Eamon Patrick Bourne (30)
DW: Catalina Marie (Kane) Bourne "Cat" (30)
DS: Aidan Charles Bourne (5)
DS: Micah Lucas Bourne (3)
DD: Teagan Davina Bourne / Aiofe Meaghan Bourne (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? I'm set with four in this generation. one or two more would be alright though.
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes but no more in this generation.
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: triplets is the highest
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Individual namebanks makes it easier but it really doesn't matter to me. whatever is easiest for you.
Eamon continues at the same company and is enjoying his work. Catalina is extremely busy as a mother but her load has been a bit lessened by Aidan starting pre-school last year and starting kindergarten this year. Aidan really enjoys being with his friends and learning.
Here he is outside Cat's sister's house after a hard day at school:

Micah is a little jealous of not getting to go to school but he enjoys his extra time with mommy these days. He got a tricycle for his birthday last year for his third birthday. Here he is with his bike:

This past summer the Bourne family vacationed in Disney land. The boys were just the right age to be totally delighted by meeting Mickey and all their favorite characters and going on rides. It was a great time to just relax and spend together. Catalina especially enjoyed not having to do housework and spending time with the boys before the birth of twin girls.
This message was edited 1/15/2008, 4:58 PM
Username: NurseMom75
LN: Abbey
DH: David Huntington Abbey (30)
DW: Gretchen Diana (Albright) Abbey (30)
DS: Deacon Ross Abbey (5)
DD: Harper Lauren Abbey (3)
DD: Linden Marlowe Abbey (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round. * wish: change first name of new baby, please?
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? two or three
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes, please
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: individual name banks!
pictures to come.. =)
LN: Abbey
DH: David Huntington Abbey (30)
DW: Gretchen Diana (Albright) Abbey (30)
DS: Deacon Ross Abbey (5)
DD: Harper Lauren Abbey (3)
DD: Linden Marlowe Abbey (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the best house contest! You may include your wish in this round. * wish: change first name of new baby, please?
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? two or three
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes, please
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: individual name banks!
pictures to come.. =)
LN: Belacqua-Grant
DH: Henry Llewelyn Grant (30)
DW: Lucy Katherine Belacqua-Grant (30)
DD: Lily Angharad (5)
DD: Emily Alyssa (3)
DD: Rose Olivia (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): sure
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? triplets
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): namebanks
DH: Henry Llewelyn Grant (30)
DW: Lucy Katherine Belacqua-Grant (30)
DD: Lily Angharad (5)
DD: Emily Alyssa (3)
DD: Rose Olivia (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): sure
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? triplets
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): namebanks
Username: CN
LN: Thorgunby
DH: Adam Isidore Thorgunby (30)
DW: Georgia Ophélie (Hudson) Thorgunby (30)
DS: William Mathias Thorgunby (5)
DS: Lucas Elliott Thorgunby (3)
DD: Leah Elizabeth (nb)

Adam and Georgia

William Mathias and Lucas Elliott
Adam and Georgia and proud big brothers William and Lucas welcomed a beautiful girl, Leah Elizabeth, on June 15

Leah Elizabeth
William has started school and he seems to like it a lot. He is a smart boy but he sometimes has problems concentrating. Lucas on the other hand doesn't cope very well with William being away every day. He misses his big brother and can't understand why William has to go to school.
The family has also welcomed a beautiful daughter named Leah. After two blond boys who look very much like their father, Georgia had a little girl who looks a lot like her. William and Lucas adore Leah and are almost fighting over her sometimes.
Before she was born the family went away for a week in order for the boys to have some time with their parents before Leah was born. They went to Greece and had a lovely time.
Here's a pic

Georgia and the boys
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
At least two more
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: Twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks or Individual name banks
LN: Thorgunby
DH: Adam Isidore Thorgunby (30)
DW: Georgia Ophélie (Hudson) Thorgunby (30)
DS: William Mathias Thorgunby (5)
DS: Lucas Elliott Thorgunby (3)
DD: Leah Elizabeth (nb)


Adam and Georgia


William Mathias and Lucas Elliott
Adam and Georgia and proud big brothers William and Lucas welcomed a beautiful girl, Leah Elizabeth, on June 15

Leah Elizabeth
William has started school and he seems to like it a lot. He is a smart boy but he sometimes has problems concentrating. Lucas on the other hand doesn't cope very well with William being away every day. He misses his big brother and can't understand why William has to go to school.
The family has also welcomed a beautiful daughter named Leah. After two blond boys who look very much like their father, Georgia had a little girl who looks a lot like her. William and Lucas adore Leah and are almost fighting over her sometimes.
Before she was born the family went away for a week in order for the boys to have some time with their parents before Leah was born. They went to Greece and had a lovely time.
Here's a pic

Georgia and the boys
How many MORE first-generation children would you like?
At least two more
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round):
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: Twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks or Individual name banks
Username: Hola123
LN: Maroulis
DH: Elias Theophylaktos Maroulis (30)
DW: Yesenia Carmen (Abarca) Maroulis (30)
Dgrandma: Euphemia Maroulis ‘Effie’ (You can choose a name for her!)
DD: Marisela Amber Maroulis (5)
DD: Leandra Carmen Maroulis (3)
DS: Drew Westley (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): no
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: n/a
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): When the person hosting the game provided initials and we choose the names.
Our little girl Marisela is growing up! She has just started school and is enjoying every minute of it. She loves being with all the other children. She has already made a new friend named Emily :)
When I was four months pregnant with Marcel, our family took a vacation to Mexico City to visit my parents Maria and Edgar. They were so happy to see the little ones! We stayed there for three weeks. The kids had such a great time. Being in Mexico reminded me of how much I love it there. Sometimes I wish I could move back there and be closer to my family :(
Marcel Drew was born weighing 9 pounds 6 ounces. All of my children have been rather big babies but he was my heaviest! We were so happy to bring him home. The girls were a little upset at first that they didn't have a new little sister to play with but now they are just happy to have a new baby in the family.
Here is a picture of Mexico City

Here is Marisela and Emily

Here is baby Drew

LN: Maroulis
DH: Elias Theophylaktos Maroulis (30)
DW: Yesenia Carmen (Abarca) Maroulis (30)
Dgrandma: Euphemia Maroulis ‘Effie’ (You can choose a name for her!)
DD: Marisela Amber Maroulis (5)
DD: Leandra Carmen Maroulis (3)
DS: Drew Westley (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): no
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: n/a
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): When the person hosting the game provided initials and we choose the names.
Our little girl Marisela is growing up! She has just started school and is enjoying every minute of it. She loves being with all the other children. She has already made a new friend named Emily :)
When I was four months pregnant with Marcel, our family took a vacation to Mexico City to visit my parents Maria and Edgar. They were so happy to see the little ones! We stayed there for three weeks. The kids had such a great time. Being in Mexico reminded me of how much I love it there. Sometimes I wish I could move back there and be closer to my family :(
Marcel Drew was born weighing 9 pounds 6 ounces. All of my children have been rather big babies but he was my heaviest! We were so happy to bring him home. The girls were a little upset at first that they didn't have a new little sister to play with but now they are just happy to have a new baby in the family.
Here is a picture of Mexico City

Here is Marisela and Emily

Here is baby Drew

This message was edited 1/15/2008, 1:55 PM
Username: avalon
LN: Turner
DH: Christian John Turner (30)
DW: Grace Elizabeth (Carden) Turner (30)
DS: Lucas John Turner (5)
DD: Evelyn Leah Turner ’Evie’ (3)
DD: Ella Reagan Turner (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): no thanks
What’s your favorite way of naming: large namebanks
After Christian became a resident at the hospital he works at (and of course we're all so proud of him for it!), he and I promptly decided to take a vacation before he would have to start putting in more and more hours. We wanted it to be fun for us and for the kids as well, so where else did we jet off to but Hawaii! We rented a small bungalow on the beach for a week. It was the first time the kids had been in the ocean, and they absolutely loved it! Christian and Lucas took surfing lessons; Lucas couldn't wait to get back home and tell his friends he could surf (even though surfing for him consisted of running through the surf dragging a boogie board). Evie, who was two at the time, couldn't get enough of the leis and also loved playing in the sand.
It wasn't just the kids who had a good time; the vacation was like a second honeymoon for Christian and me. And I mean this literally: nine months later, we welcomed our second baby girl, Ella. She's probably the most mild-mannered of all our kids: she NEVER cries, is always happy to be held, and is so playful. Evie can't get enough of her little sister and always wants to help me take care of her (except when it comes to changing her diaper!). Lucas was a bit upset the baby wasn't a boy, but I can tell he's taking his role as as big brother to two sisters very seriously. Our girls are going to have a hard time dating when they're older; their boyfriends have to go through Christian and Lucas.
Speaking of Lucas, guess who just started school! Lucas is in kindergarten now and loving every minute of it. He's naturally very outgoing so it wasn't difficult at all for him to make friends. He's also got a knack for picking up new things: he can read at a second-grade level already! Christian and I are so proud of him and hope he'll keep this up.
LN: Turner
DH: Christian John Turner (30)
DW: Grace Elizabeth (Carden) Turner (30)
DS: Lucas John Turner (5)
DD: Evelyn Leah Turner ’Evie’ (3)
DD: Ella Reagan Turner (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): no thanks
What’s your favorite way of naming: large namebanks
After Christian became a resident at the hospital he works at (and of course we're all so proud of him for it!), he and I promptly decided to take a vacation before he would have to start putting in more and more hours. We wanted it to be fun for us and for the kids as well, so where else did we jet off to but Hawaii! We rented a small bungalow on the beach for a week. It was the first time the kids had been in the ocean, and they absolutely loved it! Christian and Lucas took surfing lessons; Lucas couldn't wait to get back home and tell his friends he could surf (even though surfing for him consisted of running through the surf dragging a boogie board). Evie, who was two at the time, couldn't get enough of the leis and also loved playing in the sand.
It wasn't just the kids who had a good time; the vacation was like a second honeymoon for Christian and me. And I mean this literally: nine months later, we welcomed our second baby girl, Ella. She's probably the most mild-mannered of all our kids: she NEVER cries, is always happy to be held, and is so playful. Evie can't get enough of her little sister and always wants to help me take care of her (except when it comes to changing her diaper!). Lucas was a bit upset the baby wasn't a boy, but I can tell he's taking his role as as big brother to two sisters very seriously. Our girls are going to have a hard time dating when they're older; their boyfriends have to go through Christian and Lucas.
Speaking of Lucas, guess who just started school! Lucas is in kindergarten now and loving every minute of it. He's naturally very outgoing so it wasn't difficult at all for him to make friends. He's also got a knack for picking up new things: he can read at a second-grade level already! Christian and I are so proud of him and hope he'll keep this up.
LN: Roswell
DH: Grant Edward Roswell (30)
DW: Shelby Katherine (Edmunds) Roswell (30)
DS: Ezra Finley Roswell (5)
DD: Willa Eden Roswell (3)
DD: Madelyn Audra Roswell 'Maddie' (nb)
Our Family Pictures:
Willa and Shelby at an amusement park.


Ezra lost his first tooth and began kindergarten.

Baby Madelyn.

Ezra and Willa

Our vacation to the beach last year!
LN: Roswell
DH: Grant Edward Roswell (30)
DW: Shelby Katherine (Edmunds) Roswell (30)
DS: Ezra Finley Roswell (5)
DD: Willa Eden Roswell (3)
DD: Madelyn Audra Roswell 'Maddie' (nb)
Our Family Pictures:
Willa and Shelby at an amusement park.
Ezra lost his first tooth and began kindergarten.
Baby Madelyn.
Ezra and Willa
Our vacation to the beach last year!
Username: Kelsie
LN: Kennedy
DH: Thomas Harold Kennedy (30)
DW: Holly Josephine (Granger) Kennedy (30)
DD: Lindsay Emily Kennedy (5)
DS: Owen Matthew Kennedy (3)
DS: Riley Jackson Kennedy (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? Any between 2 and 5
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): Yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: Triplets
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Individual Name Banks



LN: Kennedy
DH: Thomas Harold Kennedy (30)
DW: Holly Josephine (Granger) Kennedy (30)
DD: Lindsay Emily Kennedy (5)
DS: Owen Matthew Kennedy (3)
DS: Riley Jackson Kennedy (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? Any between 2 and 5
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): Yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: Triplets
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Individual Name Banks



This message was edited 1/13/2008, 4:08 PM
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer Ward (30)
DW: Jennifer Nicole [Thomas] Ward "Jen" (30)
DD: Avery Natalia ‘Ava‘ Ward (5)
DD: Isabella Lucy ‘Ella’ Ward (3)
DD: Olivia Rachel 'Livie' Ward (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round. My wish was to use my own namebank to name my daughter.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? a maximum of 4 more children
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): It's fine either way for me
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Namebanks and free choice
Ava and Ella are happy to announce the arrival of their baby sister, Olivia Rachel! Livie, as she has been nicknamed, came into the world on September 24th, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 19 inches long. Like big sister Ava, she has dark blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. We can already see her own personality developing, but she is a quiet, calm baby who loves to watch her big sisters' ever move and is content to be held.
Ava is now five years old and has officially started kindergarten. Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday she was born! And yes, the first day was especially hard for Mommy (harder on me than on her), who, I confess, did get teary-eyed watching her baby go off to school. She's a very bright and observent little girl, whose sweet smile and personality have already won over the hearts of her teachers and friends. She loves reading and is extremely studious, always willing to do her homework and practice her writing.
Ella is three years old and cannot wait to join Ava in school. In fact, she was quite upset the first day, when she had to come back home with Mommy! Ella is much more outgoing, in comparison to Ava, and is quite the chatterbox. Her smile lights up the room, and she enjoys being in the spotlight.
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer Ward (30)
DW: Jennifer Nicole [Thomas] Ward "Jen" (30)
DD: Avery Natalia ‘Ava‘ Ward (5)
DD: Isabella Lucy ‘Ella’ Ward (3)
DD: Olivia Rachel 'Livie' Ward (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round. My wish was to use my own namebank to name my daughter.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? a maximum of 4 more children
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): It's fine either way for me
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Namebanks and free choice
Ava and Ella are happy to announce the arrival of their baby sister, Olivia Rachel! Livie, as she has been nicknamed, came into the world on September 24th, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 19 inches long. Like big sister Ava, she has dark blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. We can already see her own personality developing, but she is a quiet, calm baby who loves to watch her big sisters' ever move and is content to be held.
Ava is now five years old and has officially started kindergarten. Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday she was born! And yes, the first day was especially hard for Mommy (harder on me than on her), who, I confess, did get teary-eyed watching her baby go off to school. She's a very bright and observent little girl, whose sweet smile and personality have already won over the hearts of her teachers and friends. She loves reading and is extremely studious, always willing to do her homework and practice her writing.
Ella is three years old and cannot wait to join Ava in school. In fact, she was quite upset the first day, when she had to come back home with Mommy! Ella is much more outgoing, in comparison to Ava, and is quite the chatterbox. Her smile lights up the room, and she enjoys being in the spotlight.
Username: Sarah Kate
LN: Wadsworth
DH: Jacob Rylan Wadsworth (30)
DW: Jezebel Anne (Black) Wadsworth (30)
DD: Luna Ashley Wadsworth (5)
DD: Delilah Natalie Wadsworth (3)
DS: Elijah Patrick Wadsworth (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.My wish was a name changed for the baby boy.
It has been three years since Deliliah was born. And it has been a couple of months since, our first son, Elijah Patrick Wadsworth was born. Rylan was so happy to finally have a son, but he does love having is two little girls. Elijah is a beautiful baby, and loves so just like Rylan. Rylan can't wait to take him to games and fishing. Luna is the only one who doesn't like having Elijah here, because Luna is very much a daddy girl and doesn't like all the attention that Elijah gets from Rylan. Deliliah loves having him.
Our new member Elijah Patrick Wadsworth

Deliliah is doing well. Her redish hair, is now a curly blonde. but she still has her brown eyes. Delilah is very girly and loves everything purple and pink. We have enrolled him in dance classes and she loves them. Plus, she has made tons of new friends. A new couple built a house, next to ours and they have a three year old daughter named, Vanessa, and Delilah and her get along great.

Luna, who is now five years old, is in kindergarden. She loves it. She loves being all all of her friends. She is doing well, but she doesn't like doing all of the homework and we really have to make her write out her alphabet. Hopefully, she we grow out of that problems.

After Elijah was born, we took a family vacation to Ireland. We went to see Jezebel's family.
Jezebel, Rylan, and family hiking in the country:

LN: Wadsworth
DH: Jacob Rylan Wadsworth (30)
DW: Jezebel Anne (Black) Wadsworth (30)
DD: Luna Ashley Wadsworth (5)
DD: Delilah Natalie Wadsworth (3)
DS: Elijah Patrick Wadsworth (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.My wish was a name changed for the baby boy.
It has been three years since Deliliah was born. And it has been a couple of months since, our first son, Elijah Patrick Wadsworth was born. Rylan was so happy to finally have a son, but he does love having is two little girls. Elijah is a beautiful baby, and loves so just like Rylan. Rylan can't wait to take him to games and fishing. Luna is the only one who doesn't like having Elijah here, because Luna is very much a daddy girl and doesn't like all the attention that Elijah gets from Rylan. Deliliah loves having him.
Our new member Elijah Patrick Wadsworth
Deliliah is doing well. Her redish hair, is now a curly blonde. but she still has her brown eyes. Delilah is very girly and loves everything purple and pink. We have enrolled him in dance classes and she loves them. Plus, she has made tons of new friends. A new couple built a house, next to ours and they have a three year old daughter named, Vanessa, and Delilah and her get along great.
Luna, who is now five years old, is in kindergarden. She loves it. She loves being all all of her friends. She is doing well, but she doesn't like doing all of the homework and we really have to make her write out her alphabet. Hopefully, she we grow out of that problems.
After Elijah was born, we took a family vacation to Ireland. We went to see Jezebel's family.
Jezebel, Rylan, and family hiking in the country:

Username: HeidiAnn
LN: Wilkins
DH: Rodney Alistair Wilkins (30)
DW: Penelope Grace (Wessell) Wilkins "Penny" (30)
DS: Nicholas Alistair Wilkins ’Cole’ (5)
DD: Isabella Ingrid Wilkins ’Bella’ (3)
DD: Gabrielle Caroline Wilkins "Gabi" (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
*I used my wish to pick a different first name for the baby
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 1 or 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): either way is fine
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Namebanks or Initials
It's been 3 years and the Wilkins family is doing well. Rodney got the much hoped for promotion and the family is making a lot more money. It does mean Rodney works more hours though and Penny misses him not being around as much.
Cole started kindergarten and loves it. His best friend in class is named Ben and he is also on Cole's Soccer Team. Bella started Preschool this year too. She had some seperation anxiety and would rather stay home with Mommy. Penny hopes this gets better. The family also welcomed their 3rd child and 2nd daughter, Gabrielle Caroline who is called Gabi. Cole was upset at having ANOTHER sister, but Bella is a little "mother hen" and loves helping take care of Gabi.
After Gabi was born the family took a vacation to London to visit Rodney's sister Rochelle who lives there. The flight was long, but the kids adjusted well once they were there. It was a wonderful 2 weeks for the family. They hope to visit again.
Here are some pictures from the family album

Cole loves playing goalie


Bella with Gabi

Gabi with Auntie Rochelle in London

LN: Wilkins
DH: Rodney Alistair Wilkins (30)
DW: Penelope Grace (Wessell) Wilkins "Penny" (30)
DS: Nicholas Alistair Wilkins ’Cole’ (5)
DD: Isabella Ingrid Wilkins ’Bella’ (3)
DD: Gabrielle Caroline Wilkins "Gabi" (nb)
Congratulations in your tie for first in the cutest baby contest! You may include your wish in this round.
*I used my wish to pick a different first name for the baby
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 1 or 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): either way is fine
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Namebanks or Initials
It's been 3 years and the Wilkins family is doing well. Rodney got the much hoped for promotion and the family is making a lot more money. It does mean Rodney works more hours though and Penny misses him not being around as much.
Cole started kindergarten and loves it. His best friend in class is named Ben and he is also on Cole's Soccer Team. Bella started Preschool this year too. She had some seperation anxiety and would rather stay home with Mommy. Penny hopes this gets better. The family also welcomed their 3rd child and 2nd daughter, Gabrielle Caroline who is called Gabi. Cole was upset at having ANOTHER sister, but Bella is a little "mother hen" and loves helping take care of Gabi.
After Gabi was born the family took a vacation to London to visit Rodney's sister Rochelle who lives there. The flight was long, but the kids adjusted well once they were there. It was a wonderful 2 weeks for the family. They hope to visit again.
Here are some pictures from the family album

Cole loves playing goalie


Bella with Gabi

Gabi with Auntie Rochelle in London

This message was edited 1/13/2008, 2:58 PM
Username: aileenbean
LN: O'Taggart
DH: Jack William O’Taggart (30)
DW: Poppy Jane (Llewellyn) O‘Taggart (30)
DD: Petra Katherine O’Taggart (5)
DS: Ulysses Todd O’Taggart (3)
DS: Augustus Franz (nb)
I wish for a horse. We already have the room for a stable and places for it to run in the (very large) backyard.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): Yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: Twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Not sure what it's called, but I liked what you did in the first round, when you gave us a combo that we could either keep, change one name or change both keeping the same initials.
We have welcomed a new baby boy to the world named Augustus Franz! He's a blondie and far less of a screamer than his siblings! Augustus a real sweetheart, but who knows what Petra and Ulysses will do to his personality! Oh boy... I guess we'll have to wait and find out!
Augustus playing with a soccer ball:

Ulysses is just becoming more energetic by the day! Jack and I have long since learned that when he comes in the front door covered head-to-toe in mud, there is nothing to fret about. Just a quick dunk in the tub and he's off and running again!
Ulysses causing a scene on our vacation to Malta:

Petra has proven herself an adept leader in her new kindergarten class! She may be loud (and on occasion a slight trouble-maker), but her teacher has assured us that the children look up to her academically and socially. She adores science most, clearly taking after me in that category!
Here's our little girl:

LN: O'Taggart
DH: Jack William O’Taggart (30)
DW: Poppy Jane (Llewellyn) O‘Taggart (30)
DD: Petra Katherine O’Taggart (5)
DS: Ulysses Todd O’Taggart (3)
DS: Augustus Franz (nb)
I wish for a horse. We already have the room for a stable and places for it to run in the (very large) backyard.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): Yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: Twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Not sure what it's called, but I liked what you did in the first round, when you gave us a combo that we could either keep, change one name or change both keeping the same initials.
We have welcomed a new baby boy to the world named Augustus Franz! He's a blondie and far less of a screamer than his siblings! Augustus a real sweetheart, but who knows what Petra and Ulysses will do to his personality! Oh boy... I guess we'll have to wait and find out!
Augustus playing with a soccer ball:

Ulysses is just becoming more energetic by the day! Jack and I have long since learned that when he comes in the front door covered head-to-toe in mud, there is nothing to fret about. Just a quick dunk in the tub and he's off and running again!
Ulysses causing a scene on our vacation to Malta:

Petra has proven herself an adept leader in her new kindergarten class! She may be loud (and on occasion a slight trouble-maker), but her teacher has assured us that the children look up to her academically and socially. She adores science most, clearly taking after me in that category!
Here's our little girl:

Username: Thalia
LN: Merricks
DH: Joshua Ryan Merricks (30)
DW: Shelby Rebecca (Pickering) Merricks (30)
DS: Samuel Edward Merricks (5)
DD: Anna Christina Merricks (3)
DD: Johanna Rebecca (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? Two or three
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): Yeah, I love multiples
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: What ever is fine.
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): I like all of them.
LN: Merricks
DH: Joshua Ryan Merricks (30)
DW: Shelby Rebecca (Pickering) Merricks (30)
DS: Samuel Edward Merricks (5)
DD: Anna Christina Merricks (3)
DD: Johanna Rebecca (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? Two or three
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): Yeah, I love multiples
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: What ever is fine.
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): I like all of them.
This message was edited 1/13/2008, 1:15 PM
LN: Aaron
DH: Alexander John Aaron "Alex" (30)
DW: Victoria Rose (Baker) Aaron (30)
DD: Olivia Madeline Aaron (5)
DD: Emma Isabella Aaron (3)
DS: Caleb Walker Aaron (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): namebanks
Votes: Baby-Sarah Kate
The Aarons welcome their third child and first son, Caleb Walker. They are so happy!
After, they went to a beach in Florida for a family reuninon. Caleb had to have a babysitter sometimes though so he was not at the beach most times.
Olivia started elementary school. There are 18 kids in her class. She already had a couple of friends of our family friends and now she is getting more. She wore a Winnie the Pooh dress which was adorable. She walks to school with older kids in the neighborhood sometimes and other times Victoria and other parents pick up the neighborhood kids. The elementary school is relativly small with bearly 300 kids.
Picture of Olivia watching Victoria feed Caleb
FAN2012916_P.JPG picture of Caleb
42-16890252.jpg?size=572&uid={e348b7c5-6c69-4b21-9173-4242b85b3002 picture of Alex, Victoria, Olivia, and Emma on vacation before.
Did this work? I type in
image . I hope it did!
LN: Aaron
DH: Alexander John Aaron "Alex" (30)
DW: Victoria Rose (Baker) Aaron (30)
DD: Olivia Madeline Aaron (5)
DD: Emma Isabella Aaron (3)
DS: Caleb Walker Aaron (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): namebanks
Votes: Baby-Sarah Kate
The Aarons welcome their third child and first son, Caleb Walker. They are so happy!
After, they went to a beach in Florida for a family reuninon. Caleb had to have a babysitter sometimes though so he was not at the beach most times.
Olivia started elementary school. There are 18 kids in her class. She already had a couple of friends of our family friends and now she is getting more. She wore a Winnie the Pooh dress which was adorable. She walks to school with older kids in the neighborhood sometimes and other times Victoria and other parents pick up the neighborhood kids. The elementary school is relativly small with bearly 300 kids.
Picture of Olivia watching Victoria feed Caleb
Did this work? I type in
This message was edited 1/13/2008, 12:45 PM
Nope, the pictures aren't working :/ You can always send me a link, and I can do it for the contests since it's not working for you.
Okay thanks. I am sorry, but I cannot find a picture of two sisters with a baby brother. There are a lot of pictures with an older son and then two younger sisters, a sister and a baby brother, sister than brother than baby sister, etc. but not this for some reason. So could you please, put the picture with Caleb and Olivia and the picture with Caleb and Emma on their? Thanks.
Here is the first one of Olivia watching Victoria feed Caleb.
Here is one of Emma holding Caleb:
Caleb alone:
Alex, Victoria, Olivia, and Emma on vacation last year:
Here is the first one of Olivia watching Victoria feed Caleb.
Here is one of Emma holding Caleb:
Caleb alone:
Alex, Victoria, Olivia, and Emma on vacation last year:
Username: Caroline Mae
LN: Fiorelli
DH: Luciano Paulo Fiorelli "Lux" (30)
DW: Genevieve Mary [Housten] Fiorelli "Eve" (30)
DS: Orlando Emmett Fiorelli (5)
DS: Elias Luca Fiorelli (3)
DD: Allegra Dorotea Fiorelli (nb)
Wish: no naming rules for daughter.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 5
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): group namebanks, or answering a question about the family which leads to a page (like England top 100 or Flower names) which is used to name the child.
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Allegra Dorotea Fiorelli. She takes after Elias a lot in tempermant and is quiet and docile with a few flashing smiles sometimes.

Orlando is in "real school" now. He is in kindergarten and is doing well, although we did hae quite a meltdown on his first day of class. He has been in preschool for the past two years so we feel he should do well. He loves his teacher and his class and his best friend is a boy named Christiano.:

Elias is a typical toddler. He is crying a lot mre than he has done in the past, but he is still our sweet little boy...sometimes.:

A year and a month ago we took a vacation to America to see my parents and to let them see their grandchildren in person for the first time. My parents live in South Carolina and they took this picture of the four of us on the beach:

LN: Fiorelli
DH: Luciano Paulo Fiorelli "Lux" (30)
DW: Genevieve Mary [Housten] Fiorelli "Eve" (30)
DS: Orlando Emmett Fiorelli (5)
DS: Elias Luca Fiorelli (3)
DD: Allegra Dorotea Fiorelli (nb)
Wish: no naming rules for daughter.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 5
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): group namebanks, or answering a question about the family which leads to a page (like England top 100 or Flower names) which is used to name the child.
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Allegra Dorotea Fiorelli. She takes after Elias a lot in tempermant and is quiet and docile with a few flashing smiles sometimes.

Orlando is in "real school" now. He is in kindergarten and is doing well, although we did hae quite a meltdown on his first day of class. He has been in preschool for the past two years so we feel he should do well. He loves his teacher and his class and his best friend is a boy named Christiano.:

Elias is a typical toddler. He is crying a lot mre than he has done in the past, but he is still our sweet little boy...sometimes.:

A year and a month ago we took a vacation to America to see my parents and to let them see their grandchildren in person for the first time. My parents live in South Carolina and they took this picture of the four of us on the beach:

This message was edited 1/13/2008, 12:23 PM
Username: Spartz
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis Sander (30)
DW: Marie Nicole (Adkins) Sander (30)
DD: Rachael Anna ’Annie’ Sander (5)
DD: Leah Olivia Sander (3)
DS: Evan Francis Sander (nb)
My wish is to not use the namebanks this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2 or 4
Would you like any multiples: Sure.
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks
Another day, another bouncing baby in the family. Our first son Evan Francis Sander Jr. was born December 13th and was 7 lbs 5 oz. He has light brown hair and very blue eyes. Evan and I are extremely happy and Annie and Leah just love having a new baby in the house. This is baby Evan when he was about 3 months old.

Before Evan was born, we took the girls on a vacation to Myrtle Beach. They had a blast and we got to do a lot of fun things. We swam in the ocean, went snorkeling and surfing, and built sand castles. We plan to take another vacation once Evan is old enough. This is a picture of Evan and I carrying Annie on a surfboard - she couldn't stop laughing!!

Annie is now five years old, and Leah is 3. Annie has started kindergarten this year and she absolutely loves it. She is already starting to be able to read and write words and she has had abosolutely no trouble making friends. Leah is starting preschool and she loves it too, but she wishes she was in kindergarten like Annie. We told her that she will be in just a few years and she is overwhelmingly excited. This is a picture of the girls. Annie is on the left and Leah is on the right.

Our family is doing wonderful and we can't to see what lies ahead.

LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis Sander (30)
DW: Marie Nicole (Adkins) Sander (30)
DD: Rachael Anna ’Annie’ Sander (5)
DD: Leah Olivia Sander (3)
DS: Evan Francis Sander (nb)
My wish is to not use the namebanks this round.
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? 2 or 4
Would you like any multiples: Sure.
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Twins
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks
Another day, another bouncing baby in the family. Our first son Evan Francis Sander Jr. was born December 13th and was 7 lbs 5 oz. He has light brown hair and very blue eyes. Evan and I are extremely happy and Annie and Leah just love having a new baby in the house. This is baby Evan when he was about 3 months old.

Before Evan was born, we took the girls on a vacation to Myrtle Beach. They had a blast and we got to do a lot of fun things. We swam in the ocean, went snorkeling and surfing, and built sand castles. We plan to take another vacation once Evan is old enough. This is a picture of Evan and I carrying Annie on a surfboard - she couldn't stop laughing!!

Annie is now five years old, and Leah is 3. Annie has started kindergarten this year and she absolutely loves it. She is already starting to be able to read and write words and she has had abosolutely no trouble making friends. Leah is starting preschool and she loves it too, but she wishes she was in kindergarten like Annie. We told her that she will be in just a few years and she is overwhelmingly excited. This is a picture of the girls. Annie is on the left and Leah is on the right.

Our family is doing wonderful and we can't to see what lies ahead.

This message was edited 1/13/2008, 12:00 PM
Cutest Child Contest

Array ~ Joel Takumi Hayashi.

Avalon ~ Lucas John Turner.

Hola123 ~ Marisela Amber Maroulis.

LadyBug ~ Aiden Charles Bourne.

Nikki ~ Adam Eliah Camden.

Heidi Ann ~ Nicholas Alistair Wilkins 'Cole'
*Cole won a cutest baby contest when he was younger!*

CN ~ William Mathias Thorgunby

Kelsie's Lindsay Emily Kennedy

SarahKate's Luna Ashley Wadsworth
*Luna won a cutest baby contest when she was younger!*

CarolineMae ~ Orlando Emmett Fiorelli
*Orlando won a cutest baby contest when he was younger!*

Aileen ~ Petra Katherine O'Taggart

Spartz ~ Rachael Anna Sander 'Annie'
*Annie was voted cutest baby when she was younger!*

Diamante04 ~ Avery Natalia Ward 'Ava'
*Ava won a cutest baby contest when she was younger!*

Array ~ Joel Takumi Hayashi.
Avalon ~ Lucas John Turner.

Hola123 ~ Marisela Amber Maroulis.

LadyBug ~ Aiden Charles Bourne.

Nikki ~ Adam Eliah Camden.

Heidi Ann ~ Nicholas Alistair Wilkins 'Cole'
*Cole won a cutest baby contest when he was younger!*

CN ~ William Mathias Thorgunby

Kelsie's Lindsay Emily Kennedy
SarahKate's Luna Ashley Wadsworth
*Luna won a cutest baby contest when she was younger!*

CarolineMae ~ Orlando Emmett Fiorelli
*Orlando won a cutest baby contest when he was younger!*

Aileen ~ Petra Katherine O'Taggart

Spartz ~ Rachael Anna Sander 'Annie'
*Annie was voted cutest baby when she was younger!*

Diamante04 ~ Avery Natalia Ward 'Ava'
*Ava won a cutest baby contest when she was younger!*
This message was edited 1/13/2008, 11:40 AM
I cast my vote for
Aileen ~ Petra Katherine O'Taggart
Adorable! :)
Aileen ~ Petra Katherine O'Taggart
Adorable! :)
Avalon's darling Lucas John Turner!
I vote for Array's Joel
Petra Katherine O'Taggart. She's gorgeous!
LadyBug's Aiden Charles
Diamante04 ~ Avery Natalia Ward 'Ava'
Nikki ~ Adam Eliah Camden
CarolineMae ~ Orlando Emmett Fiorelli
Marisela Amber Maroulis! Hola123's
Nikki's Adam
Spartz ~ Rachael Anna Sander 'Annie'
Avalon ~ Lucas John Turner.
I'm voting for Diamate04's little girl Ava.
Nikki's Adam Elijah
I vote for:
SarahKate's Luna Ashley Wadsworth
SarahKate's Luna Ashley Wadsworth
My vote goes to Adam Eliah Camden =)
Cutest Baby Contest

Array's Leila Emma Hayashi.

Avalon's Evelyn Leah Turner, whom they call Evie.

Hola123's Leandra Carmen Maroulis.

Ladybug's Micah Lucas Bourne.

Nikki's Isabella Themi Camden.

Heidi Ann's Isabella Ingrid Wilkins, nicknamed Bella.

CN's Lucas Elliott Thorgunby.

Kelsie's Owen Matthew Kennedy.

NurseMom75's Harper Lauren Abbey.

SarahKate's Delilah Natalie Wadworth.

CarolineMae's Elias Luca Fiorelli.

Aileen's Ulysses Todd O'Taggart.

Spartz's Leah Olivia Sander.

Diamante04's Isabella Lucy Ward, nicknamed Ella.

Array's Leila Emma Hayashi.
Avalon's Evelyn Leah Turner, whom they call Evie.

Hola123's Leandra Carmen Maroulis.

Ladybug's Micah Lucas Bourne.

Nikki's Isabella Themi Camden.

Heidi Ann's Isabella Ingrid Wilkins, nicknamed Bella.

CN's Lucas Elliott Thorgunby.

Kelsie's Owen Matthew Kennedy.

NurseMom75's Harper Lauren Abbey.
SarahKate's Delilah Natalie Wadworth.

CarolineMae's Elias Luca Fiorelli.

Aileen's Ulysses Todd O'Taggart.

Spartz's Leah Olivia Sander.

Diamante04's Isabella Lucy Ward, nicknamed Ella.
I cast my vote for
NurseMom75's Harper Lauren Abbey.
NurseMom75's Harper Lauren Abbey.
CarolineMae's Elias Luca Fiorelli =)
I vote for NurseMom75's Harper Lauren Abbey
I'll have to say Isabella Lucy Ward :) Love the pose!
Kelsie's Owen Matthew gets my vote.
CarolineMae's Elias Luca Fiorelli.
NurseMom75's Harper Lauren Abbey
Spartz's Leah Olivia Sander.
She's gorgeous!
Harper Lauren Abbey (NurseMom)
Spartz's Leah
NurseMom75's Harper Lauren Abbey
Kelsie's Owen Matthew Kennedy.
I vote for Avalon's baby since it would be like voting for myself if I'm voting for Hola123's (same picture as me) ;-)
Spartz's Leah Olivia
I'm tied between Nikki's Isabella Themi Camden and Hola123's Leandra Carmen Maroulis. They have the same picture.
My vote goes to Avalon's Evelyn Leah Turner "Evie" =)
Username: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward Anderson (30)
DW: Serafina Rosalind (Cullen) Anderson (30)
DS: Owen William Anderson (5)
DD: Shannon Larissa Anderson (3)
DD: Caitlin Erin Anderson (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? Hm... I dunno
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): Yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: no limit
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Indiv. Name banks
Pictures (note: sorry about the hair color changes. It's really hard to find pictures that fit the ages and stuff that have the am hair color)
Us on vacation:

The 3 kids:


LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward Anderson (30)
DW: Serafina Rosalind (Cullen) Anderson (30)
DS: Owen William Anderson (5)
DD: Shannon Larissa Anderson (3)
DD: Caitlin Erin Anderson (nb)
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? Hm... I dunno
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): Yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: no limit
What’s your favorite way of naming: Namebanks, Individual name banks, combos, other (please specify): Indiv. Name banks
Pictures (note: sorry about the hair color changes. It's really hard to find pictures that fit the ages and stuff that have the am hair color)
Us on vacation:

The 3 kids:


Username: Nikki
LN: Camden
DH: James Marwin Camden (30)
DW: Síona Minerva (Grey) Camden (30)
DS: Adam Eliah Camden (5)
DD: Isabella Themi Camden (3)
DD/DD/DS: Ava Leora Camden / Lily Savannah Camden / Noah Rylan Camden(nb)
My wish: I added two more children so Ava became one of the triplets. Is that Okey?
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? max 4 more biological, more children if they are adopted is fine.
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: doesn't matter
What’s your favorite way of naming: any type of namebanks
One year ago we decided to take Adam and Isabella and got o Malaysia for three weeks. Our holiday was perfect and the children also loved it. A few weeks after that we had came home from malaysia I discovered that I was pregnant. We knew that it had happened on Malaysia and we were so happy so welcome another child to our family.
At the ulstrasound the doctor asked me if there was twins running in the family. i said no and then she said that I was pregnant with triplets! I coudln't believe my eyes and neither could James. Last week out triplet was born. It was two girls and one boy and we named them Ava Leora, Lily Savannah and Noah Rylan.
Adam and Isabella loves their siblings and neither of us can't wait until we bring them home with us.

Ava, Lily and Noah's nursery.

Our triplets! From left to right; Ava, Lily and Noah

Our little pricness, Isabella.


Two pictures of ouy holiday to Malaysia.
LN: Camden
DH: James Marwin Camden (30)
DW: Síona Minerva (Grey) Camden (30)
DS: Adam Eliah Camden (5)
DD: Isabella Themi Camden (3)
DD/DD/DS: Ava Leora Camden / Lily Savannah Camden / Noah Rylan Camden(nb)
My wish: I added two more children so Ava became one of the triplets. Is that Okey?
How many MORE first-generation children would you like? max 4 more biological, more children if they are adopted is fine.
Would you like any multiples (this is for any round): yes
If so, what is the highest number of multiples you’d like? Ex. Quads, triplets: doesn't matter
What’s your favorite way of naming: any type of namebanks
One year ago we decided to take Adam and Isabella and got o Malaysia for three weeks. Our holiday was perfect and the children also loved it. A few weeks after that we had came home from malaysia I discovered that I was pregnant. We knew that it had happened on Malaysia and we were so happy so welcome another child to our family.
At the ulstrasound the doctor asked me if there was twins running in the family. i said no and then she said that I was pregnant with triplets! I coudln't believe my eyes and neither could James. Last week out triplet was born. It was two girls and one boy and we named them Ava Leora, Lily Savannah and Noah Rylan.
Adam and Isabella loves their siblings and neither of us can't wait until we bring them home with us.

Ava, Lily and Noah's nursery.

Our triplets! From left to right; Ava, Lily and Noah

Our little pricness, Isabella.



This message was edited 1/13/2008, 2:02 PM
Yes, that is fine (for the triplets)