[Games] Re: Ashley's Writing Congrats Round 2
in reply to a message by Ashley
Are we allowed to vote our own characters as cutest? Because I really think Joel is just adorable. If not, I'll say HeidiAnn's Nicholas Alistair "Cole." And I like Nikki's house best. :D
Username: Array
LN: Hayashi
DH: Raki Kichirou Hayashi (27)
DW: Clare Maria (Teufel) Hayashi (27)
DS: Joel Takumi Hayashi (2)
DD: Leila Emma (nb)
Baby Leila's name was a sad compromise for Clare and Raki. They had chosen to name her Leila, because they felt that choosing non-Japanese names as first names would be the best way to represent both halves of their children's origins, since their surname is Japanese. However, they'd had the name Takara planned as a middle name, since both also wanted their children's middle names to be Japanese.
However, just before Leila's birth, the Hayashi family was given word that Clare's maternal grandmother, Emma, had died. Clare was heartbroken; during her childhood, her Oma Emma was the only family member she felt she could trust, and had remained the only person related to her for whom she felt fondness. Raki, recognizing exactly how important the woman was to his wife, suggested that instead of Leila Takara Hayashi, they have a Leila Emma Hayashi.
And so that was her name. Leila has thus far seemed a more placid baby than her big brother's constant smiles and activity, but she is sweet and beautiful and her family loves her. Joel is fascinated by her and must be told not to poke the baby, to use a gentle touch. And, as discussed, Raki has chosen to stay home with the children from this point onward! He is significantly more domestically inclined than Clare...and he claims he was sick of the all-white nursery idea Clare preferred. ;) For her part, Clare is currently doing office work, but she is looking for a job that requires more physical activity, which is what she's more inclined toward.

Joel, age two--such a silly little boy!

Leila, sleeping peacefully.

Leila and Joel's room has a new look.
Username: Array
LN: Hayashi
DH: Raki Kichirou Hayashi (27)
DW: Clare Maria (Teufel) Hayashi (27)
DS: Joel Takumi Hayashi (2)
DD: Leila Emma (nb)
Baby Leila's name was a sad compromise for Clare and Raki. They had chosen to name her Leila, because they felt that choosing non-Japanese names as first names would be the best way to represent both halves of their children's origins, since their surname is Japanese. However, they'd had the name Takara planned as a middle name, since both also wanted their children's middle names to be Japanese.
However, just before Leila's birth, the Hayashi family was given word that Clare's maternal grandmother, Emma, had died. Clare was heartbroken; during her childhood, her Oma Emma was the only family member she felt she could trust, and had remained the only person related to her for whom she felt fondness. Raki, recognizing exactly how important the woman was to his wife, suggested that instead of Leila Takara Hayashi, they have a Leila Emma Hayashi.
And so that was her name. Leila has thus far seemed a more placid baby than her big brother's constant smiles and activity, but she is sweet and beautiful and her family loves her. Joel is fascinated by her and must be told not to poke the baby, to use a gentle touch. And, as discussed, Raki has chosen to stay home with the children from this point onward! He is significantly more domestically inclined than Clare...and he claims he was sick of the all-white nursery idea Clare preferred. ;) For her part, Clare is currently doing office work, but she is looking for a job that requires more physical activity, which is what she's more inclined toward.

Joel, age two--such a silly little boy!

Leila, sleeping peacefully.

Leila and Joel's room has a new look.