[Games] Cutest Baby Contest
in reply to a message by Ashley
Cutest Baby:

SarahKate’s Luna

Ladybug's Aidan Charles

CN's Mathias

Diamante04's precious Avery Natalia, whom they like to call Ava.

NurseMom75's little Deacon Ross with his daddy David.

Spartz's little peanut Rachael Anna - they like to call her Annie. Look at that hair!

Array's Joel Takumi. He'll be a heartbreaker!

Caroline Mae's Orlando Emmett. Love the Birth Announcement!

Aileen's Petra Katherine. What pretty hair she has!

Avalon's Lucas John. He takes after his dad with that grin.

Nikki's Adam Eliah.

Hola123's Marisela Amber with her grandma Effie.

Heidi Ann's Nicholas Alistair, whom they like to call Cole.
SarahKate’s Luna

Ladybug's Aidan Charles

CN's Mathias

Diamante04's precious Avery Natalia, whom they like to call Ava.
NurseMom75's little Deacon Ross with his daddy David.

Spartz's little peanut Rachael Anna - they like to call her Annie. Look at that hair!

Array's Joel Takumi. He'll be a heartbreaker!

Caroline Mae's Orlando Emmett. Love the Birth Announcement!

Aileen's Petra Katherine. What pretty hair she has!
Avalon's Lucas John. He takes after his dad with that grin.

Nikki's Adam Eliah.

Hola123's Marisela Amber with her grandma Effie.

Heidi Ann's Nicholas Alistair, whom they like to call Cole.
This message was edited 1/9/2008, 5:22 PM