[Games] JJ21JJ's congrats game round 5!!!
Hi, and welcome to jj21jj’s congrats round 5!
You may still sign up if you wish. The link for the sign up round as well as round 1 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3091102&board=game
And round 2 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3092303&board=game
And round 3 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3093923&board=game
For round 3 if you are a new member pick from 4 for the first name and 10 for the middle name. Do not make a letter namebank for the third round if you want to join now.
And round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3096462&board=game
If you are new and missed a round choose from t
Maia has to complete round 4.
If you are at for the holidays tell me in advanced please! I may not be able to post a round but I might be able to.
Round 5 table of contents:
1. What you have to do for next week
2. Examples and explanations of families and what you can do
3. Deciding what you are having (boy, girl, twins, adopting)
4. Names to choose from
5. Story of last round
6. Survey (optional but it helps me)
7. Families sorted by user names (may be some notes to inviduals)
(Besides that you do not have to send anything extra like numbers)
Remember that you can either continue with one pair of parents or if you do not want any more children from that pair, one or more of the children can get married. It has been four years since the last birth if you are continuing with one pair of parents. If not, you can choose the amount of years. I will not change your ages if you have them because I do not know which way you want to go. If you have a boy, you can have a boy for two pairs of parents if both got married. Parents from the second generation do not have to have a kid every round, there brothers or sisters can as long as at least one child is born each round. If you want to you can write a story in the past, present, or future about your family like birth announcements, marriage stories and announcements, holiday cards, or just information on the family.
Here is an example of some formats that you can have so far (you can have middle names):
Same pair all along::
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda
DS: Franklin ------
DS: Lucas
DS: Joseph
DD: Louise
Married one couple this round:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith (remember the last name)
-----L+L’s kids: Peter Smith
DS: Lucas
DS: Joseph
Married one couple fourth round:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith
-----L+L’s kids…Peter
DS: Franklin
DS: Lucas
Married one couple fourth round, one this round and each couple are having a daughter:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith
------L+L’s kids: Peter Smith
Katherine Smith
DS: Franklin DW: Jessica Winter
------F+J’s kids: Allison Rogers
Now, to see what you are having, finish the statement:
My middle name (or the second letter of your first name if you do not have a middle name) starts with:
Congratulations on having a daughter!
Oh my, you having twins- 1 boy and 1 girl!
It’s a boy!
You are the proud mother/ father of a son!
You are adopting 1 or 2 children. Decide their ages and stories if there is one. If you want explain about them in your writing!
In round 4, I asked you to pick one number that is from 1-12 and five numbers that are from 1-100. The first number meant what decade I was to choose the other five numbers from. 1 was the 1890s, 2 was the 1900s, 3 was the 1910s…12 was so far in the 2000s.
The other five numbers that were from 1-100 were the popularity of the name. 1 was the most popular name for each gender for that decade.
This round you have a lot of names to choose from, hurray! They are all of the names from the numbers from last round. You have to use exact spelling and form because there are so many. For those who did not remember, I did random numbers but I will not write who did choose it. If you were curious what names you picked, I put the person or people’s game number besides the name. Your numbers are the alphabetical order and are by your user names for the family lists.
Albert (1)
Allen( 5, 22)
Anthony (2, 4, 6, 20)
Antonio (24)
Barry (14)
Benjamin (8) 8, 15)
Bill (8)
Bob (4)
Bobby (19, 21)
Brian (2)
Bruce (7)
Cameron (15)
Carl (20, 22)
Charles (22)
Charlie (23)
Chris (3)
Clifford (16)
Clyde (10)
Cory (19)
Craig (6)
Curtis (9)
Daniel (6)
Danny (7)
Donald (21, 23)
Edward (3, 4)
Ernest (9)
Francis (8)
Frank (21)
George (22)
Gerald (10)
Glenn (11)
Gregory (19)
Harold (3, 20)
Herbert (8, 16)
Hunter (15)
Jacob (24)
James (2)
Jared (24)
Jeffrey (1)
Jeremy (2)
Jerry (3, 21)
Jesse (23)
Joe (8, 23)
John (9)
Jose (15)
Joseph (5, 7)
Justin (24)
Kenneth (4) , 9)
Kevin (6)
Lawrence (1)
Lee (1, 5)
Lloyd (11)
Marc (19)
Mark (14)
Melvin (16, 21)
Michael (10)
Paul (11)
Philip (6, 10)
Oscar (20)
Richard (9)
Robert (14, 16)
Roger (20)
Roy (11, 22)
Samuel (14)
Scott (1)
Sidney (16)
Spencer (15)
Steven (5, 19)
Terry (5, 14)
Theodore (7)
Timothy (3)
Tommy (4)
Tony (22)
Tyler (24)
William (2, 6, 7, 10))
Willie (11)
Alma (8, 20)
Angela (6)
Anita (9, 22)
Ann (3)
Annie (16)
Arlene (10)
Bailey (24)
Barbara (9)
Bessie (20)
Beverly (1)
Brenda (6)
Carol (9)
Carolyn (22)
Catherine (20)
Christina (19( 19)
Christine (2)
Cynthia (5)
Dawn (2)
Deborah (9)
Debra (19)
Denise (3)
Diana (15)
Donna (21,22)
Edna (8)
Ellen (4, 20)
Emily (24)
Emma (16)
Ethel (20)
Florence (11)
Grace (11)
Hayley (15, 24)
Heather (2)
Helen (1,14)
Jane (4)
Janice (1)
Jo (7)
Joan (21)
Joyce (4, 5)
Judith (3)
Julie (1)
Karen (9)
Katherine (23)
Kathy (16)
Kay (7)
Kelly (15)
Kimberly (2)
Lauren (24)
Lena (23)
Leslie (1, 5)
Linda (10, 14)
Lois (10)
Lucille (4)
Margaret (7) 7, 16)
Marian (11)
Marilyn (21)
Martha (22)
Megan (19)
Mildred (10)
Morgan (15)
Opal (16)
Pamela (5,6) ,6, 7)
Patricia (7)
Pauline (8, 23)
Pearl (8)
Phyllis (21, 23)
Rebecca (3)
Regina (6)
Rhonda (6)
Rita (21)
Sally (14)
Sarah (19)
Shelby (24)
Shirley (10)
Silvia (11)
Stephanie (2)
Sylvia (14)
Tammy (3)
Thelma (8)
Tiffany (15, 19)
Valerie (5)
Vera (23)
Viola (11)
Virginia (4,22)
One of these is done by Rowena and the other by Estel. Estel’s is in the Civil War (1861). Great job! Also check out Caroline Mae’s baby announcement from the fourth round or if she replies this round with one. I would post it, but my computer will not let is show up. Here is her family and story from last round:
16. User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary B³a¿ej "Pol" (42)
DW: Mieczys³awa Klementyna "Mieczys" (41)
AD: Sophie Violet (23) DH: Nathaniel Jethro Breckenridge (28)
---DD: Jemma Noelle (NB)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (22)
AS: Grant Maxwell (22)
AS: Evander Ezra (21)
DS: Luther Joseph (17)
It has been 17 years since Luther was born and Mieczys became a full time mom. Now everyone is all grown up and starting their own lives. Sophie is a Kindergarten teacher in the town that she grew up in. Sophie started dating Nathaniel at the age of 21 when she met him at a class in the local college (He enjoys taking classes once in a while to have fun). They were engaged and married within one year of meeting each other. Mieczys and Pol were skeptical about how fast things were going, but deeply loved Nathaniel and put their trust in him and Sophie. One year after marrying, on Christmas Day, Sophie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom they named Jemma Noelle. Jemma was 8 pounds, 3 ounces and 21 inches at birth.
Julius, a very serious and studious young man, has already received his 2nd degree in Wildlife Biology. He worked very hard and is dedicated to helping out as many animals/plants/environments in the wild as possible.
Violenta always seemed to feel like she was in Julius's shadow, therefore she went a totally opposite route of his own. She entered beauty school at the age of 18 and is now an excellent hair and make up artist. Yet Violenta always seemed to want something more than the small town they lived in could give her. She packed up and moved to LA at the age of 19. Rumor is that she's seeing someone, but she's being secretive.
Grant has followed in his adoptive father's footsteps and is now helping out at a new branch of his bakery. He has the honor of running the shop on his own, without his father's help. He does have one helper, a very sweet widow with two children. Mieczys is hoping for wedding bells and wedding cake (which she'll make of course, lol).
Evander is hell bent on becoming a ladies' man. He is currently at the state college two hours away and is spending 75% of the time concentrating on the ladies and 25% of the time concentrating on his school work. He brings a new girl home to meet the family every month or so. Mieczys doesn't know what to do with him and knows it's useless to try.
Luther... the fierce and independent one. His motto is: “To be nobody-but-yourself -- in a world which is doing its best night and day, to make you everybody else--means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” (E.E. Cummings) Luther is fiercely determined to make his own path and fight his own battles in life. He doesn't let what anyone else thinks make him feel bad or make him be any other way than how he is. Now that he's in his last year of high school, he is looking toward to going to college to become a journalist.
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (41)
DW: Mary Josephine (39)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (20)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (23)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (nb)
DS: Isaiah Henry (18)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (15)
I pick #4
Numbers: 34, 35, 37, 87, and 91.
It has been fifteen years since the triplets were born. Mary and Wil were not able to have any more children, but they love the five that they were blessed with. Sixteen months ago, on June 1, 1862; their first and only daughter, Rosie, was married. Six weeks later, her husband, Saul Jackson, enlisted in the Union Army. Rosie has only seen Saul twice since he enlisted almost a year and a half ago. She was elated when her son, Shawn Fisher Jackson was born last month. She does not yet know whether Saul knows his son was born: the last letter she received from him was postmarked South Carolina. Rosie has moved back in with her parents and younger brothers until Saul returns from the war. Everyone hopes that it will be over soon.
Isaiah has also enlisted in the Union army. Three days after he turned 18, he enlisted and departed for Georgia. Isaiah has grown into a wonderful young man. He is basically a carbon copy of Wil and looks just like him. When Isaiah returns from the war, he will start his own furniture building business. He does not wish to farm, but its okay because Landon wishes to take over the farm. Isaiah has also left his sweetheart here in Ohio. Her name is Betsy Fairchild. She is a very sweet girl, also 18, who loves Isaiah dearly and would be crushed if anything happened to him. They plan to court officially after Isaiah returns and get married.
Liam, Landon, and Adam are 15. They have always been very adventurous and spontaneous. All three are very active and play off of each other and make the Baker household a very interesting place. Liam is very scholarly. He loved school and wishes that he could continue his schooling, but is needed on the farm. When he turns 18, Liam plans to go to medical school in New York City. Landon loves the earth. He is going to inherit and continue working Wil’s farm. He has always been interested in farming and the outdoors. Landon already has his eye on one of the girls in town to marry, but won’t go courting until Wil gives the okay. Adam is the most adventurous and boisterous of the triplets. He enjoys showing off and can be a bit of a daredevil. He longs to follow his big brother off to war, but Wil has forbidden it until he turns 18.
Wil and Mary have done a good job of raising their children and are looking forward to years of spoiling grandchildren and retiring. Of course, they will be the first to tell you that they have many good years left. Wil has loved working the farm and has done excellently. He has been able to provide whatever the family needed or wanted, but has also contributed to the community. Mary is a well-respected member of the community. She loves children and has become a sort of “grandmother” to many of the town’s children. She is sad to see her children grow up and leave her, but loves her new role as grandmother to Shawn (Rosie’s son).
This is my first congrats game that I hosted, so I wanted to know what you think I am doing well and what I should improve on. Thanks for taking the time to do this! You do not need to do it or all of it
Key: 5=wonderful 4=good 3=average 2=below average 1=poor
Rate this congrats game overall so far: ________(1-5)
How well is the game’s organization? __________
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples____
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders) ________
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game________
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough?________
How are the namebanks? ________
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round _________
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family ________
My story has been the story of the round before_______
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before_______
I should keep posting a story every round________
Anything I can do better_____________________________________
What do I do well in_________________________________________
Additional comments_________________________________________
1. User Name: Akua Topaz
Last Name: Powers
DH: Iggy Alexander Powers
DW: Roxie Goldman Powers
DS: Winston Harrison Powers
DD: Georgia Susanna Powers
---DH: Charles Henry Rowe
---DS: Damien Hugh Rowe
DD: Juliet Lucy Powers
I hope you are having fun!
2.User Name: Ashley
Last Name: Bentley
DH: Grant Evander
DW: Katherine Anna 'Katie'
DS: Anthony Scott
DS: Matthew James
DD: Lydia Josephine
DD: Nora Madeline
I like most of those names!
3. User Name: Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William
DS: Darcy Edward
DS: Victor Hugh
Those baby announcements are so neat! I would post it, but my computer will not let me.
4. User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle (31)
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle (31)
DS: Henry John Carlisle (4)
DD/DS: Samantha Juliet Carlisle / Alexander James Carlisle (1)
DD: Katherine Winter Carlisle (0)
Have fun and remember to change the ages what ever way you choose.
5. User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
DD: Lily Isabella
DS/DS/DS: Finley James, Isaac Oliver and Philip Levi
DS: Isidore Myles
Thanks for remembering the numbers and I hope you are having fun!
6. User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara "Julie"
DD/DD: Lily Savannah / Stella Katherine
DS: Michael Grant
DD/DD: Daniela Daisy / Hannah Deirdre
I love a lot of those names!
7. User Name: Emilie
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward (33)
DW: Naomi Susanna (32)
AS: William Isaiah (9)
DD: Sarah Rebecca (7)
AD: Sophie Isabelle (7)
AS: Matthew Silas (5)
DS: Oliver Andrew "Andrew" (3)
DD: Katherine Victoria (nb)
Wow, you have a lot of children. Great naming taste!
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (41)
DW: Mary Josephine (39)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (20)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (23)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (nb)
DS: Isaiah Henry (18)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (15)
Wonderful story again…I can see you like history and writing! Me too.
9. UN: Gloria Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
DD: Lily Stella
DS: Micah George
DS: Ian Calvin
Yes, you can have children as long as you want. You have one of the smallest families so far because you only have singles, not twins, triplets, or adoptees.
10. User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (30)
DW: Sarah Noelle (28)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (6)
DD: Sophie Isabella (4)
DS: Christian Lucas (1)
DD/DD: Olivia Violet / Verity Katherine (nb)
I wanted to post you story too, but that might be too many writings. Maybe next time, it was one of the best!
11. User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (55)
DW: Diane Margaret (57)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Fred" (25)
--DW: Vera Belle Lasar (22)
--DD: Hannah Verity (NB)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (23)
DS: Henry Noah (21)
DD: Bailey Helen (20)
Thanks for keeping track of the ages and remember to do it this round!
12. Un: Loz
LN: Saunders
DH: Samuel Peter (29)
DW: Callie Jane (28)
DS/DD Joseph Charles / Helena Belle (Ellen) (6)
DS: Steven Maxwell (4)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Andrew / Adam Patrick / John Thomas (1)
DD/DD: Sarah Francine / Faith Samantha (nb)
Wow, 8 children in 6 years! Congratulations!
13. User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley (14)
Remember to do round 4 and this round!
14. User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
---Jay DW: Matilda Madeline
---DS: Noah Myles
DD: Paris Juliet
DD: Eulia Sophie "Sophie"
I hope you are having a great time in this congrats!
15. User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David (50)
DW: Jane Lily Savannah (48)
DS: James Austin (25)
--DW: Zelda Winter Miller (23)
---DS: Julian Joshua Miller (nb)
DD/DD: Sophie Allie / Noelle Isabella (23)
DS: Adam August (20)
Thanks for replying so soon…third!
16. User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary B³a¿ej "Pol" (42)
DW: Mieczys³awa Klementyna "Mieczys" (41)
AD: Sophie Violet (23)
--DH: Nathaniel Jethro Breckenridge (28)
---DD: Jemma Noelle (NB)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (22)
AS: Grant Maxwell (22)
AS: Evander Ezra (21)
DS: Luther Joseph (17)
Great writing! The answers to your questions are:
No, I do not think you should have a gay relationship because some people on this congrats I think will be uncomfortable with that.
Yes, that perfectly fine about the widow. You may choose the names from the namebank on this round since there are a lot of names in addition to the baby. Lol, it’s okay!
17. User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (25)
DW: Sarah May (25)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (19)
-DH: Riley Theodore North (27)
-DD/DD: Penelope Rose North / Phoebe Rebecca North (8 months)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (17)
DS: Theodore Anthony "Theo" (14)
Interesting story of the how everyone dealt with the baby!
18. User Name: Saranne772
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (28)
---DH's sister: Johanna Marie "Hanna" (20)
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (29)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (13)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (8)
AD: Josephine Juliette "Josie" (7)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (6)
DD: Elisabeth Rosalind "Beth" (1)
DS: Jedidiah Micah
What can I say...once again great job, perfect! I wanted Rowena and Estel to have a chance this time…so probably soon you will get on again.
19. UN: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward
DW: Serafina Rosalind
DS: Edward Adam (6)
AD/AD/AD: Juliet Susanna / Violetta Naomi / April Josephine (4)
DS/DD: Lucy Bridget / Andrew Finley (1) (9)
DS: Simon Jonah
Are you enjoying this congrats so far…I hope so!?
20. User Name: Skye Morgan
Last Name: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Juliet Bella
DD: Sophie Savannah
DS: Tristan Levi
DD/DD: Isla Caroline/ Gemma Isabel
I hope you are having fun so far.
21. User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
DS: Anthony Elijah
DS: Jonah Matthew
Interesting bunch of names…you have the classic, Biblical, etc!
23. User Name: Tai Angel
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George DW: Victoria Helen (Moore) and Lisa Rosalynn
DD/DD: Helena Verity and Harmony Violet (Patrick and Victoria's children)
DS: Edward Julius
DS/DS/DS: Thomas Josiah, Andrew Micah and Daniel Adrian
Congrats on being the first person to reply!
24. User Name: Wintertale
Last Name: Appleton-Yates
DH: Leander Jacob (29)
DW: Charlotte Emily (31)
DS: Eric William (5)
DS: David John (3)
DS/DD: Thomas Andrew / Claire Rosalind (1)
DD: Verity Cordelia (nb)
Thanks for telling me about the edit! I hope you are okay with being last; you know what they say last but not least…
You may still sign up if you wish. The link for the sign up round as well as round 1 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3091102&board=game
And round 2 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3092303&board=game
And round 3 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3093923&board=game
For round 3 if you are a new member pick from 4 for the first name and 10 for the middle name. Do not make a letter namebank for the third round if you want to join now.
And round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3096462&board=game
If you are new and missed a round choose from t
Maia has to complete round 4.
If you are at for the holidays tell me in advanced please! I may not be able to post a round but I might be able to.
Round 5 table of contents:
1. What you have to do for next week
2. Examples and explanations of families and what you can do
3. Deciding what you are having (boy, girl, twins, adopting)
4. Names to choose from
5. Story of last round
6. Survey (optional but it helps me)
7. Families sorted by user names (may be some notes to inviduals)
(Besides that you do not have to send anything extra like numbers)
Remember that you can either continue with one pair of parents or if you do not want any more children from that pair, one or more of the children can get married. It has been four years since the last birth if you are continuing with one pair of parents. If not, you can choose the amount of years. I will not change your ages if you have them because I do not know which way you want to go. If you have a boy, you can have a boy for two pairs of parents if both got married. Parents from the second generation do not have to have a kid every round, there brothers or sisters can as long as at least one child is born each round. If you want to you can write a story in the past, present, or future about your family like birth announcements, marriage stories and announcements, holiday cards, or just information on the family.
Here is an example of some formats that you can have so far (you can have middle names):
Same pair all along::
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda
DS: Franklin ------
DS: Lucas
DS: Joseph
DD: Louise
Married one couple this round:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith (remember the last name)
-----L+L’s kids: Peter Smith
DS: Lucas
DS: Joseph
Married one couple fourth round:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith
-----L+L’s kids…Peter
DS: Franklin
DS: Lucas
Married one couple fourth round, one this round and each couple are having a daughter:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith
------L+L’s kids: Peter Smith
Katherine Smith
DS: Franklin DW: Jessica Winter
------F+J’s kids: Allison Rogers
Now, to see what you are having, finish the statement:
My middle name (or the second letter of your first name if you do not have a middle name) starts with:
Congratulations on having a daughter!
Oh my, you having twins- 1 boy and 1 girl!
It’s a boy!
You are the proud mother/ father of a son!
You are adopting 1 or 2 children. Decide their ages and stories if there is one. If you want explain about them in your writing!
In round 4, I asked you to pick one number that is from 1-12 and five numbers that are from 1-100. The first number meant what decade I was to choose the other five numbers from. 1 was the 1890s, 2 was the 1900s, 3 was the 1910s…12 was so far in the 2000s.
The other five numbers that were from 1-100 were the popularity of the name. 1 was the most popular name for each gender for that decade.
This round you have a lot of names to choose from, hurray! They are all of the names from the numbers from last round. You have to use exact spelling and form because there are so many. For those who did not remember, I did random numbers but I will not write who did choose it. If you were curious what names you picked, I put the person or people’s game number besides the name. Your numbers are the alphabetical order and are by your user names for the family lists.
Albert (1)
Allen( 5, 22)
Anthony (2, 4, 6, 20)
Antonio (24)
Barry (14)
Benjamin (8) 8, 15)
Bill (8)
Bob (4)
Bobby (19, 21)
Brian (2)
Bruce (7)
Cameron (15)
Carl (20, 22)
Charles (22)
Charlie (23)
Chris (3)
Clifford (16)
Clyde (10)
Cory (19)
Craig (6)
Curtis (9)
Daniel (6)
Danny (7)
Donald (21, 23)
Edward (3, 4)
Ernest (9)
Francis (8)
Frank (21)
George (22)
Gerald (10)
Glenn (11)
Gregory (19)
Harold (3, 20)
Herbert (8, 16)
Hunter (15)
Jacob (24)
James (2)
Jared (24)
Jeffrey (1)
Jeremy (2)
Jerry (3, 21)
Jesse (23)
Joe (8, 23)
John (9)
Jose (15)
Joseph (5, 7)
Justin (24)
Kenneth (4) , 9)
Kevin (6)
Lawrence (1)
Lee (1, 5)
Lloyd (11)
Marc (19)
Mark (14)
Melvin (16, 21)
Michael (10)
Paul (11)
Philip (6, 10)
Oscar (20)
Richard (9)
Robert (14, 16)
Roger (20)
Roy (11, 22)
Samuel (14)
Scott (1)
Sidney (16)
Spencer (15)
Steven (5, 19)
Terry (5, 14)
Theodore (7)
Timothy (3)
Tommy (4)
Tony (22)
Tyler (24)
William (2, 6, 7, 10))
Willie (11)
Alma (8, 20)
Angela (6)
Anita (9, 22)
Ann (3)
Annie (16)
Arlene (10)
Bailey (24)
Barbara (9)
Bessie (20)
Beverly (1)
Brenda (6)
Carol (9)
Carolyn (22)
Catherine (20)
Christina (19( 19)
Christine (2)
Cynthia (5)
Dawn (2)
Deborah (9)
Debra (19)
Denise (3)
Diana (15)
Donna (21,22)
Edna (8)
Ellen (4, 20)
Emily (24)
Emma (16)
Ethel (20)
Florence (11)
Grace (11)
Hayley (15, 24)
Heather (2)
Helen (1,14)
Jane (4)
Janice (1)
Jo (7)
Joan (21)
Joyce (4, 5)
Judith (3)
Julie (1)
Karen (9)
Katherine (23)
Kathy (16)
Kay (7)
Kelly (15)
Kimberly (2)
Lauren (24)
Lena (23)
Leslie (1, 5)
Linda (10, 14)
Lois (10)
Lucille (4)
Margaret (7) 7, 16)
Marian (11)
Marilyn (21)
Martha (22)
Megan (19)
Mildred (10)
Morgan (15)
Opal (16)
Pamela (5,6) ,6, 7)
Patricia (7)
Pauline (8, 23)
Pearl (8)
Phyllis (21, 23)
Rebecca (3)
Regina (6)
Rhonda (6)
Rita (21)
Sally (14)
Sarah (19)
Shelby (24)
Shirley (10)
Silvia (11)
Stephanie (2)
Sylvia (14)
Tammy (3)
Thelma (8)
Tiffany (15, 19)
Valerie (5)
Vera (23)
Viola (11)
Virginia (4,22)
One of these is done by Rowena and the other by Estel. Estel’s is in the Civil War (1861). Great job! Also check out Caroline Mae’s baby announcement from the fourth round or if she replies this round with one. I would post it, but my computer will not let is show up. Here is her family and story from last round:
16. User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary B³a¿ej "Pol" (42)
DW: Mieczys³awa Klementyna "Mieczys" (41)
AD: Sophie Violet (23) DH: Nathaniel Jethro Breckenridge (28)
---DD: Jemma Noelle (NB)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (22)
AS: Grant Maxwell (22)
AS: Evander Ezra (21)
DS: Luther Joseph (17)
It has been 17 years since Luther was born and Mieczys became a full time mom. Now everyone is all grown up and starting their own lives. Sophie is a Kindergarten teacher in the town that she grew up in. Sophie started dating Nathaniel at the age of 21 when she met him at a class in the local college (He enjoys taking classes once in a while to have fun). They were engaged and married within one year of meeting each other. Mieczys and Pol were skeptical about how fast things were going, but deeply loved Nathaniel and put their trust in him and Sophie. One year after marrying, on Christmas Day, Sophie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom they named Jemma Noelle. Jemma was 8 pounds, 3 ounces and 21 inches at birth.
Julius, a very serious and studious young man, has already received his 2nd degree in Wildlife Biology. He worked very hard and is dedicated to helping out as many animals/plants/environments in the wild as possible.
Violenta always seemed to feel like she was in Julius's shadow, therefore she went a totally opposite route of his own. She entered beauty school at the age of 18 and is now an excellent hair and make up artist. Yet Violenta always seemed to want something more than the small town they lived in could give her. She packed up and moved to LA at the age of 19. Rumor is that she's seeing someone, but she's being secretive.
Grant has followed in his adoptive father's footsteps and is now helping out at a new branch of his bakery. He has the honor of running the shop on his own, without his father's help. He does have one helper, a very sweet widow with two children. Mieczys is hoping for wedding bells and wedding cake (which she'll make of course, lol).
Evander is hell bent on becoming a ladies' man. He is currently at the state college two hours away and is spending 75% of the time concentrating on the ladies and 25% of the time concentrating on his school work. He brings a new girl home to meet the family every month or so. Mieczys doesn't know what to do with him and knows it's useless to try.
Luther... the fierce and independent one. His motto is: “To be nobody-but-yourself -- in a world which is doing its best night and day, to make you everybody else--means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” (E.E. Cummings) Luther is fiercely determined to make his own path and fight his own battles in life. He doesn't let what anyone else thinks make him feel bad or make him be any other way than how he is. Now that he's in his last year of high school, he is looking toward to going to college to become a journalist.
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (41)
DW: Mary Josephine (39)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (20)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (23)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (nb)
DS: Isaiah Henry (18)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (15)
I pick #4
Numbers: 34, 35, 37, 87, and 91.
It has been fifteen years since the triplets were born. Mary and Wil were not able to have any more children, but they love the five that they were blessed with. Sixteen months ago, on June 1, 1862; their first and only daughter, Rosie, was married. Six weeks later, her husband, Saul Jackson, enlisted in the Union Army. Rosie has only seen Saul twice since he enlisted almost a year and a half ago. She was elated when her son, Shawn Fisher Jackson was born last month. She does not yet know whether Saul knows his son was born: the last letter she received from him was postmarked South Carolina. Rosie has moved back in with her parents and younger brothers until Saul returns from the war. Everyone hopes that it will be over soon.
Isaiah has also enlisted in the Union army. Three days after he turned 18, he enlisted and departed for Georgia. Isaiah has grown into a wonderful young man. He is basically a carbon copy of Wil and looks just like him. When Isaiah returns from the war, he will start his own furniture building business. He does not wish to farm, but its okay because Landon wishes to take over the farm. Isaiah has also left his sweetheart here in Ohio. Her name is Betsy Fairchild. She is a very sweet girl, also 18, who loves Isaiah dearly and would be crushed if anything happened to him. They plan to court officially after Isaiah returns and get married.
Liam, Landon, and Adam are 15. They have always been very adventurous and spontaneous. All three are very active and play off of each other and make the Baker household a very interesting place. Liam is very scholarly. He loved school and wishes that he could continue his schooling, but is needed on the farm. When he turns 18, Liam plans to go to medical school in New York City. Landon loves the earth. He is going to inherit and continue working Wil’s farm. He has always been interested in farming and the outdoors. Landon already has his eye on one of the girls in town to marry, but won’t go courting until Wil gives the okay. Adam is the most adventurous and boisterous of the triplets. He enjoys showing off and can be a bit of a daredevil. He longs to follow his big brother off to war, but Wil has forbidden it until he turns 18.
Wil and Mary have done a good job of raising their children and are looking forward to years of spoiling grandchildren and retiring. Of course, they will be the first to tell you that they have many good years left. Wil has loved working the farm and has done excellently. He has been able to provide whatever the family needed or wanted, but has also contributed to the community. Mary is a well-respected member of the community. She loves children and has become a sort of “grandmother” to many of the town’s children. She is sad to see her children grow up and leave her, but loves her new role as grandmother to Shawn (Rosie’s son).
This is my first congrats game that I hosted, so I wanted to know what you think I am doing well and what I should improve on. Thanks for taking the time to do this! You do not need to do it or all of it
Key: 5=wonderful 4=good 3=average 2=below average 1=poor
Rate this congrats game overall so far: ________(1-5)
How well is the game’s organization? __________
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples____
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders) ________
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game________
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough?________
How are the namebanks? ________
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round _________
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family ________
My story has been the story of the round before_______
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before_______
I should keep posting a story every round________
Anything I can do better_____________________________________
What do I do well in_________________________________________
Additional comments_________________________________________
1. User Name: Akua Topaz
Last Name: Powers
DH: Iggy Alexander Powers
DW: Roxie Goldman Powers
DS: Winston Harrison Powers
DD: Georgia Susanna Powers
---DH: Charles Henry Rowe
---DS: Damien Hugh Rowe
DD: Juliet Lucy Powers
I hope you are having fun!
2.User Name: Ashley
Last Name: Bentley
DH: Grant Evander
DW: Katherine Anna 'Katie'
DS: Anthony Scott
DS: Matthew James
DD: Lydia Josephine
DD: Nora Madeline
I like most of those names!
3. User Name: Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William
DS: Darcy Edward
DS: Victor Hugh
Those baby announcements are so neat! I would post it, but my computer will not let me.
4. User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle (31)
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle (31)
DS: Henry John Carlisle (4)
DD/DS: Samantha Juliet Carlisle / Alexander James Carlisle (1)
DD: Katherine Winter Carlisle (0)
Have fun and remember to change the ages what ever way you choose.
5. User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
DD: Lily Isabella
DS/DS/DS: Finley James, Isaac Oliver and Philip Levi
DS: Isidore Myles
Thanks for remembering the numbers and I hope you are having fun!
6. User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara "Julie"
DD/DD: Lily Savannah / Stella Katherine
DS: Michael Grant
DD/DD: Daniela Daisy / Hannah Deirdre
I love a lot of those names!
7. User Name: Emilie
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward (33)
DW: Naomi Susanna (32)
AS: William Isaiah (9)
DD: Sarah Rebecca (7)
AD: Sophie Isabelle (7)
AS: Matthew Silas (5)
DS: Oliver Andrew "Andrew" (3)
DD: Katherine Victoria (nb)
Wow, you have a lot of children. Great naming taste!
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (41)
DW: Mary Josephine (39)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (20)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (23)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (nb)
DS: Isaiah Henry (18)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (15)
Wonderful story again…I can see you like history and writing! Me too.
9. UN: Gloria Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
DD: Lily Stella
DS: Micah George
DS: Ian Calvin
Yes, you can have children as long as you want. You have one of the smallest families so far because you only have singles, not twins, triplets, or adoptees.
10. User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (30)
DW: Sarah Noelle (28)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (6)
DD: Sophie Isabella (4)
DS: Christian Lucas (1)
DD/DD: Olivia Violet / Verity Katherine (nb)
I wanted to post you story too, but that might be too many writings. Maybe next time, it was one of the best!
11. User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (55)
DW: Diane Margaret (57)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Fred" (25)
--DW: Vera Belle Lasar (22)
--DD: Hannah Verity (NB)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (23)
DS: Henry Noah (21)
DD: Bailey Helen (20)
Thanks for keeping track of the ages and remember to do it this round!
12. Un: Loz
LN: Saunders
DH: Samuel Peter (29)
DW: Callie Jane (28)
DS/DD Joseph Charles / Helena Belle (Ellen) (6)
DS: Steven Maxwell (4)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Andrew / Adam Patrick / John Thomas (1)
DD/DD: Sarah Francine / Faith Samantha (nb)
Wow, 8 children in 6 years! Congratulations!
13. User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley (14)
Remember to do round 4 and this round!
14. User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
---Jay DW: Matilda Madeline
---DS: Noah Myles
DD: Paris Juliet
DD: Eulia Sophie "Sophie"
I hope you are having a great time in this congrats!
15. User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David (50)
DW: Jane Lily Savannah (48)
DS: James Austin (25)
--DW: Zelda Winter Miller (23)
---DS: Julian Joshua Miller (nb)
DD/DD: Sophie Allie / Noelle Isabella (23)
DS: Adam August (20)
Thanks for replying so soon…third!
16. User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary B³a¿ej "Pol" (42)
DW: Mieczys³awa Klementyna "Mieczys" (41)
AD: Sophie Violet (23)
--DH: Nathaniel Jethro Breckenridge (28)
---DD: Jemma Noelle (NB)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (22)
AS: Grant Maxwell (22)
AS: Evander Ezra (21)
DS: Luther Joseph (17)
Great writing! The answers to your questions are:
No, I do not think you should have a gay relationship because some people on this congrats I think will be uncomfortable with that.
Yes, that perfectly fine about the widow. You may choose the names from the namebank on this round since there are a lot of names in addition to the baby. Lol, it’s okay!
17. User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (25)
DW: Sarah May (25)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (19)
-DH: Riley Theodore North (27)
-DD/DD: Penelope Rose North / Phoebe Rebecca North (8 months)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (17)
DS: Theodore Anthony "Theo" (14)
Interesting story of the how everyone dealt with the baby!
18. User Name: Saranne772
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (28)
---DH's sister: Johanna Marie "Hanna" (20)
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (29)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (13)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (8)
AD: Josephine Juliette "Josie" (7)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (6)
DD: Elisabeth Rosalind "Beth" (1)
DS: Jedidiah Micah
What can I say...once again great job, perfect! I wanted Rowena and Estel to have a chance this time…so probably soon you will get on again.
19. UN: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward
DW: Serafina Rosalind
DS: Edward Adam (6)
AD/AD/AD: Juliet Susanna / Violetta Naomi / April Josephine (4)
DS/DD: Lucy Bridget / Andrew Finley (1) (9)
DS: Simon Jonah
Are you enjoying this congrats so far…I hope so!?
20. User Name: Skye Morgan
Last Name: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Juliet Bella
DD: Sophie Savannah
DS: Tristan Levi
DD/DD: Isla Caroline/ Gemma Isabel
I hope you are having fun so far.
21. User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
DS: Anthony Elijah
DS: Jonah Matthew
Interesting bunch of names…you have the classic, Biblical, etc!
23. User Name: Tai Angel
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George DW: Victoria Helen (Moore) and Lisa Rosalynn
DD/DD: Helena Verity and Harmony Violet (Patrick and Victoria's children)
DS: Edward Julius
DS/DS/DS: Thomas Josiah, Andrew Micah and Daniel Adrian
Congrats on being the first person to reply!
24. User Name: Wintertale
Last Name: Appleton-Yates
DH: Leander Jacob (29)
DW: Charlotte Emily (31)
DS: Eric William (5)
DS: David John (3)
DS/DD: Thomas Andrew / Claire Rosalind (1)
DD: Verity Cordelia (nb)
Thanks for telling me about the edit! I hope you are okay with being last; you know what they say last but not least…
This message was edited 12/18/2007, 7:07 PM
13. User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
---DH: Cameron Scott
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley
DS: Aubrey Logan
DS: Spencer Tyler
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
---DH: Cameron Scott
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley
DS: Aubrey Logan
DS: Spencer Tyler
here is my round 4
13. User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley (14)
DS: Aubrey Logan
more children
3 7 11 19 83
13. User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley (14)
DS: Aubrey Logan
more children
3 7 11 19 83
7. User Name: Emilie
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward (37)
DW: Naomi Susanna (36)
AS: William Isaiah (13)
DD: Sarah Rebecca (10)
AD: Sophie Isabelle (10)
AS: Matthew Silas (9)
DS: Oliver Andrew "Andrew" (7)
DD: Katherine Victoria (4)
DS: Daniel Francis (nb)
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward (37)
DW: Naomi Susanna (36)
AS: William Isaiah (13)
DD: Sarah Rebecca (10)
AD: Sophie Isabelle (10)
AS: Matthew Silas (9)
DS: Oliver Andrew "Andrew" (7)
DD: Katherine Victoria (4)
DS: Daniel Francis (nb)
17. User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (30)
DW: Sarah May (30)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (24)
-DH: Riley Theodore North (32)
-DD/DD: Penelope Rose North / Phoebe Rebecca North (5)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (23)
-(Rebecca)DH: John Daniel Simpson (24)
-DS: Anthony Michael John Simpson "Tony" (2)
DS: Theodore Anthony "Theo" (19)
I tried so there isn't much writing.
Two year ago, Rebecca married her high school boyfriend, John Simpson. Also two years, they had their first child, a son, Tony. Tony and Rebecca (and John) are all doing well.
Penelope and Rebecca are also doing well. Meg and Riley are still together, but their married is having a roughtime, now that the girls are in kindergarden. Hopefully, things will look up.
Rate this congrats game overall so far 4.5
How well is the game’s organization? 5
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough example 4
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders) 5, very creative
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game 4
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 4
How are the namebanks? 5
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round yes
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family yes
My story has been the story of the round before sometimes
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before no applicable
I should keep posting a story every round yes
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (30)
DW: Sarah May (30)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (24)
-DH: Riley Theodore North (32)
-DD/DD: Penelope Rose North / Phoebe Rebecca North (5)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (23)
-(Rebecca)DH: John Daniel Simpson (24)
-DS: Anthony Michael John Simpson "Tony" (2)
DS: Theodore Anthony "Theo" (19)
I tried so there isn't much writing.
Two year ago, Rebecca married her high school boyfriend, John Simpson. Also two years, they had their first child, a son, Tony. Tony and Rebecca (and John) are all doing well.
Penelope and Rebecca are also doing well. Meg and Riley are still together, but their married is having a roughtime, now that the girls are in kindergarden. Hopefully, things will look up.
Rate this congrats game overall so far 4.5
How well is the game’s organization? 5
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough example 4
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders) 5, very creative
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game 4
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 4
How are the namebanks? 5
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round yes
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family yes
My story has been the story of the round before sometimes
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before no applicable
I should keep posting a story every round yes
I'm going to skip the survey, but I think you're doing a wonderful job!
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (44)
DW: Mary Josephine (42)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (23)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (26)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (3)
---DD: Lena Grace (newborn)
DS: Isaiah Henry (21)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (18)
DW: Cynthia Margaret (Goodman) "Cindy" (17)
The year is now 1865. The War between the States has raged on and on. Now most everyone is tired of the fighting and there are rumors that peace will come soon. Wil and Mary continue leading the same lives they always have; Wil working the farm and Mary helping out in town and raising the family. Wil is now semi-retired. He has turned over 50 acres of land to his son Landon to farm. In seven years, Wil plans to retire for good and give the other 50 acres of land to Landon.
Rosie and her husband Saul are now together and making a happy home in town. Saul's enlistment time ran out in late 1864, and he returned home for good. Saul has since returned to his former job as a livestock farmer and is building up his stock once again. Saul was injured only once during the war when a bullet grazed his right arm. Rosie is just thankful that he survived and returned to her and the children. Shawn, now three, is growing up fast and loves having his daddy home again. Shawn is outgoing and adventurous and loves to be outdoors. Lena Grace Jackson is the newest member of the Jackson household. She was born eight weeks ago. Wil and Mary love to fawn over their first granddaughter, and Saul and Rosie couldn't be happier.
Isaiah's war experience was not nearly as lucky as Saul's. Twice his regiment was captured and held as prisoners of war. He spent three weeks in a Confederate prison once and recalls it being the scariest three weeks of his life. Isaiah was also wounded in the war. He was hit with shrapnel from a cannon and in a field hospital for a week and a half.
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (44)
DW: Mary Josephine (42)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (23)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (26)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (3)
---DD: Lena Grace (newborn)
DS: Isaiah Henry (21)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (18)
DW: Cynthia Margaret (Goodman) "Cindy" (17)
The year is now 1865. The War between the States has raged on and on. Now most everyone is tired of the fighting and there are rumors that peace will come soon. Wil and Mary continue leading the same lives they always have; Wil working the farm and Mary helping out in town and raising the family. Wil is now semi-retired. He has turned over 50 acres of land to his son Landon to farm. In seven years, Wil plans to retire for good and give the other 50 acres of land to Landon.
Rosie and her husband Saul are now together and making a happy home in town. Saul's enlistment time ran out in late 1864, and he returned home for good. Saul has since returned to his former job as a livestock farmer and is building up his stock once again. Saul was injured only once during the war when a bullet grazed his right arm. Rosie is just thankful that he survived and returned to her and the children. Shawn, now three, is growing up fast and loves having his daddy home again. Shawn is outgoing and adventurous and loves to be outdoors. Lena Grace Jackson is the newest member of the Jackson household. She was born eight weeks ago. Wil and Mary love to fawn over their first granddaughter, and Saul and Rosie couldn't be happier.
Isaiah's war experience was not nearly as lucky as Saul's. Twice his regiment was captured and held as prisoners of war. He spent three weeks in a Confederate prison once and recalls it being the scariest three weeks of his life. Isaiah was also wounded in the war. He was hit with shrapnel from a cannon and in a field hospital for a week and a half.
24. User Name: Wintertale
Last Name: Appleton-Yates
DH: Leander Jacob (41)
DW: Charlotte Emily (43)
DS: Eric William (21)
-DW: Regina Pearl(Colton) Appleton-Yates (23)
--DS/DD: Spencer James / Natalie Opal (nb)
DS: David John (19)
DS/DD: Thomas Andrew / Claire Rosalind (17)
DD: Verity Cordelia (16)
My middle name starts with: F
I really have no problem with being the last... it's very easy to find my family! lol.
I decided it was time for the oldest son to get married, so I added 12 years to everyone's ages. I hope it's OK.
Key: 5=wonderful 4=good 3=average 2=below average 1=poor
Rate this congrats game overall so far: 5
How well is the game’s organization?: 4.5
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples: 4
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders): 5
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game: 5
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? Yes, you do and I think that's great
How are the namebanks? I really like the namebanks, always different and varied
I read the story of the round
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family sometimes
My story has been the story of the round before not applicable
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before not applicable
I should keep posting a story every round yes
Anything I can do better: can't think of anything, sorry!
What do I do well in: I like the fact that you take your time to read everyone´s families and stories. Also, that you answer our questions and take your time to explain everything.
Additional comments: I'm having a lot of fun!
Last Name: Appleton-Yates
DH: Leander Jacob (41)
DW: Charlotte Emily (43)
DS: Eric William (21)
-DW: Regina Pearl(Colton) Appleton-Yates (23)
--DS/DD: Spencer James / Natalie Opal (nb)
DS: David John (19)
DS/DD: Thomas Andrew / Claire Rosalind (17)
DD: Verity Cordelia (16)
My middle name starts with: F
I really have no problem with being the last... it's very easy to find my family! lol.
I decided it was time for the oldest son to get married, so I added 12 years to everyone's ages. I hope it's OK.
Key: 5=wonderful 4=good 3=average 2=below average 1=poor
Rate this congrats game overall so far: 5
How well is the game’s organization?: 4.5
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples: 4
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders): 5
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game: 5
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? Yes, you do and I think that's great
How are the namebanks? I really like the namebanks, always different and varied
I read the story of the round
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family sometimes
My story has been the story of the round before not applicable
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before not applicable
I should keep posting a story every round yes
Anything I can do better: can't think of anything, sorry!
What do I do well in: I like the fact that you take your time to read everyone´s families and stories. Also, that you answer our questions and take your time to explain everything.
Additional comments: I'm having a lot of fun!
21. User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
DS: Anthony Elijah
DS: Jonah Matthew
DS: Benjamin Theodore
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
DS: Anthony Elijah
DS: Jonah Matthew
DS: Benjamin Theodore
14. User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
---Jay DW: Matilda Madeline
----DS: Noah Myles
---Sarah DH: Jesse Theodore
----DS/DD: Cory Benjamin and Eva Grace
DD: Paris Juliet
DD: Eulia Sophie "Sophie"
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
---Jay DW: Matilda Madeline
----DS: Noah Myles
---Sarah DH: Jesse Theodore
----DS/DD: Cory Benjamin and Eva Grace
DD: Paris Juliet
DD: Eulia Sophie "Sophie"
15. User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David
DW: Jane Lily Savannah
DS: James Austin
--DW: Zelda Winter Miller
---DS: Julian Joshua Miller
DD/DD: Sophie Allie Hunter / Noelle Isabella
--Sophie's DH: Daniel Charlie Theodore Hunter
---DS/DD: Joseph Samuel Hunter / Bailey Rose Hunter
DS: Adam August
I don't have time to take the survey so I'm just leaving a short comment. I like your game, it's very fun, BUT sometimes it is too much text so you don't know where do read ;-)
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David
DW: Jane Lily Savannah
DS: James Austin
--DW: Zelda Winter Miller
---DS: Julian Joshua Miller
DD/DD: Sophie Allie Hunter / Noelle Isabella
--Sophie's DH: Daniel Charlie Theodore Hunter
---DS/DD: Joseph Samuel Hunter / Bailey Rose Hunter
DS: Adam August
I don't have time to take the survey so I'm just leaving a short comment. I like your game, it's very fun, BUT sometimes it is too much text so you don't know where do read ;-)
10. User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (30)
DW: Sarah Noelle (28)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (10)
DD: Sophie Isabella (8)
DS: Christian Lucas (5)
DD/DD: Olivia Violet / Verity Katherine (4)
AS: William Michael "Liam" (2)
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (30)
DW: Sarah Noelle (28)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (10)
DD: Sophie Isabella (8)
DS: Christian Lucas (5)
DD/DD: Olivia Violet / Verity Katherine (4)
AS: William Michael "Liam" (2)
5. User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
--DW: Annie Louise [Thorgunby]
--DS: Oscar Charles
DD: Lily Isabella
DS/DS/DS: Finley James, Isaac Oliver and Philip Levi
DS: Isidore Myles
DS: Marc Joseph
Key: 5=wonderful 4=good 3=average 2=below average 1=poor
Rate this congrats game overall so far: 4
How well is the game’s organization? It is well organized but sometimes it is too much text and it gets confusing
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples: 2 (sorry but it is too much text)
Rate on how creative this congrats is: 4
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game: 4
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 4, I think you are very good at involving us in the game.
How are the namebanks? 3
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round: No
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family: No
I should keep posting a story every round: Yes, it's fine that you post the stories.
Anything I can do better: better disposition of the text (and less text if it's possible)
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
--DW: Annie Louise [Thorgunby]
--DS: Oscar Charles
DD: Lily Isabella
DS/DS/DS: Finley James, Isaac Oliver and Philip Levi
DS: Isidore Myles
DS: Marc Joseph
Key: 5=wonderful 4=good 3=average 2=below average 1=poor
Rate this congrats game overall so far: 4
How well is the game’s organization? It is well organized but sometimes it is too much text and it gets confusing
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples: 2 (sorry but it is too much text)
Rate on how creative this congrats is: 4
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game: 4
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 4, I think you are very good at involving us in the game.
How are the namebanks? 3
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round: No
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family: No
I should keep posting a story every round: Yes, it's fine that you post the stories.
Anything I can do better: better disposition of the text (and less text if it's possible)
18. User Name: Saranne772
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (35)
---DH's sister: Johanna Marie "Hanna" (28)
----Johanna's DH: Benjamin James Hartley "Ben"
------DD: Eva Whitney Hartley
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (36)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (21)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (17)
AD: Josephine Juliette "Josie" (15)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (14)
DD: Elisabeth Rosalind "Beth" (5)
DS: Jedidiah Micah "Jeddie" (4)
DD:Lois Grace "Loie"
Well, four years have passed since our last update, my an update is really needed! Such a lot of change has been happening in our family!
2 years ago Hanna got married! Her wedding was a lovely affair! All the girls got to be bridesmaids. Annie was the maid of honour and Josie and Nai were her attendants and Beth was a flower girl. The boys were ushers (Rickie and Mattie) and Jeddie was the ring bearer! We also had Ollie's cousins young daughter as a second flower girl.
We had mainly family and close friends at the wedding but even with that the wedding ended up rather large! It was a beautiful wedding and the photos are being proudly shown around 12 months down the line (although the photos may well be put to one side and another set taken up now but more of that later!)
Saranne was shocked to discover that she was expecting yet another child recently! She had a safe pregnancy until the 35th week. She then developed severe pre-eclampsia and was rushed into surgery. Lois was delivered 4 weeks early by Caesarian and weighed 5.11. She spent 6 days in the NICU but arrived home after 14 days. She is often the center of attention in the family! Everyone was surprised to know of her impending arrival!
Annie is now 21! Saranne and Ollie are finding it very hard to accept that their first baby is ready to fly the nest! Annie is currently at university studying to become a doctor. She is excelling on the course and has become a favourite among the professors!
Mattie is finishing his last year of A-Levels and applying to university. He hopes to study environmental control- to become an environmental inspector. He has finally met the Lord!! He went through a difficult few months 2 years ago and during this time gave his life to Christ. The peace and joy that radiates from him now is a delight to see!
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (35)
---DH's sister: Johanna Marie "Hanna" (28)
----Johanna's DH: Benjamin James Hartley "Ben"
------DD: Eva Whitney Hartley
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (36)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (21)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (17)
AD: Josephine Juliette "Josie" (15)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (14)
DD: Elisabeth Rosalind "Beth" (5)
DS: Jedidiah Micah "Jeddie" (4)
DD:Lois Grace "Loie"
Well, four years have passed since our last update, my an update is really needed! Such a lot of change has been happening in our family!
2 years ago Hanna got married! Her wedding was a lovely affair! All the girls got to be bridesmaids. Annie was the maid of honour and Josie and Nai were her attendants and Beth was a flower girl. The boys were ushers (Rickie and Mattie) and Jeddie was the ring bearer! We also had Ollie's cousins young daughter as a second flower girl.
We had mainly family and close friends at the wedding but even with that the wedding ended up rather large! It was a beautiful wedding and the photos are being proudly shown around 12 months down the line (although the photos may well be put to one side and another set taken up now but more of that later!)
Saranne was shocked to discover that she was expecting yet another child recently! She had a safe pregnancy until the 35th week. She then developed severe pre-eclampsia and was rushed into surgery. Lois was delivered 4 weeks early by Caesarian and weighed 5.11. She spent 6 days in the NICU but arrived home after 14 days. She is often the center of attention in the family! Everyone was surprised to know of her impending arrival!
Annie is now 21! Saranne and Ollie are finding it very hard to accept that their first baby is ready to fly the nest! Annie is currently at university studying to become a doctor. She is excelling on the course and has become a favourite among the professors!
Mattie is finishing his last year of A-Levels and applying to university. He hopes to study environmental control- to become an environmental inspector. He has finally met the Lord!! He went through a difficult few months 2 years ago and during this time gave his life to Christ. The peace and joy that radiates from him now is a delight to see!
Just changed my name to Sah
20. User Name: Skye Morgan
Last Name: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Juliet Bella
DD: Sophie Savannah
DS: Tristan Levi
DD/DD: Isla Caroline/ Gemma Isabel
DS: Hunter William
Rate this congrats game overall so far: 4
How well is the game’s organization? 4
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples 4
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders) 5
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game 3
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 5
How are the namebanks? 3
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round: No
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family: No
My story has been the story of the round before: N/A
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before: N/A
I should keep posting a story every round: Yes
Anything I can do better: It's sometimes hard to notice the extra instructions such as numbers.
What do I do well in: Most things!
Additional comments: None
Last Name: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Juliet Bella
DD: Sophie Savannah
DS: Tristan Levi
DD/DD: Isla Caroline/ Gemma Isabel
DS: Hunter William
Rate this congrats game overall so far: 4
How well is the game’s organization? 4
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples 4
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders) 5
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game 3
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 5
How are the namebanks? 3
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round: No
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family: No
My story has been the story of the round before: N/A
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before: N/A
I should keep posting a story every round: Yes
Anything I can do better: It's sometimes hard to notice the extra instructions such as numbers.
What do I do well in: Most things!
Additional comments: None
Rate this congrats game overall so far: 5
How well is the game’s organization? 4
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples: 4
Rate on how creative this congrats is: 5
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game: 5
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 5
How are the namebanks? 5
I read the story of the round: Sometimes, if I have the time.
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family: Yes
My story has been the story of the round before: Yes
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before: Yes
I should keep posting a story every round: If you want to, yes.
Anything I can do better: You could bold certain titles to help separate the different sections of the post. Sometimes it's a little confusing to find things.
What do I do well in: I like that you have the players listed alphabetically and that you list links to the previous rounds. It makes it easy for me to go back and read what I wrote for my last story, so that it can flow nicely.
Additional comments: Thanks for hosting. I really love these congrats games.
My middle name starts with:
16. User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary Błażej "Pol" (46)
DW: Mieczysława Klementyna "Mieczys" (45)
AD: Sophie Violet (27)
--DH: Nathaniel Jethro Breckenridge (32)
---DD: Jemma Noelle (4)
---DD: Mollie Carolyn (NB)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (26)
--J's DW: Mae Beverly [Robertson] (23)
--V's DH: Roger Roy Hendrix (27)
AS: Grant Maxwell (26)
--DW: Florence Virginia [Fitzsimmons] "Flo" (29)
---DS: Samuel Timothy "Sam" (9)
---DD: Catherine Emma "Catie" (6)
AS: Evander Ezra (25)
DS: Luther Joseph (21)
I really don't have time to write a story, but I added the widow and two children who married Grant. Sophie and Nathaniel gave birth to another girl. I wasn't sure if it was alright to have some people get married. I added Julius and Violenta's spouses, just in case.
How well is the game’s organization? 4
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples: 4
Rate on how creative this congrats is: 5
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game: 5
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 5
How are the namebanks? 5
I read the story of the round: Sometimes, if I have the time.
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family: Yes
My story has been the story of the round before: Yes
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before: Yes
I should keep posting a story every round: If you want to, yes.
Anything I can do better: You could bold certain titles to help separate the different sections of the post. Sometimes it's a little confusing to find things.
What do I do well in: I like that you have the players listed alphabetically and that you list links to the previous rounds. It makes it easy for me to go back and read what I wrote for my last story, so that it can flow nicely.
Additional comments: Thanks for hosting. I really love these congrats games.
My middle name starts with:
16. User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary Błażej "Pol" (46)
DW: Mieczysława Klementyna "Mieczys" (45)
AD: Sophie Violet (27)
--DH: Nathaniel Jethro Breckenridge (32)
---DD: Jemma Noelle (4)
---DD: Mollie Carolyn (NB)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (26)
--J's DW: Mae Beverly [Robertson] (23)
--V's DH: Roger Roy Hendrix (27)
AS: Grant Maxwell (26)
--DW: Florence Virginia [Fitzsimmons] "Flo" (29)
---DS: Samuel Timothy "Sam" (9)
---DD: Catherine Emma "Catie" (6)
AS: Evander Ezra (25)
DS: Luther Joseph (21)
I really don't have time to write a story, but I added the widow and two children who married Grant. Sophie and Nathaniel gave birth to another girl. I wasn't sure if it was alright to have some people get married. I added Julius and Violenta's spouses, just in case.
3. User Name: Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William
DS: Darcy Edward
DS: Victor Hugh
DS: Charles Cameron

Rate this congrats game overall so far: 5
How well is the game’s organization? 5
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples: 5
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders): 5 (although I keep getting boys :) )
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game: 5
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 5
How are the namebanks? 4, sometimes I wish there were a few more options..or a link which takes to a name page or something to give a bit more variety.
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round yes
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family I don't write, but I make announcements, mostly because I am burned out at writing college essays and school essays.
My story has been the story of the round before: honorable mention type thing.
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before: :) yes, nice to be honored.
I should keep posting a story every round: yes, it is fun to read.
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William
DS: Darcy Edward
DS: Victor Hugh
DS: Charles Cameron

Rate this congrats game overall so far: 5
How well is the game’s organization? 5
Rate on how easy it is to understand the directions and are there enough examples: 5
Rate on how creative this congrats is (how I get the namebanks, how you choose what genders): 5 (although I keep getting boys :) )
Rate how much I keep this congrats interesting because there are other people running their own game: 5
Do I answer your questions when you ask them, get you, the users involved as much as possible, comment enough? 5
How are the namebanks? 4, sometimes I wish there were a few more options..or a link which takes to a name page or something to give a bit more variety.
Yes, no, sometimes, or not applicable: I read the story of the round yes
I write stories or any other type of writing in addition to the family I don't write, but I make announcements, mostly because I am burned out at writing college essays and school essays.
My story has been the story of the round before: honorable mention type thing.
I was happy/ pleased when my story was the story of the round before: :) yes, nice to be honored.
I should keep posting a story every round: yes, it is fun to read.
UN: Gloria Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
--DW: Annie Florence [Kramer]
DD: Lily Stella
DS: Micah George
DS: Ian Calvin
DD: Amelia Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
--DW: Annie Florence [Kramer]
DD: Lily Stella
DS: Micah George
DS: Ian Calvin
DD: Amelia Rose
Do spouses' names need to come from the namebanks?
6. User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara [Ward] Evans "Julie"
--DH: Joseph Benjamin Evans "Joe"
--DS: Jacob William Evans
DD/DD: Lily Savannah / Stella Katherine
DS: Michael Grant
DD/DD: Daniela Daisy / Hannah Deirdre
My middle name starts with the letter N.
6. User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara [Ward] Evans "Julie"
--DH: Joseph Benjamin Evans "Joe"
--DS: Jacob William Evans
DD/DD: Lily Savannah / Stella Katherine
DS: Michael Grant
DD/DD: Daniela Daisy / Hannah Deirdre
My middle name starts with the letter N.
This message was edited 12/18/2007, 7:57 PM
4. User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle
DS: Henry John Carlisle
--DW: Rebecca Jo Carlisle
----DS/DD: James Spencer Carlisle / Eva Grace Carlisle
DD/DS: Samantha Juliet Carlisle / Alexander James Carlisle
DD: Katherine Winter Carlisle
I decided to stop doing ages because I was confusing myself, LOL.
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle
DS: Henry John Carlisle
--DW: Rebecca Jo Carlisle
----DS/DD: James Spencer Carlisle / Eva Grace Carlisle
DD/DS: Samantha Juliet Carlisle / Alexander James Carlisle
DD: Katherine Winter Carlisle
I decided to stop doing ages because I was confusing myself, LOL.
1. User Name: Akua Topaz
Last Name: Powers
DH: Iggy Alexander Powers
DW: Roxie Goldman Powers
DS: Winston Harrison Powers (DW: Penelope Joan Laine "Penny")
---DS/DD: Jacob Paul / Sarah Joan
DD: Georgia Susanna Powers (DH: Charles Henry Rowe)
---DS: Damien Hugh Rowe
DD: Juliet Lucy Powers (DH: David Allen White)
Last Name: Powers
DH: Iggy Alexander Powers
DW: Roxie Goldman Powers
DS: Winston Harrison Powers (DW: Penelope Joan Laine "Penny")
---DS/DD: Jacob Paul / Sarah Joan
DD: Georgia Susanna Powers (DH: Charles Henry Rowe)
---DS: Damien Hugh Rowe
DD: Juliet Lucy Powers (DH: David Allen White)
This message was edited 12/18/2007, 8:03 PM
11. User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (57)
DW: Diane Margaret (59)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Fred" (27)
--DW: Vera Belle (Lasar) (24)
--DD: Hannah Verity (2)
--DS/DD: Jesse Edward /Ellen Louise (NB)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (25)
--J'sDH: Steven Paul Jefferson (28)
DS: Henry Noah (23)
DD: Bailey Helen (22)
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (57)
DW: Diane Margaret (59)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Fred" (27)
--DW: Vera Belle (Lasar) (24)
--DD: Hannah Verity (2)
--DS/DD: Jesse Edward /Ellen Louise (NB)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (25)
--J'sDH: Steven Paul Jefferson (28)
DS: Henry Noah (23)
DD: Bailey Helen (22)