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[Surname] what is the origin of me background
my grand mother was a miller born in witch country my father a roncetti from italy.My grandmothers name was changed to carter when she moved to canada.I know nothing about my heritage because my parents wish it that way.How can I know where I'm going if i don't know where I came from.I wish to know my past can anybody help me.
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Surely Roncetti is a variant of RONCI and derives from names of places. The surname Ronci is quite common around ROME. Roncetti instead could come From the area of ROME, or the province of FOGGIA, near BARI in Southern Italy. Other Roncetti families live in LOMBARDY,northern Italy, near the city of BRESCIA.
Both Ronci and Ronchi derive from names of places: the latin word "runcare" that means "deforested ground", "ready to till".
This word dates back to the Middle Ages.
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Roncetti is possibly from the Celtic word ronc which means "hill".
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