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[Opinions] Nicknames!
Please give a long list of nicknames that you or anyone else you know
has been called. Not like ones that have to do with a name (Example: Angela---Angie). Not like that. Ones that don'y even have to do with a name. Here is an example: I have curly blonde hair so my friends call me "Curly". :P List a lot of them please because I am trying to come up with funny nicknames for my friends. :0) Thank you!

This message was edited 10/24/2007, 12:10 PM

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NN I've been called:
Courtney (nothing to do with real name)
Sugar Plum
Punkin Pie
Luna (Luna Lovegood)
Other people's nn:
Key Chain (long story, don't ask)
Chancey (A pronounced as the O in sconce, rhymes with sconce)
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I have a friend we like to call Maisie "No Ears" Lastname, because she told a guy that she had no ears in middle school (and showed him her middle school ID, in which her ears were covered) and he believed her.
My father calls both my younger cousins Little Bit.
When I was young my mother and aunt (and other family members?) called me Sarah Ruba Tuba. My aunt still calls me that sometimes. Hah.
My best friend is almost always Lilykins or Prongsikins to me. Her real name is Marilyn/Mem. (Though she is Lily to our group of friends.) I also occasionally call her Harpo, because she's just like my friend Harpo but burlier (they've never met). For a while, one of the camp counselors only knew her as Harpo!
Another friend, Bryce, is occasionally known as Stabby or Stab or STAB. Lily coined that from the initials of different names he's been called: STella (to us) Annie (his real first name) Bryce (middle name that he goes by) because she gets confused about what to call him. I also occasionally call him Bruce.
My friend Rachel and I call each other Elphie and Glindie, because over the summer we bonded over how much we didn't like Wicked.
My friend Dyl and I call each other Arwen and Phiona. They were nicknames we had when we were in grade school together.
At camp, my friend Yonah called me Hermione because of a scene I did in acting class, and I called him Harry.
One of my teachers, Gary, is called "Scary Gary". Harpo made recruitment posters for mock trial that say "Scary Gary wants YOU!" and have a picture of Gary pointing.
Another teacher, Sean, is called Slanders.
Emily is known as Maus.
Erin is known as Sparkey.
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My little sister has been called at various times "Little Bit," "Bit," and finally "Frank," although her name is Kelly. The reasons for Frank are not easily explained if you aren't a member of my immediate family. Just mark it down to my father's and my weird sense of humor. I used to be really skinny and bony as a child, and sometimes my dad would refer to me as "Bonerack." Sometimes my grandmother calls me "Sally," no idea why. I think it's a general-purpose nickname, though, because while I get called that most often, she has used it for my sister and my cousin.Sometimes my husband calls our baby Iris Matilda "Rainbow Warrior" because Iris means "rainbow" and Matilda means "strength in battle." DH's brother calls Iris "Fonzie" or "The Fonz" because of her hair. Sometimes I call her "Pookie," "Sugar Beet," "Sugar Bean," and "Sweet Pea," although those last ones might count more as endearments rather than nns. Before she was born she was sometimes "Banana."My cousin Conner used to be referred to as "Theobald" by my grandfather. Again, no idea why.Something else my dad and I came up with was the nickname "Houston" for my mom. My mom is the one who runs everything and keeps everyone on schedule and in the right place, etc. NASA's Mission Control is located in Houston, Texas. So we started calling her Houston because of her control-freak tendencies. My sister was in on the joke, too. For something like 8 or 9 years we called my mother Houston and she had no idea why. We just recently explained it to her, and we still call her that.
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haha! I'm called Pumpernickle! (my name is Jessica) And it's for no reason except for a joke that I started, and *unwittingly* spread amongst my sister's friends. So now, whenever someone sees me, they go 'Hey Pumpernickel!'I'm also called Jecca, because my little sisters couldn't pronounce Jessica at first. I think my sister spread that name around-- so now, yeah, I'm either Pumpernickel or Jecca.My friend (Laura) goes by Cruncher sometimes, but only because she likes to crunch ice. I can't think of anymore right now.
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Big Red - He's short, so it's kind of a joke, and he has red hair
Kelinore - My friend's name is Kelly, and my other friend's best friend's name is Eleanore, and she accidentally called Kelly Kelinore.
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Some nns I know:
Someone called Giulia who gets called Boris (looong story)
Someone called Andrew who gets called Horse (I didn't learn his real name for years after knowing him)
Someone called Sam who used to get Dawson (coz he looks like Dawson from Dawson's Creek)
My friend Debbie gets Pebbles (not sure where it came from but it's stuck)
My stepsister Phoebe I sometimes call moongirl coz Phoebe means moon goddess
A guy called Ben who got called Tintin (again, took me years to learn his real name)
A Craig who got Shaggy (coz of his hair at the time, now he has very little but still gets called Shaggy lol)
Dayle who gets called Devo (pretty sure he made this one up himself, he reckons it's short for 'deviant' lol)That's pretty much it for nns that don't have to do with real names, I make up dumb nns for everyone, like my friend Holly I call Horace!

This message was edited 10/24/2007, 2:40 PM

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I am AWFUL at making up horrible nicknames for all my friends!! My friend Amelia i call Meily (prounounced: MEAL-ee) i know, it's awful! Nobody really calls me anything, my bff called me Kitty one time. ;)
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this won't be long but...When I was really small some of my relatives, including my mother, called me Hunka Munka. I had a lilac colored jacket that had a mouse on it and the words "Hunka Munka" so maybe that was how I got the nn. Was also called Thumbellina and Little Bit (just in the family and only sometimes) because I am and always very short.My husband is named Phillip, and his younger sister Shannon couldn't pronounce that when she was learning to talk. She called him something that sounded like Zi-up or Zippo, so his parents and sisters still sometimes call him those names, for a joke. I am not permitted to, however. :)We just call Valerie Valerie for now. Sometimes Valerita for fun. For some reason known only (maybe) to himself, Phillip sometimes calls her Sweet Ramona. He once said very vaguely that he thought he remembered hearing it in some country western song but wasn't sure.
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A few that friends have:
Guido - he doesn't even respond to anything else!
G-Hut - No idea what that's supposed to mean.Girls:
Ginger kid - has red hair, of course
Jugs - horrible, I know =PThat's all I can think of right now.
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Names I call my kids:
Trey Bear
Little Bit
Punkin aka Punky
Butter bean
Bigs (for someone very small)
Hair (my dd has a LOT of hair)
SweetnessHope that helps!
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My NNs:
Miles the girl
Nanny (this is what my little sister calls me)
Baby cakes (Childhood NN, coined by my brother)
Solo (Guitar camp NN)My brother's NNs:
Morgan the boy
Bridget (don't ask)
Fluffy (Don't ask)Others:
Sporty and Scout (best friend of Solo)
Jedidah the gnome (Her real name Is Emma)
Jesus (His real name is Jacob)
TWINZ (Randomly shouted at one or both of them)
HairAnd I completely forgot about Pinky! aka my little buddy Jack. First day of guitar camp 2006 he had a pink shirt on. He's been known is Pinky ever since

This message was edited 10/24/2007, 4:22 PM

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I've known a Bootsie--real name is Valdenia.
I've known a Mookie--real name is Denise.
I've known a Buster--real name is Kenneth.
I've known a Cheese--real name is Lee.
I've known a Pootchie--don't know her real name.
I've known a Batman--don't know his real name.
I've known a Cowboy--don't know his real name.
I've known a DeeDee--real name is Janice.
My father's given name was Joseph but he went by Bud.
My maternal grandfather's name was Byram but he also went by Bud.All of these people were really called these names all the time and not at all by their given names. Buster told me he gave Cheese his nickname back in high school but he wouldn't tell me why. He said I'd have to ask Cheese. I never had the nerve to do it.My father and grandfather were called Bud because they were both named after their fathers, so it was to avoid confusion.
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When I was little everyone called me Boney or Boney Joanie, because I was tall and skinny and my cousin called me Peanut. When I was in jr. high some of my friends called me Twinky. When I was a sophomore in high school, my teachers called me Vidor because I used to live in a town called Vidor. And recently my friend has begun calling me Toni.Nicknames for my friends:
Kitty or Gatito (for my friend, Ty, because we say he's soft and cuddley)
Boo (real name Rose)
Braindead (because he's an idiot, but we love him)(real name Bryan)
Carebear (real name Carrie)
Melmo (real name Melissa)
Trapp (real name Jeremy)
Bug / Buggy (real name Richard)
Buddah (real name Eric)
Tuesday (real name April)
Red 1 (real name Julia)
Red 2 (real name Micci)
Craig (real name is Lorenzo)
Flounder (real name Jonathan)
J-Hoel (real name Jordan)
Sahill (real name Cergio)
Dayton (he was from Dayton,Tx)(real name Johnathan)
Oreo (My uncle, he's half black and half white)(real name Joe)Some of my friends go by their last names (i.e. Cacho, Schmidty (LN actually Schmidt), Zuehlke, Zahler)

This message was edited 10/24/2007, 3:30 PM

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The ones that have nothing (or not much) to with the name: Mojo (that's what they call me), Flaky (a girl that has a skin problem, it sounds harsh, but it really isn't, only one girl is allowed to call her this), Sheep (a girl with curly hair), Taco (he got the name, because he wore a sombrero at some point...), Plum (I don't know where he got the nn from), Jonesy (also not known why he got that nn), Jules (got the nn becuase her BF couldn't pronounce her real name proper, and then started calling her Juliet, which ended in Jules), Birdo (got the nn through first being called Big Bird and then that turned into Birdo), stress-smurf (a short guy that talks really fast), hobbit (he looks like Sam from LOTR)that's about all I can think of right now.
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