[Opinions] Re: Random BA's
in reply to a message by Sabrina Fair
I do like:
Claire - Prefer Clare.
Ezrah - Ezra, on a boy.
Isadora Applonia
Hezekiah Joshua
As for the rest:
Addyson Alan - I laugh at the parents who give their little Addisons and Dylans filler feminine names like Lynn, Marie, and Grace, saying, "Why didn't they just name her Addison Female?" I take it all back now. So. Much. Worse. These parents clearly wanted a boy.
Avonlea Claire - Isn't Avonlea some kind of hygene product? Oh, right, that's Avon. So, to act "avonly", would you rub a lot of cream on your face?
EmberLee Ray - But how does a ray perform an action "emberly"?
Ezrah Buju - Buju...it means I go to school with too many socialists and communists when I immediatly think "bourgeoisie", right? Or boudoirs. I don't think either of those words belong in the name of a child. And Ezrah isn't a girl's name.
Liberty Reign - Is it wrong that this name scares me a little? It's very 1984.
[Four Neveahs in one BA] - Hold me.
Jayden Riley - She and Addyson Alan will be friends when all the other girls think they must have icky boy cooties.
Taryn Cheyenne & Dakota Austin - Their parents believe they have a deep spiritual connection with Native Americans because the culture is "so cool!" (Sidenote: My mother is dreadfully close to falling into this catagory. It's horribly embarassing.)
Rowoen June - Do they not see the "woe" right in the middle of this name? Or the fact that the whole name together looks like, "Row on, June!"
Alvlyn Roze - al-VLIN? ALV-lynn? How the hell do you say that "name"?
Payshience Melonie - I like Patience. I admit it. This is...scary.
Payshance Rene - What, misspellings of Patience are common? I thought it was a one-time deal. Oh, and Rene *headdesk* is *headdesk* a *headdesk* boy's *headdesk* name. I believe the name you are looking for is Renée
Stormi Rose - Rose must have a marvelous temper. Lucky parents who get to deal with her when she's a teenager!
Jaisley Jean - What is this? Paisley with a J? Because Paisley wasn't bad enough?
Anjel Marie Lynnette - A mixing of musicals! Rent (Angel) meets Sunday in the Park with George (Marie, Dot's daughter) meets Assassins (Lynnette Fromme, a.k.a. Squeaky). God, imagine a mix of those three characters. A transsexual Manson girl who's obsessed with the fact that an artist painted her mother, trying to kill Gerald Ford. With AIDS.
Chasie Marie - Chasie? Chasie?
Musiq Miah - Okay. Muzak is the horrid crap they play in elevators, so what is Musiq? '90s boy bands? Parody music? Hip-hop? Somebody tell me!
Evangelylillian Fawn - They just kept going and going and no one told them to stop.
Korbyn Bree - I'm not sure what a Korbyn is, but in context I would guess a type of cheese. Maybe especially smelly brie.
LeKoda Alexander - The coda? Is this like calling your child Condoleeza, maybe?
Justice Kade - Will play with Liberty Reign.
Cashin Ace - His parents must play a lot of poker.
Addison Joe - Poor little Addison Joe will be teased because his name is girly.
Jayden Emerald Lee - So will he.
Lucious Gabriel - Yummy!
Torrent Bradshaw - A torrent? Of what?
Rome Scot - They seem confused about his heritage? Is he from Rome? Is he a Scot? Who can say.
Claire - Prefer Clare.
Ezrah - Ezra, on a boy.
Isadora Applonia
Hezekiah Joshua
As for the rest:
Addyson Alan - I laugh at the parents who give their little Addisons and Dylans filler feminine names like Lynn, Marie, and Grace, saying, "Why didn't they just name her Addison Female?" I take it all back now. So. Much. Worse. These parents clearly wanted a boy.
Avonlea Claire - Isn't Avonlea some kind of hygene product? Oh, right, that's Avon. So, to act "avonly", would you rub a lot of cream on your face?
EmberLee Ray - But how does a ray perform an action "emberly"?
Ezrah Buju - Buju...it means I go to school with too many socialists and communists when I immediatly think "bourgeoisie", right? Or boudoirs. I don't think either of those words belong in the name of a child. And Ezrah isn't a girl's name.
Liberty Reign - Is it wrong that this name scares me a little? It's very 1984.
[Four Neveahs in one BA] - Hold me.
Jayden Riley - She and Addyson Alan will be friends when all the other girls think they must have icky boy cooties.
Taryn Cheyenne & Dakota Austin - Their parents believe they have a deep spiritual connection with Native Americans because the culture is "so cool!" (Sidenote: My mother is dreadfully close to falling into this catagory. It's horribly embarassing.)
Rowoen June - Do they not see the "woe" right in the middle of this name? Or the fact that the whole name together looks like, "Row on, June!"
Alvlyn Roze - al-VLIN? ALV-lynn? How the hell do you say that "name"?
Payshience Melonie - I like Patience. I admit it. This is...scary.
Payshance Rene - What, misspellings of Patience are common? I thought it was a one-time deal. Oh, and Rene *headdesk* is *headdesk* a *headdesk* boy's *headdesk* name. I believe the name you are looking for is Renée
Stormi Rose - Rose must have a marvelous temper. Lucky parents who get to deal with her when she's a teenager!
Jaisley Jean - What is this? Paisley with a J? Because Paisley wasn't bad enough?
Anjel Marie Lynnette - A mixing of musicals! Rent (Angel) meets Sunday in the Park with George (Marie, Dot's daughter) meets Assassins (Lynnette Fromme, a.k.a. Squeaky). God, imagine a mix of those three characters. A transsexual Manson girl who's obsessed with the fact that an artist painted her mother, trying to kill Gerald Ford. With AIDS.
Chasie Marie - Chasie? Chasie?
Musiq Miah - Okay. Muzak is the horrid crap they play in elevators, so what is Musiq? '90s boy bands? Parody music? Hip-hop? Somebody tell me!
Evangelylillian Fawn - They just kept going and going and no one told them to stop.
Korbyn Bree - I'm not sure what a Korbyn is, but in context I would guess a type of cheese. Maybe especially smelly brie.
LeKoda Alexander - The coda? Is this like calling your child Condoleeza, maybe?
Justice Kade - Will play with Liberty Reign.
Cashin Ace - His parents must play a lot of poker.
Addison Joe - Poor little Addison Joe will be teased because his name is girly.
Jayden Emerald Lee - So will he.
Lucious Gabriel - Yummy!
Torrent Bradshaw - A torrent? Of what?
Rome Scot - They seem confused about his heritage? Is he from Rome? Is he a Scot? Who can say.