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[Games] Re: You Say, You Think
in reply to a message by DLB
1. I say: "This is my daughter, Carol Adeline."
You say: What a pretty name.
You think: I hope she's named after some relatives.2. I say, "This is my son, Joel David."
You say: Hello, Joel.
You think: David is so bland3. I say, "This is my daughter, Heidi Leanne."
You say: You don't hear Heidi much these days.
You think: Stuck in the '70s? 4. I say, "This is my son, Elijah Robert."
You say: I love the name Elijah.
You think: I really do and Robert is nice, too
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You Say, You Think  ·  DLB  ·  9/22/2007, 4:55 AM
Re: You Say, You Think  ·  Aileen  ·  9/22/2007, 9:47 AM
Re: You Say, You Think  ·  Saana  ·  9/22/2007, 9:28 AM
Re: You Say, You Think  ·  zachlyn  ·  9/22/2007, 7:56 AM