[Facts] the meaning of name RUTHVEN
This MALE name comes up in my family ( paternal side ) genealogy frequently.
It appears to be of Scottish derivation.
I assume it is a CAUCASIAN name.
So far have got no help from Gaelic name lists, or Gaelic dictionaries !
The name is pronounced RIVEN (short "i" as in "pink" ).
Several generations have been associated with the Clan McLaren ( central Scotland,
Perthshire ). Clan McLaren is the " Obstinate Clan ".
I would especially like to have the meaning of the name.
Thank you.
It appears to be of Scottish derivation.
I assume it is a CAUCASIAN name.
So far have got no help from Gaelic name lists, or Gaelic dictionaries !
The name is pronounced RIVEN (short "i" as in "pink" ).
Several generations have been associated with the Clan McLaren ( central Scotland,
Perthshire ). Clan McLaren is the " Obstinate Clan ".
I would especially like to have the meaning of the name.
Thank you.
According to Hanks & Hodges's A Dictionary of Surnames, Ruthven is a Scottish surname which was originally the name of several different places in Scotland. The place names can either be derived from Old Norse words meaning "red marsh" or Gaelic words meaning "red river".
Hello, CKE :
Thank you for the info on this name. The ' mystery ' is ended.
Names fascinate me.
A Japanese saying goes:
" A life is for one generation - a good name is forever "
Thank you for the info on this name. The ' mystery ' is ended.
Names fascinate me.
A Japanese saying goes:
" A life is for one generation - a good name is forever "
Hello, CKE :
Thank you for the info on this name. The ' mystery ' is ended.
Names fascinate me.
A Japanese saying goes:
" A life is for one generation - a good name is forever "
Thank you for the info on this name. The ' mystery ' is ended.
Names fascinate me.
A Japanese saying goes:
" A life is for one generation - a good name is forever "