[Opinions] I have WAY too much time on my hands lol.
in reply to a message by Sabrina Fair
personally, names like Hope, Grace, Faith, etc. have never really been my style, but they're still perfectly fine. Just names that I wouldn't use. But I ADORE Elijah, as well as Duaine, but I prefer the spelling Dwaine.
Akoda Ocean -- not crazy about either of them
Alexis Chandler -- nms
Aloha Aiko-Marie -- that's like naming your child "Hello"...
Amity R. -- Amity is very cute
Asher Olivia -- cute!
Ashtyn S. -- i love Ashtyn! but i prefer Ashtin or Ashton and for a boy
Bentlee Rae -- Bentley is a car company...
Berrit Jean -- cute
Blakeley -- ew nmsaa
Bryce x 2 -- nms, but still cute
Cache M. -- Cache is a store
Campbell Rose -- awww!
Cameron Grace -- Cameron on a girl?
Candaysia Rihonina -- ugh!
Chandler -- i know a boy with this name, but i guess it could be unisex
Codi B. -- very cute
Corbyn Rose -- nms. and Corbyn sounds like a boys' name
Corey Aries -- they sound too similar. and i have a friend that spells it Kauri, which i think is much prettier
Doll T. -- Doll?!? poor kid!
Eanne A. -- never heard of it, but it's rather pretty
Eden Michelle -- LOVE IT!
Eziya Essence LaPrincia -- Essence of what?
Ezrian LeeAnn -- nms
Genesis Ava -- LOVE Ava, Genesis... not so much.
Harper Jade -- very cute
Heaven Leigh Anne -- not crazy about the name Heaven
Kai Shani -- ok
Kambria Isis -- oooh so pretty!
Kameron Grace -- on a girl again???
Kawaii Sameya -- nmsaa
Keiko -- nmsaa
Kendall Blake -- would be gorgeous on a boy!
Kenya Kemani -- one time i met a girl named Kenya and thought it was very interesting and unique. i like it!
Lakeyn W. -- ew
Laurel -- nms
Liberty Ann -- i definately wouldn't use Liberty as a name. it's like naming your child "Freedom," which would be a cool meaning, but doesn't really work as a name
Liberty W. -- see above
Lily-Rose E. -- awww!
Makaiden Bre'Anna -- ewwww
Mystry Kimberly -- oh poor girl
Parker Rice -- cute
Rio Celeste -- River Sky!
Sawyer Louise -- Sawyer seems VERY masculine to me.
Saylor-Vaughn -- why would anybody name their daughter Sailor?
Sierra Sky -- Sierra is nms, but i really love it in this combo!
Taryn Bristol -- oooh pretty!
Tristen Raie -- nms
Willow Jean -- Willow is nms, but i like Jean
Willow Jean-Sheree -- see above
Anglin Thomas Cyril -- nms
Arrow James -- love James sooo much, but Arrow?
Azule David -- cute
Barrett -- cute again
Bucky Jon -- sounds like a nn from the wild west during the gold rush
Burton Dale -- nms
Ezekeial Rain -- cute
Laken E. -- cute
Lex -- what's this short for?
Marley Michael -- nms
Shannon Kelly -- Shannon is too feminine, but Kelley is cute!
Shephard -- like sheep?
River C. -- River is nms, but still very cute and nice on other people's kids
Tuesday L. -- Wednesday
Xzion Jeffrey -- i don't mind Xion or Zion, but both the X and the Z are a bit much
Judeah & Josiah [boys] -- ahhh this is one of the cutest twin combos i've ever seen!!!
Morgan, Madison and Montana [girls] -- Montana is nms, but the rest are so cute!
Vixen -- the reindeer!
Brook -- nms
Benedicte -- nms
Beaudie -- Beauty!?!?!
Carma -- wouldn't have thought of it, but it's ok i guess
Holly -- traditional and cute
Misty -- cute again
Robin -- very adorable. works on a boy too.
Novalee -- nms but ok
Laurel -- not sure
April -- traditional and cute
Merry -- Christmas!
Dawn -- cute
Mary Jane -- a little bland but i still love it
Amber -- nms
Heather -- nms, but i know a girl with this name and it suits her quite well
Autumn -- oooh i like it!
Freedom -- see "Liberty"
Dusty -- on a girl? it's bad enough for a boy lol! that's a dog's name!
Violet -- ahhh i love it
Crystal Sky -- a bit too much lol
Iris -- nice!
Spring -- doesn't seem very name-ish, but i guess if people use Summer and Autumn, then why not?
Goldie -- locks
Devon -- i know a BOY named Devon...
Sunset -- i would name a goldfish or a parrot sunset
Charmine -- nms
Rosemary -- cute and simple
Morgan -- love it on both genders
Billie -- ...for a BOY
Desteni -- don't like it spelled like Destiny, so i definately don't like it spelled this way
Kendal -- Jackson. isn't that a wine company or something?
Orianna -- cute
Shasta -- this reminds me of the Cha Cha and idk why lol. weird association.
Garry Ann -- Gary for a girl?
Melody Faith -- usually names like this are nms, but i really like this combo!
Rikki Jo -- i guess it's feminine... enough.
Memory -- because they couldn't think of their child as "in the moment"
Coy -- nms but ok
Shaun -- love for a boy
Jade -- nms
Joaquin -- nms but ok
Dallas -- Texas
Hacienda -- ...what?
Loren -- is this a masculine form of Lauren?
Darnel -- nmsaa
Shannon -- on a girl
Chance -- nms but cute
Charmaine -- nms
Gail -- sounds old. and it's a girls name
Glenn -- cute but nms
Missey -- you can't name a boy Missey!
Shiloh -- the beagle
Christian -- very cute!
Justice -- nms
Troy -- personally i like it, but i fear that it's getting a bit trendy
Billy Joe -- sounds kind of hillbilly-ish (sorry!)
Cheyenne -- cute but nms
Cliff -- as in big and tall where the land ends and 200 feet below is a large gathering of very sharp rocks?
Robin -- adorable!!!
Lane -- Street
Casey -- ahhh so cute!
Rocky -- see "Cliff"
Rich -- very traditional and cute
Kelly -- i like this on both boys and girls. it's adorable!
Akoda Ocean -- not crazy about either of them
Alexis Chandler -- nms
Aloha Aiko-Marie -- that's like naming your child "Hello"...
Amity R. -- Amity is very cute
Asher Olivia -- cute!
Ashtyn S. -- i love Ashtyn! but i prefer Ashtin or Ashton and for a boy
Bentlee Rae -- Bentley is a car company...
Berrit Jean -- cute
Blakeley -- ew nmsaa
Bryce x 2 -- nms, but still cute
Cache M. -- Cache is a store
Campbell Rose -- awww!
Cameron Grace -- Cameron on a girl?
Candaysia Rihonina -- ugh!
Chandler -- i know a boy with this name, but i guess it could be unisex
Codi B. -- very cute
Corbyn Rose -- nms. and Corbyn sounds like a boys' name
Corey Aries -- they sound too similar. and i have a friend that spells it Kauri, which i think is much prettier
Doll T. -- Doll?!? poor kid!
Eanne A. -- never heard of it, but it's rather pretty
Eden Michelle -- LOVE IT!
Eziya Essence LaPrincia -- Essence of what?
Ezrian LeeAnn -- nms
Genesis Ava -- LOVE Ava, Genesis... not so much.
Harper Jade -- very cute
Heaven Leigh Anne -- not crazy about the name Heaven
Kai Shani -- ok
Kambria Isis -- oooh so pretty!
Kameron Grace -- on a girl again???
Kawaii Sameya -- nmsaa
Keiko -- nmsaa
Kendall Blake -- would be gorgeous on a boy!
Kenya Kemani -- one time i met a girl named Kenya and thought it was very interesting and unique. i like it!
Lakeyn W. -- ew
Laurel -- nms
Liberty Ann -- i definately wouldn't use Liberty as a name. it's like naming your child "Freedom," which would be a cool meaning, but doesn't really work as a name
Liberty W. -- see above
Lily-Rose E. -- awww!
Makaiden Bre'Anna -- ewwww
Mystry Kimberly -- oh poor girl
Parker Rice -- cute
Rio Celeste -- River Sky!
Sawyer Louise -- Sawyer seems VERY masculine to me.
Saylor-Vaughn -- why would anybody name their daughter Sailor?
Sierra Sky -- Sierra is nms, but i really love it in this combo!
Taryn Bristol -- oooh pretty!
Tristen Raie -- nms
Willow Jean -- Willow is nms, but i like Jean
Willow Jean-Sheree -- see above
Anglin Thomas Cyril -- nms
Arrow James -- love James sooo much, but Arrow?
Azule David -- cute
Barrett -- cute again
Bucky Jon -- sounds like a nn from the wild west during the gold rush
Burton Dale -- nms
Ezekeial Rain -- cute
Laken E. -- cute
Lex -- what's this short for?
Marley Michael -- nms
Shannon Kelly -- Shannon is too feminine, but Kelley is cute!
Shephard -- like sheep?
River C. -- River is nms, but still very cute and nice on other people's kids
Tuesday L. -- Wednesday
Xzion Jeffrey -- i don't mind Xion or Zion, but both the X and the Z are a bit much
Judeah & Josiah [boys] -- ahhh this is one of the cutest twin combos i've ever seen!!!
Morgan, Madison and Montana [girls] -- Montana is nms, but the rest are so cute!
Vixen -- the reindeer!
Brook -- nms
Benedicte -- nms
Beaudie -- Beauty!?!?!
Carma -- wouldn't have thought of it, but it's ok i guess
Holly -- traditional and cute
Misty -- cute again
Robin -- very adorable. works on a boy too.
Novalee -- nms but ok
Laurel -- not sure
April -- traditional and cute
Merry -- Christmas!
Dawn -- cute
Mary Jane -- a little bland but i still love it
Amber -- nms
Heather -- nms, but i know a girl with this name and it suits her quite well
Autumn -- oooh i like it!
Freedom -- see "Liberty"
Dusty -- on a girl? it's bad enough for a boy lol! that's a dog's name!
Violet -- ahhh i love it
Crystal Sky -- a bit too much lol
Iris -- nice!
Spring -- doesn't seem very name-ish, but i guess if people use Summer and Autumn, then why not?
Goldie -- locks
Devon -- i know a BOY named Devon...
Sunset -- i would name a goldfish or a parrot sunset
Charmine -- nms
Rosemary -- cute and simple
Morgan -- love it on both genders
Billie -- ...for a BOY
Desteni -- don't like it spelled like Destiny, so i definately don't like it spelled this way
Kendal -- Jackson. isn't that a wine company or something?
Orianna -- cute
Shasta -- this reminds me of the Cha Cha and idk why lol. weird association.
Garry Ann -- Gary for a girl?
Melody Faith -- usually names like this are nms, but i really like this combo!
Rikki Jo -- i guess it's feminine... enough.
Memory -- because they couldn't think of their child as "in the moment"
Coy -- nms but ok
Shaun -- love for a boy
Jade -- nms
Joaquin -- nms but ok
Dallas -- Texas
Hacienda -- ...what?
Loren -- is this a masculine form of Lauren?
Darnel -- nmsaa
Shannon -- on a girl
Chance -- nms but cute
Charmaine -- nms
Gail -- sounds old. and it's a girls name
Glenn -- cute but nms
Missey -- you can't name a boy Missey!
Shiloh -- the beagle
Christian -- very cute!
Justice -- nms
Troy -- personally i like it, but i fear that it's getting a bit trendy
Billy Joe -- sounds kind of hillbilly-ish (sorry!)
Cheyenne -- cute but nms
Cliff -- as in big and tall where the land ends and 200 feet below is a large gathering of very sharp rocks?
Robin -- adorable!!!
Lane -- Street
Casey -- ahhh so cute!
Rocky -- see "Cliff"
Rich -- very traditional and cute
Kelly -- i like this on both boys and girls. it's adorable!
This message was edited 9/1/2007, 11:19 AM