[Opinions] Eurydice
Probably my most "out there" E name for girls, wondering WDYT? Does it sound like the word urine? Would the nn Dicey work? I love the myth and would maybe consider using as a mn, but right now its just a GP. tia! :)
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I don't like it simply because it sounds like "You're a dice" to me.
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It's yoo-RID-i-see. I didn't know if you knew the correct prn or not, because the word "dice" is really only in the spelling.
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I knew the pronunciation, but when my brain says the word in my head and sees it through my eyes I get the "You're a dice" thing. I really dislike any pronunciation given to it though, much less the original.
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I personally love it.
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I think Eurydice is really nice, and I don't think it sounds like urine at all. I personally wouldn't use Dicey as a nn, but it could work. OT: I love the names in your sig, they are gorgeous :)
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Why thank you!! :)
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I think Eurydice is a nice name. It doesn't sound like urine at all. If it was Eurynice, then yes it would. I don't think Dicey would be a good nn. Mostly because that looks like it sould be pronounced DIE-see (like dice with a long e at the end). And the dice part by itself reminds me of disease. I think Eury or Eura or something like that would be a nice nn.
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