Family One LN: Callahan DMom: IsabellaBeatrix (24) DD: HaileyGrace (3) Dog:This family consists of a 24 year old single mother and her 3 year old daughter. They also have a female black lab.Take one name at a time please. Acacia Ember Echo Mystic Spice Taking Whisper
Family One LN: Callahan DMom: IsabellaBeatrix (24) DD: HaileyGrace (3) Dog:This family consists of a 24 year old single mother and her 3 year old daughter. They also have a female black lab.Take one name at a time please. Ember Echo Mystic Spice Taking Acacia
Family One LN: Callahan DMom: IsabellaBeatrix (24) DD: HaileyGrace (3) Dog:This family consists of a 24 year old single mother and her 3 year old daughter. They also have a female black lab.Take one name at a time please. Ember Echo Spice Taking: Mystic
Family One LN: Callahan DMom: IsabellaBeatrix (24) DD: HaileyGrace (3) Dog:This family consists of a 24 year old single mother and her 3 year old daughter. They also have a female black lab.Take one name at a time please. Ember SpiceTaking: Echo
And the winner is...Family One LN: Callahan DMom: IsabellaBeatrix (24) DD: HaileyGrace (3) Dog:This family consists of a 24 year old single mother and her 3 year old daughter. They also have a female black lab.Take one name at a time please. Ember Taking: Spice