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[Games] Re: Round 4: Bopperlynn's Congrats
UN: Cera
LN: Perkins
DH: Jeremy David [30]
DW: Daisy Elizabeth [29]
-DD/DD: Rosemary Colette / Felicity April [6]
-DD: Katherine Adelle "Kate" [3]
-AS: Lucas Diederik "Luke" [2]
-DD: Nicolette Antia "Colette"Boys: Ashton, Caleb, Tucker, Brody, Darby, Tanner, Braxton, Carl, Tyler, Jared
Girls: Grace, Regan, Nicole, Heather, Kendra, Morgan, Chastity, Destiny, Alexis, BrielleThat was actually kind of hard. I guess I don't have enough hate.
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