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[Games] Re: Round 4: Bopperlynn's Congrats
UN: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: Henry Jacob [30]
DW: Noelia Emmeline "Lia" [29]
-DS: John Elijah "Jack" [6]
-DD: Shiloh Paige [3]
-AS: Matthias Iason "Matt" [2]
-DS or DD: Kieran James
There are very few names that I absolutely despise, but I'll try anyway. Girls: Angel, Ashley, Jezebel, MacKenzie, Persephone, Winifred, Courtney, Whitney, Katrina, and Theresa.
Boys: Albert, Alfred, Barry, Harry, Adrien, Damian, Tucker, Cyril, Cecil, and Boris.
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