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[Games] Re: Round 4: Bopperlynn's Congrats [edited]
UN: Diamante04
LN: Thomas
DH: John Spencer [30]
DW: Jennifer Nicole [29]
-DS: John Spencer, Jr. [6]
-DD: Elisabeth Daniela [3]
-AS: Benjamin Luis "Ben" [2]
-DD: Sofia LouisaGirls - Amelia, Amanda, Bianca, Emily, Fiona, Miranda, Melinda, Nora, Penelope, WillowBoys - Christopher, Elijah, Felix, Gabriel, Julian, Nolan, Oliver, Rhys, Vincent, Xavier

This message was edited 7/13/2007, 1:52 PM

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You forgot to include 10 names for each gender you can't stand.
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Oops...sorry about that. I edited my original post to include them. Thanks for reminding me!
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