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[Facts] meaning of my name??
Hello there,
I´m 23 years old and I´m born in north germany Hannover.
My whole family is from germany and I met 1 other women with the same first name.
But she didn´t know either where our name is from and because everytime I meet knew people they all ask me the same question, where is your name from or do you know the meaning??
I have absolutly no idea but I really want to know it.
The same with my last name it doesn´t really exist a lot in germany!!
So,maybe you have the answer for my strange name!
Let me know if you can find something out.
Kind reagards
Inken Nätebus
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Hallo Inken,
mit "Naetebus" oder "Nätebus" hat man es wahrlich nicht leicht :-)
Mir erklärte ein Namensforscher vor einiger Zeit, das der Wortstamm für den Namen Naetebus - Nussbusch - wäre und über Abwandlungen - Nossbusch, Nottbusch, Nättbusch, usw. - sich im Laufe der Zeit zu Nä(ae)tebusch gewandelt hat. Da im norddeutschen Raum aus vielen 'sch einfache 's' wurden ( Barsch - Bars )entstand so der Name Naetebus.
Klingt plausibel, lässt sich aber leider nicht 100%ig belegen.
Herzliche Grüsse aus Berlin !
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Moin Inken!Your last name is really rare - I just found 15 people in the telephone register (incl. spelling variant Naetebus). Unfortunately I have got no idea what that name means or where it comes from.Inken on the other hand is a very common name in northern Germany. There are two possible origins for Inken:1) Inken is a pet form for Inka / Inke, Frisian and Low German variants for the Old Norse name Inga / Inge, meaning "devoted to the god Yngvi".2) Inken is a pet form for Enka / Enke, Frisian short forms for Old German names beginning with Eg- (Egberta etc.). That prefix means "(cutting) edge (of a weapon)"Hope that helps!
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