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[Facts] jeph
hey everyone,
it's me again.i have a question about the first name''Jeph'' i notice there's no info on the name.but i know it's a real name.i know there is a jeph loeb who writes for batman/superman comics.i think it's a Masculine but not sure ethnic background.but i think it's another name for joseph.
thanks you for your time.
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thanks cleveland kent evans and anneza,
in jeph loeb's profile it says his full name is Joseph "Jeph" Loeb III which made me think it was another name for joseph. and then i saw jeph howard full name and it's Jepharee Michael Howard. now i'm not sure what it short for.
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As Anneza says, Jeph is probably just a creative respelling of Jeff. However, there's an outside chance it's a short form of the Biblical name Jephthah. The original Jephthah was one of the "judges" who ruled Israel in pre-monarchy times.
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Jeff, creatively tweaked?
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