My daughter
Miranda Cherylsay: What a beautiful name...
think: ... if she was born in the seventies.
My daughter
Moriah Brynsay:
Moriah's pretty
think: but I don't like
My daughter
Abigail Gracesay: Hello
Grace is nice.
My daughter
Emilia Clairesay: Beautiful name
think: but I think it's a bit plain
My daughter Ashtyn Blaire
say: I love the name Ashtyn
think: but Blaire is a makes the name unisex.
my daughter
Rebekah Erinsay: Beautiful name!
think: I don't like it.
my daughter
Christiana Lilysay:
Lily's nice!
think: I hope she shortens her first name.
My daughter
Brynn Leahsay: Hey
Leah is so dated.
Brynn is okay.