[Opinions] Catalina?
Does that name remind you of anything other than the salad dressing? I was browsing the 100 top names in Chile in 2006, and this was second. Of course I've heard of it before, but never imagined it was that popular. So, WDYT?
It makes me think of...
me. :o)
Catalina was my nickname when I was younger, and to some extent, it still is. It's also the name I've adopted in every Spanish class I've ever taken.
Catalina Island was also a popular destination for me when I was a kid-- we'd go there every year or so, just because it's so beautiful.
That's what Catalina makes me think of, and in fact, I often forget about the salad dressing. People have to remind me it exists because it's not the first, or even second, association I have.
Overall, it's a beautiful name. I love it.
me. :o)
Catalina was my nickname when I was younger, and to some extent, it still is. It's also the name I've adopted in every Spanish class I've ever taken.
Catalina Island was also a popular destination for me when I was a kid-- we'd go there every year or so, just because it's so beautiful.
That's what Catalina makes me think of, and in fact, I often forget about the salad dressing. People have to remind me it exists because it's not the first, or even second, association I have.
Overall, it's a beautiful name. I love it.
I think of the Island, and salad dresssing , nms
I love it, but then I tend to love most forms of Katherine.
The dressing didn't even pop into my head. I actually really like this name and much prefer it over Catarina.
It reminds me of a catamara, which is this:
because I had a catamara named Catalina for years. Salad dressing didn't even enter my mind. Catalina is a nice name :)
because I had a catamara named Catalina for years. Salad dressing didn't even enter my mind. Catalina is a nice name :)
me (my mom and dad sometimes called me Catalina, I don't know why, my name is Audra, it just morphed out of other nn's that they called me...)
long, curly, brown hair (there are spanish girls that have that hair and look like a "catalina" to me)
Mexico and Spain
this brand of butter that's called "I can't believe it's not butter!" (because on the commercial for it they had a girl that reminds me of a "catalina")
me (my mom and dad sometimes called me Catalina, I don't know why, my name is Audra, it just morphed out of other nn's that they called me...)
long, curly, brown hair (there are spanish girls that have that hair and look like a "catalina" to me)
Mexico and Spain
this brand of butter that's called "I can't believe it's not butter!" (because on the commercial for it they had a girl that reminds me of a "catalina")
My frist daughter will be named Nuria Catalina Alizee or Catalina Alizée (I am NOT pregnant) so ovbiously I love this name which is not common here in mexico. I think it's really elegante and pretty and all though I wish she would not go by any nicknames I kind of like Catin (ca-teen)or Catina (ca-teen-uh)as a nickname for Catalina.
I think of the salad dressing first and Catalina Island second. The island is a beautiful place, but Catalina doesn't do a thing for me as a first name.
Out of context, it reminds me of the salad dressing, but I wouldn't think of the salad dressing if I saw it on a person. Catalina is lovely and refreshing, and I'd love to see it on a child.
Of course it does! Jewel Staite (better known now for her role on the show Firefly) played Catalina, my favourite character on the old Nickelodeon show Space Cases...which was pretty much my favourite show evar when I was about ten. She came from one of Saturn's moons, had rainbow hair and an invisible friend named Suzee (who was lame, for the record), and was a mechanical genius (I note a pattern in Ms. Staite's sci-fi roles). And she was cute as a button--voila:

Thus, I have really good associations with Catalina. :) If I didn't have so many other names I loved (and if I didn't love Katharine so dearly), it'd really be up there for me. I approve of the name.
Array (so painfully lame ;)

Thus, I have really good associations with Catalina. :) If I didn't have so many other names I loved (and if I didn't love Katharine so dearly), it'd really be up there for me. I approve of the name.
Array (so painfully lame ;)
This message was edited 5/24/2007, 12:35 PM
I've never heard of the salad dressing. If anything, I think of all the Catherines/Kathryns I know, or of Carolina, which sounds similar.
I like it quite a bit, a refreshing change from the endless Katherines, but not weird at all.
I like it quite a bit, a refreshing change from the endless Katherines, but not weird at all.
Actually, before I read your post, the first thing I thought was, indeed, salad dressing. Perhaps in Chile they don't use that kind. :P Catarina is much nicer, imo.
EDITED to say: Did you ever hear the camp song Catalina Madalina? I just thought of that as well.
EDITED to say: Did you ever hear the camp song Catalina Madalina? I just thought of that as well.
This message was edited 5/24/2007, 12:27 PM