[Facts] trying to translate these words
I am writing a book and need these words translated into a different language. I am having a terrible time trying to find the translation and was wondering if anyone could help me? Thank you so much I am very grateful.
I would prefer Latin but any language will do, here’s what I need translated: Duchess, Lady, Shadows, Stealth, Dark/Darkness, Witch, Woman, Thieve, Beauty, Lying, Orphan, Stealing, Ruler, Herbalist, Sneaking, Death. Thanks again if you can help me.
If you only know the translation of one word that will do just fine for me.
I would prefer Latin but any language will do, here’s what I need translated: Duchess, Lady, Shadows, Stealth, Dark/Darkness, Witch, Woman, Thieve, Beauty, Lying, Orphan, Stealing, Ruler, Herbalist, Sneaking, Death. Thanks again if you can help me.
If you only know the translation of one word that will do just fine for me.
In Croatian:
Duchess -vojvotkinja,
Lady -dama,
Shadows -sjene,
Dark/darkness -tamno/tama,
Witch - vjeshtica,
Woman -zsena (like zhe French J),
Thieve -kradljivac,
Beauty -ljepota,
Lying -laganje,
Orphan -siroche,
Ruler -vladar,
Sneaking -shuljanje,
Death -smrt.
J is pronounced like Y and C is pronounced like 'tz'.
Duchess -vojvotkinja,
Lady -dama,
Shadows -sjene,
Dark/darkness -tamno/tama,
Witch - vjeshtica,
Woman -zsena (like zhe French J),
Thieve -kradljivac,
Beauty -ljepota,
Lying -laganje,
Orphan -siroche,
Ruler -vladar,
Sneaking -shuljanje,
Death -smrt.
J is pronounced like Y and C is pronounced like 'tz'.
In Latin:
Lady: lady as opposed to gentleman is Femina; Lady as opposed to Lord is Domina or Regina
Shadows: Umbrae or Opaci
Stealth: Vafer (literally means sly)
Dark/Darkness: Tenebrae
Witch: Lamia, Praecantrix, or Venefica
Woman: Femina
Thief: Columnarius
Beauty: Formositas, Pulchritudo
Lying: lying as in on a bed is Cubantis; lying as in telling an untruth is Mentintis
Orphan: Pupilla (girl), Pupillus (boy)
Stealing: Clepentis
Ruler: Rex
Death: Mors
Hope that helps
Lady: lady as opposed to gentleman is Femina; Lady as opposed to Lord is Domina or Regina
Shadows: Umbrae or Opaci
Stealth: Vafer (literally means sly)
Dark/Darkness: Tenebrae
Witch: Lamia, Praecantrix, or Venefica
Woman: Femina
Thief: Columnarius
Beauty: Formositas, Pulchritudo
Lying: lying as in on a bed is Cubantis; lying as in telling an untruth is Mentintis
Orphan: Pupilla (girl), Pupillus (boy)
Stealing: Clepentis
Ruler: Rex
Death: Mors
Hope that helps
can you translate this phrase:
reina praecantrix from latin to english?
reina praecantrix from latin to english?
in french
Duchess, duchesse
Lady, Dame.latin : wife is uxor, uxoris.
Shadows, Ombres, latin : Umbra, ae.
Stealth, steal = furtif. stealth = furtivité
Dark/Darkness, Sombre / Ténèbres
Witch Sorcière
Woman, greek : guné, gunaikos. latin : mulier or femina
Thieve, Voleur
Beauty, Beauté latin : pulchritudine
Lying, Mentir
Orphan, Orphelin
Stealing, Voler
Ruler, Dominateur, maître, latin : master or dominus
Herbalist, Herboriste
Sneaking, s'esquiver, rapporter
Death, Mort, trépas, péril. latin : mors, mortis. letum, i. nex, necis (violent death)
Duchess, duchesse
Lady, Dame.latin : wife is uxor, uxoris.
Shadows, Ombres, latin : Umbra, ae.
Stealth, steal = furtif. stealth = furtivité
Dark/Darkness, Sombre / Ténèbres
Witch Sorcière
Woman, greek : guné, gunaikos. latin : mulier or femina
Thieve, Voleur
Beauty, Beauté latin : pulchritudine
Lying, Mentir
Orphan, Orphelin
Stealing, Voler
Ruler, Dominateur, maître, latin : master or dominus
Herbalist, Herboriste
Sneaking, s'esquiver, rapporter
Death, Mort, trépas, péril. latin : mors, mortis. letum, i. nex, necis (violent death)
In French...
You might need to verify these ones, as my french isn't that sharp
Duchess, Duchesse
Lady, Dame
Shadow, Sombre
Stealth, Peur
Dark/Darkness, Obscur/Obscurité
Witch, Sorcière
Woman, Femme
Thieve, Voleur
Beauty, Beau, Belle
Lying, Mentir
Orphan, Orphelin
Stealing, Voler
Ruler, Gouverneur
Herbalist, Herbier
Sneaking, Glisser
Death, Mort
Hope this helps,
You might need to verify these ones, as my french isn't that sharp
Duchess, Duchesse
Lady, Dame
Shadow, Sombre
Stealth, Peur
Dark/Darkness, Obscur/Obscurité
Witch, Sorcière
Woman, Femme
Thieve, Voleur
Beauty, Beau, Belle
Lying, Mentir
Orphan, Orphelin
Stealing, Voler
Ruler, Gouverneur
Herbalist, Herbier
Sneaking, Glisser
Death, Mort
Hope this helps,
Latin (and other languages) translation suggestion
Try going to a language conversion website. Searching Google with (for example) "online english latin dictionary" will come up with several. Be aware that sometimes you may have to check a few sites to see which one will work for you or to compare definitions/translations.
Try going to a language conversion website. Searching Google with (for example) "online english latin dictionary" will come up with several. Be aware that sometimes you may have to check a few sites to see which one will work for you or to compare definitions/translations.
D=German, S=Swedish, DK=Danish,
Duchess (D: Herzogin) (S: hertiginna) (DK: hertuginde)
Lady (D: Dame) (S: dam) (DK: dame)
Shadows (D: Schatten) (S: skuggor) (DK: skygger)
Stealth (D: Heimlichkeit) (S: hemlighet) (DK: hemmelighed)
Dark/Darkness (D: dunkel/Dunkelheit) (S: mörk/mörker) (DK: mørk/mørke)
Witch (D: Hexe) (S: häxa) (DK: heks)
Woman (D: Frau) (S: kvinna) (kvinde)
Thieve (D: stehlen) (S: stjäla) (DK: stjæle)
Beauty (D: Schönheit) (S: skönhet) (DK: skønhed)
Lying (D: lügend) (S: ljugande) (DK: lyvende)
Orphan (D: Waise) (S: föräldralöst barn) (DK: forældreløst barn)
Stealing (D: Stehlen, Diebstahl) (S: stjälande, stöld) (DK: tyveri)
Ruler (D: Herrscher) (S: härskare) (DK: hersker)
Herbalist (D: Kräutersammler[in]) (S: örtsamlare) (DK: urtesamler)
Sneaking (D: hinterlistig, heimlich) (S: bakslug, hemlig) (DK: underfundig, hjemlig)
Death (D: Tod) (S: död) (DK: død)
Regards, Satu
Duchess (D: Herzogin) (S: hertiginna) (DK: hertuginde)
Lady (D: Dame) (S: dam) (DK: dame)
Shadows (D: Schatten) (S: skuggor) (DK: skygger)
Stealth (D: Heimlichkeit) (S: hemlighet) (DK: hemmelighed)
Dark/Darkness (D: dunkel/Dunkelheit) (S: mörk/mörker) (DK: mørk/mørke)
Witch (D: Hexe) (S: häxa) (DK: heks)
Woman (D: Frau) (S: kvinna) (kvinde)
Thieve (D: stehlen) (S: stjäla) (DK: stjæle)
Beauty (D: Schönheit) (S: skönhet) (DK: skønhed)
Lying (D: lügend) (S: ljugande) (DK: lyvende)
Orphan (D: Waise) (S: föräldralöst barn) (DK: forældreløst barn)
Stealing (D: Stehlen, Diebstahl) (S: stjälande, stöld) (DK: tyveri)
Ruler (D: Herrscher) (S: härskare) (DK: hersker)
Herbalist (D: Kräutersammler[in]) (S: örtsamlare) (DK: urtesamler)
Sneaking (D: hinterlistig, heimlich) (S: bakslug, hemlig) (DK: underfundig, hjemlig)
Death (D: Tod) (S: död) (DK: død)
Regards, Satu
In Spanish...
Duchess, Duquesa
Lady, Dama
Shadows, Sombras
Stealth, Cautela, sigilio
Dark/Darkness, Oscuro/oscuridad
Witch, Bruja, hechicera
Woman, Mujer
Thieve, Ladrón
Beauty, Belleza
Lying, Mintiendo
Orphan, Huerfano
Stealing, Robando
Ruler, Governador
Herbalist, Naturista
Sneaking, Escabullendo
Death, Muerte
Hope this helps a bit,
Duchess, Duquesa
Lady, Dama
Shadows, Sombras
Stealth, Cautela, sigilio
Dark/Darkness, Oscuro/oscuridad
Witch, Bruja, hechicera
Woman, Mujer
Thieve, Ladrón
Beauty, Belleza
Lying, Mintiendo
Orphan, Huerfano
Stealing, Robando
Ruler, Governador
Herbalist, Naturista
Sneaking, Escabullendo
Death, Muerte
Hope this helps a bit,