[Opinions] Stephania
or Stefania.Newsreader on the radio today had this name.
Pronounced Steff-AH-nee-ahWDYT?Also a sibsetChristian
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It's lovely. Not something I would get around to using, but very nice.
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I don't really like the name Stephanie, or Stephania. For the sibset:Christian - ok
Cooper - don't like
Daniel - love
Jackson - don't likeThanks
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It's OK but not a name I would use for my daughter. The sibset is overall good:
Christian - don't like it
Cooper - nms
Daniel - love it
Jackson - love it
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I like it either way. And, I think Christian or Daniel for a boy would be great.
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It's ok, I prefer Stephania to Stefania.Christian, Cooper, Daniel and Jackson are a good sibset imo. Personally I love Christian. Daniel is nice as well although a bit boring. Cooper is the name I like the least and Jackson is ok especially with the NN Jack.
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