[Facts] Meaning of my name.??
I was looking thru this site and I noticed I can't find any information for the name Calixius. Anyone know what does this means?
Thanks. =)
I was looking thru this site and I noticed I can't find any information for the name Calixius. Anyone know what does this means?
Thanks. =)
i want to know what my name means.
*laugh* How about Kidman? (spelt different)
I couldn't find Calixius, but I found Calixa, which is close:
Calixa : Cali, Lixa : kah-LEEK-sah : Latin : goblet/chalice
Calixa : Cali, Lixa : kuh-LIKK-suh : Modern English : goblet/chalice
Calixa : Cali, Lixa : kah-LEEK-sah : Latin : goblet/chalice
Calixa : Cali, Lixa : kuh-LIKK-suh : Modern English : goblet/chalice