[Surname] Dayspring? Unusual...
I need to know if anyone has any information on the surname DAYSPRING
The farthest I can go back with it is to Prussia (my ggg-grandfather) in the 1840s. I think he might have changed it when he came to America or his family changed it. Any ideas on if it might be an Americanized version of a German surname or is it just accidental? I know its religious and that Jesus was referred to as the dayspring (dawn or like the sun rising). I've also learned that Dellinger means Dayspring and that there's a Norse God named Delling, Dellinger (aka Dayspring). I'm still stuck though.
The farthest I can go back with it is to Prussia (my ggg-grandfather) in the 1840s. I think he might have changed it when he came to America or his family changed it. Any ideas on if it might be an Americanized version of a German surname or is it just accidental? I know its religious and that Jesus was referred to as the dayspring (dawn or like the sun rising). I've also learned that Dellinger means Dayspring and that there's a Norse God named Delling, Dellinger (aka Dayspring). I'm still stuck though.